Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

So as some of you may remember (that actually read and can remember....I know a lot of you read, the remembering :rofl:, well with this crowd there is entirely too much pot being smoked so I have my doubts :thedoubletake:) the Stank Surprise is actually three plants in the one 10 gallon pot. The origins of the three plants is the surprise part.

Generally whenever I find a seed off a plant that I didn't intentionally pollinate, I throw it in my "Stank Surprise" pile. They could have been from a nanner plant, they could have been from some random males that popped and their pollen made it to the different tent, or whatever other possibility. This batch wasn't from the actual pile, but from recent buds I had ground up and smoked within that month. I don't necessarily remember what seeds came from what plants....but I remember the possibilities of that time frame.

As the plants have been growing out, they start to favor growth patterns of certain plants. I had suspicions on what 2 of the 3 plants were offspring were from. The other was kind of drawing a blank for me. Well as flower is progressing, I am getting stronger scents from them. I am pretty sure that the tallest plant (and frostiest) is a cross of Black Cherry Punch x DTF (sweet fuely). The middle sized plant is believed to be BCP x Stankberry (Cherry candy smell). The shortest and least impressive is a cross of the Hawaiian and one of the males.

The smallest plant of the three, the believed mystery hawaiian cross, is just kind of a very unimpressive plant all the way around visually and is getting drowned out by the taller two girls. The structures on the other two are very impressive from a sturdy standpoint with really thick branching for their sizes. The taller plant has a bit broader nodal spacing but is easily the frostiest of the three and quickly approaching becoming the frostiest in the tent. It also isn't quit as thick or strong as the middle plant. The middle plant is going to have some very fat colas but they won't be real long. I think the middle one will have the denser of the nugs as well.....and the smells are incredibly cherry, but only on your fingers after you squeeze the buds. Its just sweet when you smell it without squeezing.

I didn't take cuts off either of those two but I may, despite them being on day 37. If the smokes just good and not great, I'll toss em.
Hey wanted to ask you about your green Hindu pheno that you ran before the purple one. How many weeks she run before you took her down in flower? Mine is a beast and looks nowhere close to being done after week 7 or so?
Let me look at the record book here.....hmmmm says 55 but I could have sworn it went longer. I know I looked at the pics at day 55 and they certainly looked ready! So I guess I gotta trust what i wrote down and say 55 from flip.

I don't think this one is going to be ready on 55....I thinking closer to 60 for the purple one. I need to raise them up to about 8-10 inches of the light here for the 10 days. Should probably do that for the Sour Cherries, and Jack as well :oops:
Digging your purple one seems like a different plant altogether it's structure for sure.
Yeah Ms Stanks green pheno stretched a lot more (but was grown in much warmer temps....probably 20 degrees difference). The purple one I am growing stayed much shorter despite both being vegged 65 days. Genetics or temps...hmmmm:hmmmm:
So looking at the Ace Seeds site they list four potential phenotypes for the Killer A5 Haze. Do you feel yours is #2 or #3 ? I don't think it's #1 or #4 do you?
I can't say 100% which one it is but 3 fits it the best only because 2 says it has more indica influence. There's no indica feeling to the buzz but it can be chopped at 70 days. The description for 3 fits that cut the best I guess:

Haze/Malawi pheno: Sativa dominant and well balanced pheno in terms of displaying characteristics from both Haze A and Malawi parents. It produces huge, very dense colas, with an excellent flower/leaf ratio, with the gleaming resin coverage of our Malawi. It produces slight reflowerings in its final stages, although not as pronounced as in the first 2 phenos. Incense and woody Haze aromas, with the oily and resinous background of Malawi. Flowering time: 75-85 days.
@neikodog because I'm a big fan of the cannabis plant I'm always amazed by the different phenotypes that can be produced by a single set of parents. What I find really interesting about the KA5 Haze is the fact that as @Van Stank said there is little to no stretch to the plant. So on one hand the growth pattern of the plant compares to something akin to a pure indica yet the plant is a sativa dominant pheno with characteristics of both Haze and Malawi. I have never grown Haze or Malawi but would think they're tough to keep from growing into the lights. So much fun!!
@neikodog because I'm a big fan of the cannabis plant I'm always amazed by the different phenotypes that can be produced by a single set of parents. What I find really interesting about the KA5 Haze is the fact that as @Van Stank said there is little to no stretch to the plant. So on one hand the growth pattern of the plant compares to something akin to a pure indica yet the plant is a sativa dominant pheno with characteristics of both Haze and Malawi. I have never grow Haze or Malawi but would think they're tough to keep from growing into the lights. So much fun!!
The A5 used in the cross is an old cross using Haze and Northern Lights. It's got the sativa buzz for the part, but from what I can tell, the structure and bud development is mostly from the Northern Lights side. Someone worked on the structure of it, because you bend it over and it turns into a beautiful bush with little to no effort.
That BCP is mighty tasty. I love the smell when I pop the top on the container. Really nice. :love:
I know it is! Its funny.....the last BCP I harvested I took all the fluff from low and had in a jar that I set away and forgot about for about 6 months. Was going to give it to the neighbor but completely forgot......anyways, the jars got real low on all my indicas and I started scrounging through all my hiding spots and low and behold found that jar of BCP fluff. Thats what I have been smoking for the last 2 months for my bedtime meds.

Vowed that all my indica fluff will be saved for just such an emergency!! :Rasta:
I know it is! Its funny.....the last BCP I harvested I took all the fluff from low and had in a jar that I set away and forgot about for about 6 months. Was going to give it to the neighbor but completely forgot......anyways, the jars got real low on all my indicas and I started scrounging through all my hiding spots and low and behold found that jar of BCP fluff. Thats what I have been smoking for the last 2 months for my bedtime meds.

Vowed that all my indica fluff will be saved for just such an emergency!! :Rasta:

I set mine aside usually fill up a bowl and leave in on the kitchen table as a treat for visitors. Then jar it up save it for later. The lowdown fluff ain't bad puffage. I actually like it a lot. Lots of times its what I puff on.

BCP is one of my favorites. What do you think it crossed with?

Flowers are looking good. You getting close. Gonna be a decent haul.

Any plans for a trim party? I'm in....
Hey all. Hope everyone had a great weekend. We spent most of ours doing snow removal and needed some recovery time. Tried to spend the day relaxing on the couch but after sitting for about 3 hours I was officially stir crazy and went to work :rolleyes:

First up was to spend some time with the ladies in the upstairs tent. I went through and did some clean up on the under carriages and gave them some top dressings.

Next we moved down to the soil area and started on some up potting that needed to be done. First up was Pamelina but I didn't get any pics of her. She went from a 1 gallon to a 2 gallon since she's the slowest growing thing I have right now.

After Pam, we up potted the Mimosa from her 1 gallon pot to a 2 gallon pot as well. Roots on her looked great and she should explode with some vigorous growth. Speaking of that....all the plants are going in the soil I mixed up on November 3rd. I would have liked to have given it another few weeks to cook, but I got plants waiting!

Following the Mimosa, we up potted the Lebanese girl from a 1 gallon into a 5 gallon pot of freshly cooked Stank Soil. The last plant we up potted was Ms Stank's Purple Orange CBD plant. It went from it's 2 gallon pot into a 7 gallon pot.......

Speaking of soil....opened the container to see just a little of the white fuzz on the surface. Good Stuff!

Mimosa (Clone) - Symbiotic Genetics - Veg Day 61

Mimosa is a cross of Clementine and Purple Punch. So far she's been a breeze to grow. Roots on her looked great from top to bottom. She went into her new 2 gallon pot where she will stay for a month before up potting for the flip.

Lebanese (Regs) - ACE Seeds - Veg Day 66

Got her all settled in her final home. She will be moved to a flower tent as soon as a spot gets opened (most likely within the next 7 days as both the Hindu and Sour Cherries are coming up on the chopping block). She will need some support, which I will add in the next few days.

Purple Orange CBD (Fem) - Dinafem - Veg Day 74

Ms Stank's girl has kind of gotten away from us a bit. She has exploded with growth the last 3 weeks and had gotten too big for her 6 gallon pot. Going to give her only as much time as it takes to clear some space for her. I am a bit fearful of the upcoming stretch with her the way she's growing. Gotta get her flipped soon! :ganjamon:

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