Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Awesome lineup Stank.
Congrats on POTY.
You been on a hell of a roll:goodjob::bravo:.
African Meltdown 1.1 Flip Day 21

Only doing one update today and this is the lucky starlet. Talk about a new favorite in my garden....both from an ease of grow to the dynamite smoke effects. I smoked her this afternoon and went for a walk. Met and visited with neighbors we hadn't encountered yet, Got back home, was talking with Ms Stank for a while and realized I was still high 5 hours later. Soaring high....still like I had chugged a pot a coffee and really just amped. I decided to try something I have never done before.....trying to come down from a sativa high.

It wasn't that it was overwhelming....because it wasn't. It was that it was closing in on 9pm and I needed to be up early which means early to bed. Thats not something I have ever had to do though...and I feel like her potency is increasing along with her length of high as she cures. I mean come on...4-5 hour highs that stays that steady and strong? I am generally lucky to get 3 hours from a strain. And that is off only 3-4 hits on the bong.

Anyways back to her. She is a beauty like her mom and I won't have to worry about the soil being off and screwing her up. She will be getting her first flower top dressing of EWC, Kelp, Gypsum, Epsom Salt and Basalt tomorrow along with a watering. Not really getting a lot of strong smells from her yet. Overall a very happy and healthy girl.

Start off with a full flower tent shot.....lots of goodness happening in there!

African Meltdown

And a Goodnight shot from the Stank girls

Awesome lineup Stank.
Congrats on POTY.
You been on a hell of a roll:goodjob::bravo:.
Thanks Stage....always a pleasure to have to stroll through the place. Thank you for the congrats but its way too early for that yet, still a lot of votes out there. Let me know if you ever see anything ya like brother.
So gonna recap the days smoking adventure with that African Meltdown.

This was the third day in a row smoking her and her effects aren't diminishing at all. I smoked the first time at 11am. She was a nice steady upswing for a while. I was still feeling her picking up intensity out past an hour and half and she peaked at intensity around the 2 hour mark.

From there she stayed pretty stable with a little decrease over the third hour.Got to hour number 4 and I could feel her starting to fade. I had a desire to smoke again around 4:15 but didn't light up again until 4:30 pm. That puts her at a solid 5.5 hours between smokes. The second smoke lasted a while as well. We went for a walk and ended up meeting new neighbors and we chatted with them for a couple hours. Got back home and the back was kicking so I smoked some BCP at around 8:45-9:00pm. Thats almost 10 hours out of 2 bowls of 6-8 hits total.

Definitely haven't had anything nearly this long lasting.....and again, I ended up outside taking a walk. My next adventure with her will be to try her taking 2 hits at a time about every hour or so and see just how intense she can get. That won't be for a couple days. I just want to kind of test the limits of her high. Very very very pleased with this strain.......its definitely a special cut!

Going to give her a break tomorrow because I have a friend coming over to take her for a test drive Thursday and I want a day's break from her. Last time he was over, he had the BCP and he was too jacked to leave for a while. If the BCP did that to him, curious what this strain is going to do to him.
...every right to be scared of electricity...doesn't take much amperage to put "Yer" lights out... just a layman, but werked' on plenty of live chit both at work and at home...the odd "poke" now and then...but then Ya' see a journeyman get electrocuted(40 feet in the air on a lift, no less) cause something was wired wrong, Ya take note...He survived due to experienced ground men and CPR...I'll still play with electricity, but damn sure check 16 times till Sunday, that everything is dead and safe!...

...don't think I'll jinx it...but Yeah...looking solid on the POTY...:thumb::high-five:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:
Electricity scares the shit out of me.....always has. We are just looking to add a couple outlets into a couple different spots in the basement. Would allow me flexibility in determining where I want the tents to go, where I want the grow cave entertainment area, where we put the exercise equipment and where I set up the worms and soil bins.

I try to set stuff in a flow sequence....and right now nothing is where I want it lol. I didn't want to invest a lot of effort into until we got sparky out to do the work so I could then set it up how I want it to flow.

We got the Radon mitigation done today so now I feel better about spending time down in the basement. Getting the outlets put in is really the last thing we need to do before the big tent goes up.
...every right to be scared of electricity...doesn't take much amperage to put "Yer" lights out... just a layman, but werked' on plenty of live chit both at work and at home...the odd "poke" now and then...but then Ya' see a journeyman get electrocuted(40 feet in the air on a lift, no less) cause something was wired wrong, Ya take note...He survived due to experienced ground men and CPR...I'll still play with electricity, but damn sure check 16 times till Sunday, that everything is dead and safe!...

...don't think I'll jinx it...but Yeah...looking solid on the POTY...:thumb::high-five:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:

My buddy is an electrician and he says there's only three things you need to know about electricity: 1) It's invisible, 2) It's faster than you, and, 3) It will kill you! :rofl:
I played some of the big stuff on our medical equipment back when I was doing installs. Lots of 480 and some 230 stuff. Hated relying on sparky to do his job correctly.

Man I was doing a deinstall of an old system in Manhattan and they had dual PET-CT systems that shared an electrical room. They had the room labeled "TOM" and "JERRY". I was sitting on site waiting for the union sparky to show up and I asked the Siemens Project Manager if I could start shutting the system down. He gave me the old thumbs up and I as I was standing at the control panel as I asked him to hit the EPO.

He hit the button but none of my breakers tripped, but I heard a click on the panel next to it. So I double checked the label on the panel and the label I was looking at was indeed the correct room, but the panel popped for Jerry room. That system had been up and running for 8+ years with their EPOs wired into the wrong panels.

I was about to pop the EPO and start taking the system apart and had I not been standing there watching the breakers, I very well likely would have gotten hit when I went to decable the system. I have hit a few live wires elsewhere. A job in boston the sparky told me everything was dead and all the breakers were flipped. I went over looked at the breakers and saw everything popped so I said thanks. He left.....I started cutting cables. Blew my loppers in half LOL

He came back and I was sitting on my tool box with a pissed off look on my face and room was smoky. He asked "what happened?"

I threw my broken loppers at him and told him he was cutting the rest of the cables.
Electricity scares the shit out of me.....always has. We are just looking to add a couple outlets into a couple different spots in the basement. Would allow me flexibility in determining where I want the tents to go, where I want the grow cave entertainment area, where we put the exercise equipment and where I set up the worms and soil bins.

I try to set stuff in a flow sequence....and right now nothing is where I want it lol. I didn't want to invest a lot of effort into until we got sparky out to do the work so I could then set it up how I want it to flow.

We got the Radon mitigation done today so now I feel better about spending time down in the basement. Getting the outlets put in is really the last thing we need to do before the big tent goes up.
That's a healthy attitude to have. I'm putting a new tent together soon and I'm clearing a spot for it. 33 years of things that just needed to mostly go. I too am running a new line to it. I'll show you how it turns out. If you can't get someone soon enough we might have to spend a half day or so taking care of your situation. That is if your first statement wasn't to let me off. I understand you really don't know me as a man with skills in this area. The no license thing too. Not being able to get people to work small jobs reminds me of the early 80's when everyone was going big and fast. Good for small business, not always for us. Prices went up for services like no one was watching.
Question. With the radon mitigation, do you have to vent the tents to the basement only?
Yeah the tents vent into the basement. All the radon mitigation drilling a hole through your foundation (3") where they run a tube that is hooked up to a fan that sucks any and all air out that might be forming under your foundation and venting it up above the roof line.

And no the first comment wasn't to let you off.....its expressing my hatred of having to deal with it because too many 'sparkies' make mistakes that don't feel good when you discover them.
I was laying in bed at 1am......14 hours after smoking the first bowl and I was struggling to go to sleep. I felt the effects of the Meltdown even at 1am (8.5 hours after smoking the 2nd bowl) and was having a hard time going to sleep......even with the new batch of Canna-caps that are POTENT! The lingering effects of the Meltdown was cutting clean through the canna caps I took a couple hours earlier.

I told Ms Stank, its not a strain I think I want to smoke very late in the day due to how long lasting it is, or how potent. It certainly feels like the potency is really kicking it as its curing.
She doesn't play much with the Sativas. We are waiting for the cobs to finish and she can try those. She is very sensitive to smoking and she can't really hit a bong or pipe, unless its the cob. She can smoke the cobs and they don't bother her lungs.

She is more of a hybrid and indica girl.

My smoke report buddy has smoked it and he is like me in that its incredibly long lasting. He too had to smoke an indica to try and get the effects to die down after 4+ hours. He was using it to pack his house and he was loving it until he was ready to chill and go to bed. He hit the Hindu to back it off, otherwise it was too long lasting for him.

I knew it was long lasting but these last couple days have shown me shes NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. Don't mistake that for her high being too powerful. The high is amazing and wonderful....very euphoric (though yesterday it was a bit on the higher intensity level so it might be a bit strong for some that are sensitive to Sativas) but it isn't overpowering in my opinion. But the length of the high!! Jesus. What weed is getting stronger at the 2 hour mark and and is still solid at the 4 hour three hits?

When I smoke my indicas for bed....I load the big bowl and I usually take 5 to 8 medium hits depending on how the weed burns (dampness 59% RH bud burns much better than the 62% stuff). I am curious what 5-8 hits of this would do......but I am kind of afraid lol.

I am going to hit the Tangie Ghost Train later today and see how that Sativa feels compared to the Meltdown and see how long lasting she is. I have a few errands I need to run today before I smoke LOL.
She doesn't play much with the Sativas. We are waiting for the cobs to finish and she can try those. She is very sensitive to smoking and she can't really hit a bong or pipe, unless its the cob. She can smoke the cobs and they don't bother her lungs.

She is more of a hybrid and indica girl.

My smoke report buddy has smoked it and he is like me in that its incredibly long lasting. He too had to smoke an indica to try and get the effects to die down after 4+ hours. He was using it to pack his house and he was loving it until he was ready to chill and go to bed. He hit the Hindu to back it off, otherwise it was too long lasting for him.

I knew it was long lasting but these last couple days have shown me shes NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. Don't mistake that for her high being too powerful. The high is amazing and wonderful....very euphoric (though yesterday it was a bit on the higher intensity level so it might be a bit strong for some that are sensitive to Sativas) but it isn't overpowering in my opinion. But the length of the high!! Jesus. What weed is getting stronger at the 2 hour mark and and is still solid at the 4 hour three hits?

When I smoke my indicas for bed....I load the big bowl and I usually take 5 to 8 medium hits depending on how the weed burns (dampness 59% RH bud burns much better than the 62% stuff). I am curious what 5-8 hits of this would do......but I am kind of afraid lol.

I am going to hit the Tangie Ghost Train later today and see how that Sativa feels compared to the Meltdown and see how long lasting she is. I have a few errands I need to run today before I smoke LOL.
That's true respect there. What a great find. Sometimes we need to get through things that take that kind of time. What a find!
Yeah I have another buddy coming over tomorrow. He's getting ready to go to florida for the winter so he wants a good sativa to take with him. This just might be what he's looking for!
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