Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Tangie Ghost Train Harvest Update

I pulled all the paper bags full of the Tangie Ghost Train out of the fridge after 11 days drying and tested the humidity and we are in the final stage. I got it all weighed up and the yield is higher than I estimated. We have a total yield of 341 grams after drying (I am estimating the cob weight loss based off what my % have been on the other cobs....shouldn't be more than 3-4 grams difference heavier or lighter regardless). We have 285 grams in slow and low dried buds, 6 grams of tester nugs that really crispy, and 50 grams of COB (Started out over 100 grams, currently sitting at 70 and should be done at around 50 grams).

We are very pleased with these numbers. Blown away is really a better word. That lanky spindly sativa shocked the shit outta us. Still can't figure out how she yielded that much. I was hoping for 6 zips and got just over 12.

So what do those numbers look like on the Stank-O-Meter? 341 grams comes out to 12.04 ounces. She was grown in a 10 gallon pot so that comes out to 34.1 grams per gallon. That is actually our top yielder based off yield per gallon of soil. Makes me wonder how much of that is attributed to the switch to rain water or her just being a straight up studette. Moving on to the rest of the numbers. Grams per day over the the whole life of growing her was an impressive 2.32 grams per day (78 days in Veg, 69 days in Flower). That is second only to the Northern Lights which was over 3 grams per day.

I am gonna give the clone of her a shot to really show me what she can do once we have the 10'x10' up. I think I will grow it in a 15 gallon pot. Its getting big as is in its 2 gallon (its already bigger than the mom when it was flipped). She will have another month at least before I flip her. I know how she likes to grow now and I have a better idea what to do with her to increase her yields. I think I should be able to get over a pound off her assuming she produces like her mom. Cheers!!
What is the height of your 10x10 tent? I would love to have a room to dedicate to growing. Maybe 16 x 10 I'm thinking. With the 10x10 flowering area. The 6x10 is where the sink and shelving and work table would be. There would be a hose coming into the room from outside and the rain water barrels with a pump set up.
What is the height of your 10x10 tent? I would love to have a room to dedicate to growing. Maybe 16 x 10 I'm thinking. With the 10x10 flowering area. The 6x10 is where the sink and shelving and work table would be. There would be a hose coming into the room from outside and the rain water barrels with a pump set up.
Its 84" tall according the manufacturer....Its only a couple inches taller than the 4x4 but it will allow me so many different ways to utilize its height.
I keep having this crazy dream. I promise I've had it enough times that I remember the details. Anyway, I make a set-up just like those upside down tomatoe things. Topsy something or other. Anyway, I start out with the Topsy thing upside down so the plant is upright. I top it at the 6th node ( I know, very detailed dream) and when the new growth gets about a foot tall at that point I flip the Topsy thing over so now it's hanging upside down with the plant pointing towards the floor. Now what the plant does it reach outward with it's branches and start growing upward again (picture a U) towards the bottom of the plant. Before it reaches that point I flip it again. Someone try it and let us know how it works.
I keep having this crazy dream. I promise I've had it enough times that I remember the details. Anyway, I make a set-up just like those upside down tomatoe things. Topsy something or other. Anyway, I start out with the Topsy thing upside down so the plant is upright. I top it at the 6th node ( I know, very detailed dream) and when the new growth gets about a foot tall at that point I flip the Topsy thing over so now it's hanging upside down with the plant pointing towards the floor. Now what the plant does it reach outward with it's branches and start growing upward again (picture a U) towards the bottom of the plant. Before it reaches that point I flip it again. Someone try it and let us know how it works.

Please pursue your dream...
DTF Seedling Day 1

DTF is one of our creations. We had a very nice Durban Poison female that I crossed with a monster ATF male. Ms Stank is credited with the strains name of DTF :p:love: LOL....I love that woman! Anyways this is a continuation of the germination experiment. I planted these based on how long the tap roots were. DTF #1 popped up this afternoon. DTF #3 is just curling up above the soil. If you look close at DTF #2 you can stop it coming up. DTF #4 is there but you can't really see it yet. By the time I wake up later today, all 4 should be up so I am going to call 'today' as Day 1 being that its after midnight.

Also included are the next go of our Stankberry strain. Hopefully there will be at least one girl, hopefully more though!! In a perfect world.....2 girls of both the DTF and the Stankberry. We better get this house closed soon cause these Stankberry plants WILL grow out of our tent if there are any more delays! Should be a fun show! I am looking forward to what the DTF is gonna do!

Just might be! Depends on how many ladies I get. I don't want a wacked out ratio one direction or the other. I will be happy with 1 lady of each, thrilled with 2.....not really interested in thinking about more than that. I generally run right at a 50/50 on regs. I figure I will end up with 3-5 ladies out of that batch and I will be perfectly happy with any of those numbers. Just no 0,1,7, or 8 thank you very much!!
I keep having this crazy dream. I promise I've had it enough times that I remember the details. Anyway, I make a set-up just like those upside down tomatoe things. Topsy something or other. Anyway, I start out with the Topsy thing upside down so the plant is upright. I top it at the 6th node ( I know, very detailed dream) and when the new growth gets about a foot tall at that point I flip the Topsy thing over so now it's hanging upside down with the plant pointing towards the floor. Now what the plant does it reach outward with it's branches and start growing upward again (picture a U) towards the bottom of the plant. Before it reaches that point I flip it again. Someone try it and let us know how it works.

my mom tried growing tomatoes a few years back in those upside down hanging grow bags... They worked, but she wasnt happy with the overall quality/yield she got out of them and hasnt used them again since.... My theory was it was unnatural for the roots to grow upwards against gravity... But it would be interesting to see if the plant showed any stress from the flip... Maybe because the roots are already established it wont notice.... Just speculating, very cool dream idea...
DTF Day 1

Here is the official group shot of our first DTF plants. Day 1.....I love this time. You don't have any idea what to expect from the new tiny plant. It could be a monster or it could be a dud. It could be a chick or dude. They are so cute there first couple days.

The Stankberries are starting to try and crack the soil, #1 and #2 are in a race to be the first....a slight lead to #2 at this point. Both should be up at some point today. No action on #3 or #4 yet, but suspect to see them peeking through in a few hours

Amherst Sour Diesel Veg Day 46

Time for another update on this girl. She is rolling along pretty good. She isn't as perky as some of the other plants I have grown but she looks pretty happy right now. By later tonight she will be wilty and look tired. I am just slowly working the top two shoots out as I let the lower nodes try and catch up. She probably has another 25-30 days before there will be any room to flip her so she has a chance to get big. I will let her go a few more days and then take some more leaves off her and adjust the bondage straps.

I continue to just lightly water the top inch or two of the soil as the roots search for more down low. I want to fill that 2 gallon pot of up from top to bottom, almost to the point of being root bound. More roots, more and bigger shoots.

Yeah i like my ladies on thick side! No stick figure skinny girls here! Well thats not true...but girls like this are much easier to deal with in flower. They tend to support themselves with very few issues.
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