Starting A Continuous Harvest Grow - Need Advice

Yea it is alota stress,I just had to cull 2 plants(2 of my best feeders w thick stems) cuz they Hermed after topping, defoliating and transplanting. Of I had space an more time I would try to topp method but I'm trying to keep veg time to under 8 wks and need a training method that I can do while living my life. So I was gonna try fluxing but idk if I can upkeep the required training on a reliable time frame. So I think I will topp them 2 to 3 times, then tie down the stalks to the 1 gal pots I been vegging in. Once I transplant to 5 gal fabric pots I will be able to work w the plant and guide them as the flower using safety pins,coat hangers and anchors like lc does.
found your grow :) and from reading earlier on in this thread about extraction , i have as you know purchased the AC unit and that is the single tube kind it only takes are from the room and pushes it through the condensor and out the window and duimpos the heat outside , now the beenfit of this even though i could have just used an tent extractor is for an extra £70 i got a cooler and duhumidifier as well and if i leave the top window open i can use the bottom window top extract air as the top window brings fresh air in to not only refresh the room but also extract the hot air . if you could get a two tube version where it takes air from outside and also dumps it back outside usiong the two pipes , you could connect a carbon filter to the intake side and vent the hot air out out your window giving you air extraction and coling if needed . and with one of these kits which i have purchased . here at the link i think you can get them ion usa amazon

it has zips to hold 2 ac unit intake and extractor hoses. it can just be used with a tent grow fan and a carbion filter . its what i use now to put my ac unit out of the window .

its made thje room a lot cooler and easier to control humidity too.
Hey bro you found me !! Nice that is a snazzy lil set up, I have a rolling ac unit not sure of the btu but it has a hose connection for exhausting but no intake hose,it works too well n I only use in summer time.

I could use this,in combination with my carbon filter too,I have neg pressure set up in grow room and in my lung room
yea i managed top find you , thats what i was asking about and you thought i ment th other guy ? i was asking you lol but sometimes with how msg boards go you can loose track of who your taking to when their are multiple replys lol. but yea your setup loks ace i would have loved to be able ot manage doing a wardrobe grow something stealth, thats why i went with tents it keps them out of view in a spare room, if i had house with an attick big enough id have an attick conversion and do it in the attick but i dont have an attick or loft to do it in. i could get a bigger tent and swap rooms so i sleep in the smaller grow room and put the grow roomm in my bedroom which is bigger and could get a bigger veg tent growing 4 in a 4x4 is quite hard to manage if they get too big i would love something like 2 5x5 tents if there is one thaty would fit in my bedroom with the clone tent just lol aparently accorind to some specs you can get 1200g out of a 4x4 and 1800 out of a 5x5 id only have to do one grow a year with a tent 5fx10t lol my biggest grow was around 1700g in another room smaller than this room but bigger than the tent it was maybe 4x6 maybe 4x7 room to grow and managed to get 17 ounce dry trouble is my boiler is in that room and although it does not make it wark whejn its on it sems to be well vented it has no windows and just one door so manageing heat and humidity is a big problem and dont want the boiler been in 780%-80% humidity when their are spikes during the night as other than leaving the door open evey night and day thats the onlyway i could keep temps and RH down to growing levels it always kept them high. just like me lol
also yea i will try get somepics of my setup i got just fits in coprner of the room with a bucket for the water overflow ( well techincaly its the drain off incase you dont want to use the inbuilt tank of to store condensed water. someone did say there not very good as they coook the roomdown as they dehumidifiy but if you take the hose of the back and let the air go into the room it warms just as much as it cools the air its only if you let it extract the warm air out the window . take the pipe of the back and the warm air from the condensor re-heats the air back up. so going for the ac unit instead of soley a n extractor fan i get a dehumidifir too which would have cost around 1)) so i saved money buying this , probaly saved £20 maybe £20 going for a single unit. if i want the room coooled and dehumidified i just connect the pipe back out to the window and de humidifier does both albeit down to 16c lol you can tell it to stop when it gets to say 20c that only works on cooling .

the plants look great i am thinking of letting them grow a littl ehigher then cutting a few bottom ones of and using them for clones so i can get in betyter underneath as the veg and flower. plus less fighting for light with the lower canopy so the lowers get more growth .
Lol ty bro I appreciate it,it's not even finished yet,I'm gonna convert the bigger cabinet on left side so I can have more room for my veg girls. I'll use the small one I'm using now as a clone room,I'll have 18 to 23 plants at any one time in various stages of growth clone/veg/flower. If I time everything right ,I'll be able to harvest about 1 lb give or take every 60 days. Yea now a days you can probly pull something close to 2 maybe 3 grams per watt on most any grow above 200 watts if grow is on point with conditions an genetics ofc!! I hear average gram per watt numbers are 1 gram to 1.5 grams per watt. I used to have a lot more space too. Some thing about being able to stroll the grow is just very satisfying. Yea high temps are very dangerous for cannabis,from what I've read cannabis crystals of all kinds start becoming volatile and evaporating at around 90f to 95f and even earlier depending on genetics. So be careful w heat in those attics bro fr. Ty for the compliment buddy
I followed bean genie but got no notifications ? Can I set a notification for these things w sponsers and stuff similar?
Figured I'd chime in on this one...
I struggled to navigate what I was looking for at first on this site, but once I figured it out, things got much easier.

Following a member only shows ya notifications if they make a profile post update, not every time they post. If you want to see their journal updates & such, you need to follow that journal.

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Hope this helps; apologies if this was something you're already aware of.
Oh no I did not know this lol I just been watching threads and searching in bar but this will make it so much easier. Thank you fr I checking it out rn
It helps me a bunch! :thumb:

I had the hardest time finding my way around when I first joined.

The only threads I need to do anything with are the "Of The Month Contests" threads. I go in and "unwatch" at the end of the month, and "watch" the new ones for the next month.

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I don’t follow too many people because it clogs my alerts up, then I can’t do my job as staff

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Sorry if I steered you wrong on the news feeds
I don’t follow too many people because it clogs my alerts up, then I can’t do my job as staff

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Nah bro it all helped,the only problem I see is remembering the details in morning lol but I can just scroll thru and refresh. I always appreciate the help,I just glad y'all taking the time ty
Ok so I was just scrolling right n it looked nda hit me .... remember those black dots sporadically placed on newest transplant ? These pics ..

Well they been driving me crazy cuz they look much darker as the plant heals and they only affect one side of leaf it's so familiar? And despite the black dots the plant is showing only healthy signs so I started going over my process and guess what.... I forgot to acclimate my 2 newest plants to the lowered full spec light I have....I acclimated the other plants starting at 5ft up !!!! I also remembered that that those black brown dots sporadically placed on plant could be...most likely are, light burn !!! They look very similar and would explain why there are only those dots and everything else is healthy. What do y'all think 🤔 I've already raised the light,watered fairly heavy and lowered temps. I will continue to watch and check on them again in morning. Gonna be a long day for me tomorrow alot to do n I burned a baby....I think .....
Calcium doesn't change the overall leaf color, just brown spots. Stress make the plant use more calcium. Once it acclimates, the stress and demand drops, so deficiency goes away.
leaf chart.jpg
Ok so,before I transplanted I mentioned how I try to only feed plants with soil,and compost teas until flower,before I transplanted I had them in 24oz pots for too long,the plants became light colored,once I transplanted they darkened up and look quite healthy.

The 2 newest are darkening quickly but,I took pics this morning

The back dots and the yellow around the dots is quickly filling in,it is on the mend,aswell as the color too is filling in and darkening. I think the light was the issue? I always start my light acclimation pretty high up due to my light strength. What do y'all think ?
dont know what they are but i have had them too the little odd black dot . only had it on about 4 or 5 leaves.
Do u remember when they appeared ? Was it after a major lighting change ? I'm stuck between it being a hotspot in soil from transplant or early light burn,I believe it's light burn because the plant is healthy except those black dots,it has stopped spreading and it is begining to heal. I raised light back to 5 ft dropped temps a bit and she is already looking better,color returning and yellow rings around dots filling in with green again. I'm betting light burn,I spaced tf out on the light acclimation I believe.....
Light bun looks like you tie dyed the leaf with bleach or light brown dye. Stress pushed calcium out of the cell walls as a defense. Lack of calcium in the leaf cells causes small brown spots. If unchecked the spot turns black with a yellow ring, often mistaken for frog eye fungus. Calcium only effects upper, newer, leaves that are still growing. Once the stress ends or calcium increased the yellow turns green but the spot is permanent. Frog eye will continue to grow bigger and spread to all leaves including old growth until treated.
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