Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

hey van after you toke them it shouldn't be a problem lol!
Gonna be tough to beat Hindu Kush for bedtime meds.....and I think Sour Cherries is more of a hybrid so they will have different uses in the medicine cabinet.

I am hoping the Afghani will also be a good bedtime med for me.
Slow and steady on the snow removal, particularly since you haven't been able to bottle "youth" yet!

I'm digging on that Panama Haze. I hope it overcomes the funk :(.
Yeah I don't have any other choice Shed.....Slow is the only speed I have for that type work. Just got back in from another 2 hours out there shoveling and doesn't seem like I put much of a dent in things. Was hoping to get more done before it starts to ice up and solidify. Guess tomorrow will be another day like today.

The Haze is coming along nicely. I know I could just be paranoid with the leaves but I just don't want to see anything get a foothold in my tents. I have done everything I know how to do in order to keep this a funk free funk allowed.
That’s some serious PT with messed up ribs bud. You’re a beast!
Well you know what they brain, no pain!! I'm feeling it after 4.5 hours of it. Need to drink some more water......too much pot and not enough H2O.
Weekly Update

Did a full water on everything in the tents today. Took most of the day to do them all. I know I mentioned something last update about not liking a few of the leaves and fearful of any funk. Well I looked everything over really well during the watering and seems like the recharge I watered with last time has helped with the overall health of the plants. Didn't see many leaves that I didn't like with the exception of a few on the Panama but hers aren't looking like the funk so much. I will keep very watchful of everything in all the tents.

Lets kick things off with the Killer....

Killer A5 Haze (Clone) - ACE Seeds - Flip Day 51

Starting to see a little fade on some of the leaves with her (and everyone in the tent except the Stank Surprise) but the smells are starting to pick up. She smells different than anything I have run up to date. Can't even really describe it yet.

She's still drinking lightly which is fine with me....less work. If any of you have been wanting to grow an easy to manage sativa....the Killer A5 is it. No stretch...light feeder and drinker...and gonna be real easy to trim! She will also finish at a respectable time for a sativa as well (75-80 days).

Jack Herer (Fem) - Seedsman - Flip Day 51

Continue to be impressed with Seedsman's version of Jack. She is incredibly frosty, dense, and smells are kicking up into high gear. Pop em if ya got em!

To be continued.........
Skunk #1 (Regs) - Sensi Seeds - Flip Day 51

The skunk is starting to swell pretty good right now. Its not the frostiest plant by any means but she is starting to get that greasy look to her. Smells are more on the fruity and sweet side....definitely no skunk from it. I know its listed as a relatively fast finishing strain, but I don't see this one finishing anytime in the next 2 weeks. I am thinking she's gonna likely go close to 70.

Stank Surprise (Regs) - Stank Genetics - Flip Day 37

Talk about being surprised......I'll just let the pics speak for themselves :Rasta:

So looking at the Ace Seeds site they list four potential phenotypes for the Killer A5 Haze. Do you feel yours is #2 or #3 ? I don't think it's #1 or #4 do you?
Here is my Seedsman Original Skunk #1 at flip +32 days. The site says 9 weeks flowering time. Looking at her I think that should be close but I do tend to run mine a little longer till I see some ambers.
So looking at the Ace Seeds site they list four potential phenotypes for the Killer A5 Haze. Do you feel yours is #2 or #3 ? I don't think it's #1 or #4 do you?
You have asked me that a few times....and I still don't have any clue which pheno it is. I think to really be able to determine that, I would need to grow a whole pack out to know.
I think to really be able to determine that, I would need to grow a whole pack out to know.
Sounds like a plan. Get er done mate!! Let me know your results. And I've only asked twice.
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