Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Two days on the budlets showing hairs. My plants are already in preflower prior to flipping. I don't consider it with hairs until the budlets show what you saw there. Others my call it differently, but thats how I measure mine. I include both days in my count as well. Generally most strains take between 6-10 days for them to get to where I call them 'flowering'. Yours may happen faster cause you might be looking for a something different than me.
Stankberry Seedling Day 7

This is up to date as of today. All 4 are looking healthy. A couple are showing marks from where the seed shell was stuck for a bit. Roots are progressing and are visible on all 4 plants, but no superstars at this point. They got a drink of rain water yesterday. They have 3 more days and they will all be moved into the LED tent.

Stankberry #1

Stankberry #2

Stankberry #3

Stankberry #4

Group Shot

Plants are amazing Stanks, id love to break shovels with ya learning to blend that soil! I can only hope to at some point enter in a cup! Great work I'd be so proud! My favorite part of the Hightimes was opening jars and wafting the smells.
Your going to rock it! I'll send smoke signals to the Ganga gods from here that day, don't you fret Sir! Best news I heard in a long time!
I cannot believe that they would be able to give an honest opinion whilst judging when they just ran through everything. I

theres a youtube clip somewhere of tommy chong on stage at one of these events and he said something along the lines of "im already high so not sure how im suppose to judge the next one"... Clearly thats not his exact words lol but this was a number of years ago and killed my interest in the cups cause he made a valid point about the judging lol

plants are looking stellar van! Cant wait to see you crushing it in the 10x10!
I'm having nice success with this paper towel method, but I can't seem to keep them alive once they come above ground these days... My last batch I lost 10 seedlings due to hot soil and now today another 10-15 in a new seedling mix due to dampening. Slight breeze alerted me to the problem so I've propped them up and hoping for the best but won't lie if I say I'm pretty angry with myself..
I did indoor soil once and never again. I think. With coco i know where i stand. Soil can be a big variable... dont know exactly what is in it.
Hope to get soil mixes right thus weekend on the course.
Morning mr.Stank I was trying a soil mix as I'm still trying to find a good soil that I'm happy with so all my seeds mini mixes of diff batches. Last batch I added 4 month composted manure sieved it fine but only 7 made it so not going to mess around with it any time soon.

My newest mix was 50/50 organic lawn dressing and coco and this is where al the dampening is coming in. Spoke to a mate last night who mentioned that he read somewhere it could also be harmful bacteria or similiar from the mix. Going to have to wait and see who survives as I've propped them all up....

Never played with coco either so got some homework as its the pH game with that but ( friend )suggested just plain coco as starter material for first month or so.
Bro. Coco and greenhouse powder feeding. U wont look back i promise. No guessing.
There is no easier medium than soil, no other medium is so forgiving, and after the initial set up/mix you don’t have to do much. You can leave the plants for a week, use just plain water, and save money on expensive chemicals. No mixing, no measuring, no testing ph/ppm.

There are soil recipes out there that are proven to deliver. Stank, Bobrown, and others have slightly different recipes but all are delivering.

Put the time and effort on the front end building the soil and then put it in cruise control.

Nothing against coco or hydro. But the amount of chemicals and nutrients required to sustain these grow methods is insane (globally). I can’t justify the added consumerism, and pollution, for minor improvements to my grow.
Yeah I am a soil monkey man. I love playing in dirt. I am a water only grower and love it (at least when I don't forget to mix in a key ingredient like epsom salt). My yields are on par with hydro if not better than some and I don't deal with nutes or pH. I do a couple top dressings at specific times of the grow and thats it other than straight rain water or an ACT. Doesn't get much easier than what I do. All my work takes place on the day I mix it up. Two hours work tops and I am good for 60+ gallons of soil, though at the new place with more room I will need more soil so I will likely mix double batches so 120+ maybe 3 hours work. After that, its rain water only. Its my idea of paradise growing. And to me thats what we all want in the end, our own version of growing the way that suits us individually. Doesn't matter if its soil, coco, aeroponic, DWC as long as it gets us what we want, how we want.
I don't have the space or inclination to construct my own soil, but I do like the fact that I don't have to water it but every 2-4 days depending on the stage of growth. And I'll be simplifying my nute regimen as soon as I use up all the bottles of FoxFarms!
Soil can be a big variable... dont know exactly what is in it.
That's the best reason to start with a basic soil (if you're going to use nutrients and not build your own). I've switched over to ProMix HP so I know there's nothing in it but what I add.
Yeah I am a soil monkey man. I love playing in dirt. I am a water only grower and love it (at least when I don't forget to mix in a key ingredient like epsom salt). My yields are on par with hydro if not better than some and I don't deal with nutes or pH. I do a couple top dressings at specific times of the grow and thats it other than straight rain water or an ACT. Doesn't get much easier than what I do. All my work takes place on the day I mix it up. Two hours work tops and I am good for 60+ gallons of soil, though at the new place with more room I will need more soil so I will likely mix double batches so 120+ maybe 3 hours work. After that, its rain water only. Its my idea of paradise growing. And to me thats what we all want in the end, our own version of growing the way that suits us individually. Doesn't matter if its soil, coco, aeroponic, DWC as long as it gets us what we want, how we want.
Soil Rocks! see what I did there, but right about methods Van. All methods Rock!
I don't have the space or inclination to construct my own soil, but I do like the fact that I don't have to water it but every 2-4 days depending on the stage of growth. And I'll be simplifying my nute regimen as soon as I use up all the bottles of FoxFarms!

That's the best reason to start with a basic soil (if you're going to use nutrients and not build your own). I've switched over to ProMix HP so I know there's nothing in it but what I add.
I have seen your space you have Shed, that is not a valid reason brother! If you wanted to you could mix up your own soil in an area as small as kiddie pool or on a tarp in a 6'x6 area. Now not wanted to invest in the work, I get. But if you had the desire, you have the space. Not trying to sell you, you know I love that everyone does their own thang.....just letting you if it was something you ever wanted to do you have more than enough space to do it.
I have seen your space you have Shed, that is not a valid reason brother! If you wanted to you could mix up your own soil in an area as small as kiddie pool or on a tarp in a 6'x6 area. Now not wanted to invest in the work, I get. But if you had the desire, you have the space. Not trying to sell you, you know I love that everyone does their own thang.....just letting you if it was something you ever wanted to do you have more than enough space to do it.
And that's why I included "inclination" :).
Catch up at your own peril bud! You can probably summarize with I grow in my own homemade LOS soil nicknamed Stank Soil. I have converted from tap water to rain water for watering. We try to grow em big . I usually do some sort of update either daily or close to it of at least one strain in the perpetual. Today will be Amherst Sour Diesel and Black Cherry Punch. We usually have a pretty good variety but we are kind of in the middle of buying a house so we are limiting to the new strains until we are settled. Hopefully we will be all moved in by the beginning of December.

Any specific questions, please feel free to ask. If you do go back to the beginning, don't ask about the water bottles on the tent poles, they are gone and you will get the answer to that question about 60 times thoughout the entire journal lol.
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