Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Here was the Widow test nug. Just stuffed her ass in the bowl and smoked her whole. Mellow high and relaxing. Not a distinct flavor yet.
Natty Nug
Like that you got your bean making down Stankman. I effed up a Jack Herer plant outside back in the day. Over pollinated which would have been fine if that was what i was trying to do. Going to have some Zamaldelica pollen to play with and will be crossing it with a peyote critical just for fun. Need to brush up on my pollen laying skills.
Black Cherry Punch Clone Flip Day 6

Coming to a close on the first week of flip. She is just starting to stretch a bit. Gave her a gallon of rain water last night and she looked happy today. Still early so not much to report. I might pull her out of the tent tomorrow and give a last foliar spray before the hairs show up.

African Meltdown Veg Day 90

Here are her first pics post up potting. Gonna try and give her another week or so before I flip her. I need to adjust the straps again and spread her out a bit more. That will likely be the last major bondage adjustment before flipping her. She is supposedly a big time stretcher but I don't think I will get what my friends have been getting just based off all the LST done to her. I find most times when I do a lot of LST and super cropping they don't stretch as much. We will find out if that holds true to this girl.

She got 2 gallons of rain water when she got up potted. She looks like she is taking off since the up pot. I have a feeling things are going to move fast with this girl when she goes into flip. She is a sexy sexy girl! Gonna be a lot of tops on this girl!

Sweet strain, hope it's nice and loud!

I have smoked the mom......that she is! Its a nice strain for sure. I believe its the green pheno but I can't remember which one is supposed to be the better.
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