Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

I, too have extensive martial arts training but I can tell you this, if I can keep the bad guy from getting that close to me I prefer to. And I am no match for more than one assailant. I am a realist, I know my limitations. I agree having martial arts training is a very good skillset to have, but so is firearm training. And I am learning from the best.
What about running lol

Just playing :Namaste:
Stankberry Seedling Day 1

Evening everyone. Figure we will kick off today's round of updates with the newest edition to the Stank Clan. We are 4 for 4 on the Stankberry seeds. We had a couple minor surgeries that I needed to perform in regards to removing seed shells but nothing serious. Not much to report on them at this point, they will be here in the solo cups as long as I can keep them there!

African Meltdown Flip Day 21, Day 15 With Hairs

Did a full plant removal and tent cleaning again today, once a week if it needs it or not! Anyone notice the water bottles are cut down?? Gave this girl a gallon of rain water. All the plants are slowing their drinking down quite a bit as the temps have dropped quite a bit.

You will notice I added a couple pics of a some leaves. I am starting to see my first real signs of deficiency in the soil. Looks to be what looks rust spots which can be a phosphorus deficiency. There are a lot of tops on this girl so I suppose it could be phosphorus struggling to meet the demands. Anyways, I top dressed some seabird guano in there (along with the top dressing of EWC, Glacial Rock Dust, Basalt, and Gypsum on the last watering) and will likely top dress some Kelp Meal as well on the next watering (I meant to do it today but watered before I added it.....Opps). Gonna monitor it.....its only showing on a couple leaves at this point.

She didn't stretch nearly as much as all the others growing this strain had. They all think I have a very Chernobyl leaning pheno. I did get a good whiff of lime come from her. I will be doing some selective plucking over the next 5 days to make sure we have good penetration....its like a jungle in this girl's canopy. She is getting nice and frosty for this time.

It's a beautiful plant and BIG. I would imagine it could use extra this and that to keep up with all that bud production.
Black Cherry Punch Flip Day 42, Day 32 With Hairs

Here is the one everyone is waiting for. Gave her a gallon of rain water today as well while we had them all out of the tent. We had to do some more stringing her up as she was flopping everywhere. I love moving her to get good pictures but she is so freaking big its a pain in the ass.

I know you guys are probably tired of me going on about her smell but HOLY HELL. And she just keeps adding frost to her! She is really enjoying the cooler temps and is changing colors now. She is definitely putting on a show...damn diva!! Hope everyone enjoys your night!

And here everything is piled back in for the night!

the infamous stankberry! Should be another fine crop

Hey Urb thanks brother. Yeah the coffers are getting bare on the Stankberry and its all my friends favorites. Hope I can get another one with the blueberry muffin smell! Good seeing ya brother! :passitleft:

It's a beautiful plant and BIG. I would imagine it could use extra this and that to keep up with all that bud production.

Thanks Beez. If you look at all the other pictures of her, she hasn't had a single spot or even a burnt tip up until this point. She has been very fun to grow! I will have here back to health soon.

Great stuff man that tent is packed :adore::adore:

Thanks KB! I appreciate it man! Its crowded in there for sure except for the opening to the front left.
So it doesn't hurt the plants, or encourage molds or anything with them packed in there that tight? I'm sure the lights are strong enough. I just wonder about all the places the plants are rubbing against each other and also the sides of the tent.
So it doesn't hurt the plants, or encourage molds or anything with them packed in there that tight? I'm sure the lights are strong enough. I just wonder about all the places the plants are rubbing against each other and also the sides of the tent.

Nah, keep the air flow going and as long as the RH isn't through the roof and the girls are fine. The African is way too thick right now but she is just about ready for a hair cut. Well I usually wait until about day 24 to do my post stretch defol. I will clear some of the lower stuff out. The BCP is eating about 3-5 leaves a day so she is doing a lot of my work for me...I just pluck em off when she's done with em.

Our season has switched now to cool and the RH has dropped quite a bit (in the 39-45% right now) and I have good air circulation going in there so mold or bud rot isn't a real threat yet. The African will start slowly losing her leaves on her own in another 2 weeks or so. Really air flow is the key if your temp and RH are in the manageable range. I only have issues when I know I should have the AC on to drop the RH but I try to be a cheap ass.
Amazing pics and plants Van. I'm sure you'll have those deficiencies taken care of in short order. I bet you took those cut water bottles off the corners so that people would stop asking about them!

Those BCP cola pics should be used to represent the plant wherever they sell the seeds :thumb:.
Yeah I really don't do the social media thing.....insta gram do hickie....but I gotta say, I liked some of those shots and if I was that breeder, those would be the type pictures I would want people to see. I loved seeing the color coming out in the leaves and the frost.

And I did take those bottles down so that we all wouldn't have to keep answering that same question lol. I always appreciated the assists Oh and Shed, have I mentioned the smells? My buddy with the recent hip surgery is finally doing well enough to climb stairs so last time he came over I had him come up so he could see her. I told him to play with her a bit and then smell his hands. He did a little little squeezing and then sniffed and I swear I wish I could have recorded his facial expression. He said something like "GTFOH......dude that smells like something between a cherry poptart and a cherry sweet tart!" Needless to say he is anxiously awaiting his sample of this one! In fact he wants to do the harvest again LOL.
Oh and Shed, have I mentioned the smells? My buddy with the recent hip surgery is finally doing well enough to climb stairs so last time he came over I had him come up so he could see her. I told him to play with her a bit and then smell his hands. He did a little little squeezing and then sniffed and I swear I wish I could have recorded his facial expression. He said something like "GTFOH......dude that smells like something between a cherry poptart and a cherry sweet tart!" Needless to say he is anxiously awaiting his sample of this one! In fact he wants to do the harvest again LOL.

You know, I may have to run the BCP first if you keep up this kind of sexy talk. ;)
I don't think you would go wrong running either of them. I am glad I let this one go for a while in veg even though I had to let her recover from her Neem bath. They are going to grow so differently for you. I am looking forward to growing out another BCP now that i know how she grows. If you have the space, give it time. I think I have a chance at 10+ ounces on this plant. She has some really solid nugs for this stage. I think she is gonna be a yielder. If this one ends up being over 10, I think I could do it again in the 10'x10' and go for a pound as well. I love my monster cola plants, but man the yield on these more spindly plants is crazy to ignore. I am not getting the 18" arm sized colas but what I am getting has got some weight to it.
Everything is looking beautiful Van! You are doing an amazing job with both of the big girls. I'm glad the BCP's intoxicating smells are coming through for ya. When I had it I would always spend extra time sniffing that girl. When I would get a visitor I always would have them give that plant a little rub and get the same kinda reactions. Most people don't know cannabis can have such pleasing smells. They all think skunk and that's it. Someday I'd love to pheno hunt the BCP, that one was 1 of 2 seeds I popped. The purple one was just as good but more fuel in it.
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