Starting A Continuous Harvest Grow - Need Advice

Almost forgot.....

These girls doing great, adjusting to transplant very quickly. I tried Ladycannafan's suggestion and used black as back drop and LC could not have been more right. Something about the black contrasting the green makes the camera seem to pick up the greens better somehow. These pics considerably better than previous pics.
Almost forgot.....

These girls doing great, adjusting to transplant very quickly. I tried Ladycannafan's suggestion and used black as back drop and LC could not have been more right. Something about the black contrasting the green makes the camera seem to pick up the greens better somehow. These pics considerably better than previous pics.
Nice. They look great.
Black absorbs light, so you don't have the reflective brightness washing out your colors. That's why in most of my nature photography I choose shady spots or use diffusers to keep from washing out details that a bright sun would cause.
Agree it looks like a temporary cal/mag deficiency issue. High levels of nitrogen, potassium, or sodium can also block the uptake of cal and mag.

I'm confused, so you are saying that reusing genetics continuously doesn't cause genetic drift,but the stress I cause during the grow causes genetics to change ? How am I changing genetics with grow conditions? but not changing genetics by cloning the plants with issues ?
You are confusing the effects of nature and nurture. Nature is genetics and nurture is the environment. The only plausible way to change genetics is to mix with different DNA through breading. Cloning adds or takes away no new information to the DNA. The plant grows to maturity then stops aging. There is no DNA breakdown over time with these plants.

It may never grow old but it can get injured and sick. If you broke an arm or got the flue you need to give it treatment and time to heal. If you don't take care of these things the flue turns to pneumonia and the broken arm won't heal right. Both could leave permanent physical damage. Even with proper care the residual damage from the flue and the healed arm could take your body years to be back to 100%.

Now imagine living 1,000 years and you never waited for your body to heal when you were sick or injured. Your DNA still looks like it did the day you were born. Your broken bones never mended correctly. Torn muscles never fully reattached. Internal organs riddled with scar tissue. You never aged or mutated. Not properly healing from the physical damage has left you a feeble shell of what you once were. Being immortal is not the same as invincible.

Forcing a plant to grow new roots when it should be healing from an injury causes this compounding issue. Make more sense?
Agree it looks like a temporary cal/mag deficiency issue. High levels of nitrogen, potassium, or sodium can also block the uptake of cal and mag.

You are confusing the effects of nature and nurture. Nature is genetics and nurture is the environment. The only plausible way to change genetics is to mix with different DNA through breading. Cloning adds or takes away no new information to the DNA. The plant grows to maturity then stops aging. There is no DNA breakdown over time with these plants.

It may never grow old but it can get injured and sick. If you broke an arm or got the flue you need to give it treatment and time to heal. If you don't take care of these things the flue turns to pneumonia and the broken arm won't heal right. Both could leave permanent physical damage. Even with proper care the residual damage from the flue and the healed arm could take your body years to be back to 100%.

Now imagine living 1,000 years and you never waited for your body to heal when you were sick or injured. Your DNA still looks like it did the day you were born. Your broken bones never mended correctly. Torn muscles never fully reattached. Internal organs riddled with scar tissue. You never aged or mutated. Not properly healing from the physical damage has left you a feeble shell of what you once were. Being immortal is not the same as invincible.

Forcing a plant to grow new roots when it should be healing from an injury causes this compounding issue. Make more sense?
Damn bro,that's very clear now,makes so much sense I feel dumb for asking now lol you very good at explaining this my man ty. So most likely what I'm seeing is compounded errors on my part ? So your saying No matter how small it adds up and even the effects can be brought along with the clone if health n conditions are not up to par!! ...ooof lmao.. 😂 so seems I need to refresh my cloning methods before this grow gets to that clone point and I need to update my mental banks lol
Damn bro,that's very clear now,makes so much sense I feel dumb for asking now lol you very good at explaining this my man ty. So most likely what I'm seeing is compounded errors on my part ? So your saying No matter how small it adds up and even the effects can be brought along with the clone if health n conditions are not up to par!! ...ooof lmao.. 😂 so seems I need to refresh my cloning methods before this grow gets to that clone point and I need to update my mental banks lol
Nice tho it's Good news your saying I can clone clones with no issues,so that means I can keep 6 diffrent mother lineages at same time !!! Thank you sativa1970 I really appreciate your info an taking time to type it out for me fr
? So if damage doesn't hurt the genetics how am I breeding that into the clones ? ....I'm confused, so you are saying that reusing genetics continuously doesn't cause genetic drift,but the stress I cause during the grow causes genetics to change ? How am I changing genetics with grow conditions? but not changing genetics by cloning the plants with issues ?
I see that @Sativa1970 has an explanation. This is similar and might help explain even more for anyone else that reads this thread.

A cigarette smoker might get a spot of cancer in his or her lung. Those cancer cells are genetically damaged and will continue to spread. But, any children the smoker has will not have the cancer cells. There are the genetics that are used to reproduce cells for any of the organs, blood, etc in our bodies. But this change in the cell genetics is not pass on during reproduction.

Another way. I have several strains that I have been cloning from clones from clones for years. But each time it was harder and harder to get the cuttings to root. And, if they did grow roots it was harder to get good, strong and healthy plants. I traced the issue back to the times when a plant's soil had gotten very dry and the plant had been severely wilted. Each time the vascular system that moves water, sugars/sucrose and nutrients back and forth from the roots to the leaves and to the stems would heal up.

But, each time any healing would not completely heal and a level of damage always remained. So each time I took cuttings each cutting already had a damaged vascular system. The new clone is an exact copy of the donor for good and bad.
@4our8ighty0 do you do any oil vape. 💨
Contest for freebies here

@4our8ighty0 do you do any oil vape. 💨
Contest for freebies here

Ofc Im a concentrate fan,thank you for the contest info. I was scrolling day before looking at sponsors n stuff n saw tons of pple winning stuff,is there a category or page that lists all the contests,give away,raffles and promos on 420 ?
Click on the sponsors tab at the top, you will see a list of sponsor threads and forums. That should help.
You might also check the New sponsor, @Bean Genie. They have a nice giveaway contest going on this week!

Click on the sponsors tab at the top, you will see a list of sponsor threads and forums. That should help.
You might also check the New sponsor, @Bean Genie. They have a nice giveaway contest going on this week!

Oh really nice I def will check them out, ty,I found some older ones but thank the grow I checked the dates before I entered into a year old contest looking like a tart ...again 😂
Oh really nice I def will check them out, ty,I found some older ones but thank the grow I checked the dates before I entered into a year old contest looking like a tart ...again 😂
I followed bean genie but got no notifications ? Can I set a notification for these things w sponsers and stuff similar?
Got my Neem oil this morning..... Only like 10$ for 8 oz of concentrate!! Makes like 10 or 15 gallons. It's so small I thought it was trash from rowdy neighbors so I kicked it Infront of there door(this a common thing w them) n noticed it's liquid contents n finally inspected it lol so I'm wondering how many other packages I've kicked to my neighbors lmao

Look how small this damn thing is 😂
I followed bean genie but got no notifications ? Can I set a notification for these things w sponsers and stuff similar?
There are no notifications when a sponsor contest is started unless you subscribe to their threads or watch new posts, that I know of. I am not sure what "follow" does. Maybe someone else can say if that sends notifications of someone you are following. ;-)
Hit the "watch" tab at the top left of the thread, and you will get notifications of posts to it. Once you have posted to a thread, you are automatically subscribed to it and get notifications, provided your personal settings allow them.

Also, a very helpful tool is using the "latest activity" feature of the forum. It shows all posts as they happen in real time, not just subscribed threads.


Ahh ok I see,I was confused,I thought following pple was why I was being notified about new posts on threads lolol. Ok that makes more sense tho. Ty LC, ngl 420 has the most in depth,extensive and confusing dashboard ever!!! It's great !!just takes a bit to figure it all out(technology wise,I'm a boomer for sure) I don't think I've even seen a hud with so many options !!
Both fallowing and watching will send you updates. Fallow notifies you when the sponsor/person, posts new content thread. Contests are often a new thread. Watch notifies you on just that one conversation thread. Likes and comments you make add a thread to your watched list. You can unwatched at the top right of each thread page if you don't want the alerts on a conversation anymore.
I followed bean genie but got no notifications ? Can I set a notification for these things w sponsers and stuff similar?
When you follow a member you should get an alert when they post
You can also click on my news feed to see new posts of people you follow
Yessir I'm hoping I can get it fairly even,my tact for rn is to slow the main staulk and it's branching down(I Topped and removed all fan leaves) allowing the side branching and new growth sites to develop(did not topp and lightly defoliated)
I usually let everything wolf out while tucking and maneuver growth tips to better angles allowing it all to grow for about 3or 4 inches(or once the topped sites develop 2 or 3 nodes)
After, I'll top the main stems first and depending on how uneven it is I'll top the secondary branching and hopefully all is even by then, but it's not too big a deal if not, I can always get it right on my next run,my flower room very tall. So I have cushion room (goal is a pound every 60days). I will train them all so I'll be Getting much better at my plant training aswell
I don't top at all -- my preference - seem topping + fan defo might be too much stress - reason why = letting the side branches caught up to the main stalk - - this help getting a even "scrog" transving the plants engery to the side branches making a even "scrog"
I don't top at all -- my preference - seem topping + fan defo might be too much stress - reason why = letting the side branches caught up to the main stalk - - this help getting a even "scrog" transving the plants engery to the side branches making a even "scrog"
Yea it is alota stress,I just had to cull 2 plants(2 of my best feeders w thick stems) cuz they Hermed after topping, defoliating and transplanting. Of I had space an more time I would try to topp method but I'm trying to keep veg time to under 8 wks and need a training method that I can do while living my life. So I was gonna try fluxing but idk if I can upkeep the required training on a reliable time frame. So I think I will topp them 2 to 3 times, then tie down the stalks to the 1 gal pots I been vegging in. Once I transplant to 5 gal fabric pots I will be able to work w the plant and guide them as the flower using safety pins,coat hangers and anchors like lc does.
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