Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

God that's a terrible looking plant
Strain looks terrible, genetics are crap
How can u put yourself and @Ms Stank thru this kinda of torture

Well done my friend, well done, incredible looking plant indeed:welldone::bravo::bravo::bravo::cheer:
Thanks brother! We are both thrilled with the maiden grow of our first strain!
My Dabbie was way smaller bud wise and she’s for sure 3 zips! You got 6 or 7 zips of delicious stank berry! Nice job Stanks! I like the 4th picture with the guitar the best;)

Thanks Newty! So far we have one vote for 3rd from the bottom and 4th pick with the guitar. Any other votes? Yeah you all are probably right, it will probably give me more than 5 but I hate disappointment so I don't want guess over my goal LOL.

id say thats the perfect strain for ppl with plantcount limitations hehe

Thanks PT, I appreciate it. It definitely would fit the bill for that, but not so much if you have height issues. She was a big time stretcher. Went from 24" to 46" above the soil in stretch.

That's on a whole new level bro! :goodjob:

Yeah she is sexy brother. I am almost gonna feel bad when I chop her in a bit. Gotta post the updates from last night that I never got to make on the Blue Dream and the Hindu.
Hindu Kush Veg Day 24

Ms Stanks latest installment is starting to really pick up steam in her bigger pot. I came down to a surprise 2 days ago. Ms Stank had been struggling to decide what she wanted to do with this girl. She was torn between letting it go naturally (like the Nukehead #2) or doing some training to try and get her bigger. Well when I came down that morning I opened the tent and I saw she had topped this girl. Guess she made up her mind.

I think her comment was something like "how can I not want to make her look like this one (points to the Northern Lights that was sitting next to her)". Guess I can't say I blame her.

She got a nice drink of ACT this morning as well.

Thanks PT, I appreciate it. It definitely would fit the bill for that, but not so much if you have height issues. She was a big time stretcher. Went from 24" to 46" above the soil in stretch.
i just measured my canopy ... the highest shoot is at 3 feet ... with my light inclined on the side they can go to 48 if needed but what i mean is a strain like stankberry that produces baseballbats , imagine it with some lst ... :)
Blue Dream Flip Day 33, Day 25 With Hairs

The nanner girl keeps chugging along. Ms Stank plucked a few more nanners off her last night while I was giving her 2 gallons of ACT. She continues to stack nicely and really showing the Blueberry side of her, much stronger than I expected. @Asesino85 did yours smell like Blueberries, the Haze side or some other mixture of terpenes? This one is not quite as blueberry smelling as the Stankberry is, but its really nice as well.

Seeing a few of her leaves starting to yellow just a little bit. Will leave them for the plant to use as it sees fit. Frost seems to be coming along nicely.

Bonus Shot

First time really looking at this tent without the Stankberry in there. Looks kinda empty without the tower in there to greet you! I think the Nukehead on the right will done soon as well. Gonna bring her down and look at her today. Might be doing another harvest this weekend if things go the way I want.......of course she could end up needing to go another 5 days or so too.

Really hoping that the malted barley that I added to the ACT and top dressed with will do what @bobrown14 says it will with reducing flowering times. Gotta say it seemed to make a difference with the Stankberry. The Nukehead is really producing some killer fading colors on her. Gonna try to snap some more pictures of her in a bit. If I can get her out of the flower tent, the Northern Lights will go in there immediately. Gonna need a lot of room for her!

My BD auto from humboldt had more of a peppery haze smell and taste only the first few tokes from a j had a slight blueberry taste
She had a very strong peppery haze scent in veg that drove me crazy. It was like catnip to me! Was kind of hoping it would go that route. Guess I will just have to grow out more to try and find one that has the smells I like (not that I don't like bluebery, i love it....but I loved that peppery haze smell more) the way I want.
She had a very strong peppery haze scent in veg that drove me crazy. It was like catnip to me! Was kind of hoping it would go that route. Guess I will just have to grow out more to try and find one that has the smells I like (not that I don't like bluebery, i love it....but I loved that peppery haze smell more) the way I want.
i grew mine out in soil with alga nutes and i found she was not very smelly compared to other strains ... but yea i must say that my Blue Mazar tasted better .... anyway i still have 2 bd seeds left maybe i should give them a spin in coco ;)
BD is rocking it ... from afar it almost looks like its made from plastic ... just as the NL ... i see you also are getting them typical dry pistil colour that makes BD stands out its a mix of beige and yellow ... almost like babypoo ;)
Yeah that plastic look is caused by higher brix levels in the plant. Trying to push my soil to higher levels of that.
You will start getting two fixes a week Derby. The other BD clone has hairs on her in 7 days. She gets an update tomorrow. You can see her peeking up in the back row in the tent shot.
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