Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

So I spent hours yesterday relocating my two grow tents from upstairs to a spare bedroom downstairs. Reason for this is the heat pump upstairs went out and had to be replaced. What a royal pain in the butt moving all that stuff and the plants and hiding all the nutrients etc. But I got it done. This morning I realize I had screwed up and I'm afraid I screwed up horribly. I went in to the room to find the light still on in the flowering tent. It should have gone off at 10pm last night and come back on this morning at 10am. I found out I had plugged the light into the power strip but NOT into the timer. So the plants got an extra 10 hours of light. AM I SCREWED?
They look great. You got room for them???
Well room is a premium but I have the breeding tent for them. I am likely only going to keep two of the three Blue Dream clones, so that will make things easier.

I don't intent on growing them out very big....just big enough to do the breeding job. I will give em another week in their little pots and then up pot to their final pot and another week or two after that.
Just topped mine (and the DTF and StankBerry) today...

great review...

"it creates a famous, instantaneous buzz, that can make colors seem brighter, and everything else seem happier and easier"

Who doesn't need more of that in their life?
I can attest to the instantaneous nature of that buzz. I had a recent day where my lower back and hip area were on fire and really letting me know they weren't happy. I had used the topical and it helped quite a bit but the hip area was still playing hell on the pain chart. I decided to grab the ATF. Went outside, took 3-4 quick hits and walked back in the house.

That uplifting nature to the mood was the grind of the chronic pain was gone. The pain in the hip and lower back were gone before I got back in the house. I remember commenting to Ms Stank "Damn I love this strain, its amazing how quickly it works. All the pain is gone"
Harlequin Male aka Nutty Professor!! Cant wait to see whatever you end up crossing with that male. Is that a high CBD strain? I think maybe I read that somewhere. It was on the internet so it has to be true right!!!??!!??!! Have a green day!! :goodjob::rollit::volcano-smiley:
Hey Scottay! Yes the Harlequin is a high CBD strain.....generally produces between a 2:1 CBD to THC ratio and a 5:2 ratio. Its a 75% Sativa, 25% Indica
I can attest to the instantaneous nature of that buzz. I had a recent day where my lower back and hip area were on fire and really letting me know they weren't happy. I had used the topical and it helped quite a bit but the hip area was still playing hell on the pain chart. I decided to grab the ATF. Went outside, took 3-4 quick hits and walked back in the house.

That uplifting nature to the mood was the grind of the chronic pain was gone. The pain in the hip and lower back were gone before I got back in the house. I remember commenting to Ms Stank "Damn I love this strain, its amazing how quickly it works. All the pain is gone"
Big Pharma hates that story!
I am glad you had good luck with your freebies. Mass Med and everyone that commented on the post saying they had bad luck were truly disappointed with the instability. They all mentioned how it was never a problem before. The seeds are not cheap and I have considered grabbing Killer Queen seeds due to them being cheaper and cuz I have had some really nice KQ years back. There is another breeder called Kingdom Organic Seeds that has a C99 F4 that they sell. You can grab a 10 pack for $50. I could not tell you how stable they are but with the recent reviews of Brothers Grimm gear i would rather stake my money on KOS. Especially with them being 1/3 the price.

ya finding this all out now im kind of glad i didnt blow any extra dough to get the c99... Would love to have it, But not for that price.... And ya i think KOS is the same company that overlord mentioned earlier... Greenman organics... Atleast thats what i read on the google... Lol

it is really quite a shame about brothers grimm, i had hopes they would stick to their staples of quality.... But as usual greed gets in the way... The freebies i grew were a duke diamond cross from what i understood anyways.

@beez0404 i am not an expert but i think if it was less than 24 hours just put them back on their 12/12 schedule... Might stall for a day or two but shouldnt be a huge issue..... Someone else may know more than i do though
Morning "Da Stanks"... Just wanted to drop a thought I had last night about those Dreams... Question really... How big were the clones when you got em, and did you just stick em in the ground so to speak and water, cover, and such or did you put em in a grow pod???? Thanks and Green Days

Here is what they looked like when I took them. Took them 8 days to show roots and they went directly into my Stank Soil. So the pictures above are with 7 days of time in the soil.

Here they are going into the small containers......after the 8 days in a humidity dome

And here they are 7 days later......

Here is what they looked like when I took them. Took them 8 days to show roots and they went directly into my Stank Soil. So the pictures above are with 7 days of time in the soil.
Are they stuck in a brownie? Yum.

What do you put them in immediately after cutting?
So I spent hours yesterday relocating my two grow tents from upstairs to a spare bedroom downstairs. Reason for this is the heat pump upstairs went out and had to be replaced. What a royal pain in the butt moving all that stuff and the plants and hiding all the nutrients etc. But I got it done. This morning I realize I had screwed up and I'm afraid I screwed up horribly. I went in to the room to find the light still on in the flowering tent. It should have gone off at 10pm last night and come back on this morning at 10am. I found out I had plugged the light into the power strip but NOT into the timer. So the plants got an extra 10 hours of light. AM I SCREWED?
Well you caught it quickly, which is good. Seems that most people that do something like this do it for about a week or two before the plants start acting funny and force them to investigate what is wrong. One day isnt the end of the world hopefully brother. I can't say for sure that you will be in the clear but if it was me, i wouldn't worry too much about it. Learn from the mistake and move on brother.
So I spent hours yesterday relocating my two grow tents from upstairs to a spare bedroom downstairs. Reason for this is the heat pump upstairs went out and had to be replaced. What a royal pain in the butt moving all that stuff and the plants and hiding all the nutrients etc. But I got it done. This morning I realize I had screwed up and I'm afraid I screwed up horribly. I went in to the room to find the light still on in the flowering tent. It should have gone off at 10pm last night and come back on this morning at 10am. I found out I had plugged the light into the power strip but NOT into the timer. So the plants got an extra 10 hours of light. AM I SCREWED?

Sup B... I kinda do that a little more ofter than not as I dont use a timer.... Mine are going outside so I try to match Light stress and schedule of outdoors natural light.... That being said Mine are very responsive, but dont die by any means... Posting some recent pics a little later on my journal.... Green days all
Are they stuck in a brownie? Yum.

What do you put them in immediately after cutting? Blew, those are not brownies (though admittedly now I want to eat some brownies....THANKS!).....those are rapid rooter plugs. Just soak em in distilled water with the clonex solution and stick the clone in em. Throw them in a humidity dome and keep em nice and comfy (75 degrees is about perfect).

All you have to do is keep that brownie looking thing moist (not wet.....gotta make the roots search out the water) and just leave em alone. Don't paw at em, pick at em, poke at em....just spray once a day and let em be. I like running clones under T5s, its gentle and I have great luck with em. Next go around I am going to use the little LED strips and try them out. I like the T5 cause I can run it an inch or two above the dome and it provides just a little heat to them to keep them toasty!
Thx for those pics Stanks :) and explaination.... I have had some who tell me that you should take smaller clones for inside grow than outdoor grows as you have more manipulation on indoor plants.. I see that on here that the Stressing and manipulating is Important in the end for Space and etc.... As a rule every clone I make or have is done with the intentions of going outdoors till this next Grow... I will be hopefully starting my First Indoor designated grow by July 1 at the latest.. Green Days to all :smokin:
Big Pharma hates that story!
It took this happening to me in order for me to be a believer in it. Before this back injury I used to scoff at cannabis as a medicine. My take was "Look I don't care if you want to smoke and get high, to each their own, but don't try to justify it by saying its a freaking medicine".

Well, I hate admitting I am wrong but I do it. I know that @Guy Cavallero remembers reading me describe the first time I tried the ATF I had picked up out in Seattle by chance about 6 months earlier. I had been about 2-3 months into the injury and sleep was harder to find, the pain was wearing me down mentally, my mood was being tested and I finally decided "fuck it, lets try this 'medicine' out and see how it helps the back". I stepped outside in anticipation and took the first hit. As I held it in, I could feel an INSTANT tingle form where my head and neck meet. That tingle slowly moved from the neck area down to my lower back and the pain was gone. Less than 30 seconds.....GONE. First time in 2-3 months that I was out of pain.

I was a believer from that point on. About that time, Ms Stank and I talked (she was amazed how fast the ATF strain provided relief) and we decided that we were going to give growing a shot. And now I sit here typing this with the belief that cannabis can treat far more than we ever imagined and I am all in.
It took this happening to me in order for me to be a believer in it. Before this back injury I used to scoff at cannabis as a medicine. My take was "Look I don't care if you want to smoke and get high, to each their own, but don't try to justify it by saying its a freaking medicine".

Well, I hate admitting I am wrong but I do it. I know that @Guy Cavallero remembers reading me describe the first time I tried the ATF I had picked up out in Seattle by chance about 6 months earlier. I had been about 2-3 months into the injury and sleep was harder to find, the pain was wearing me down mentally, my mood was being tested and I finally decided "fuck it, lets try this 'medicine' out and see how it helps the back". I stepped outside in anticipation and took the first hit. As I held it in, I could feel an INSTANT tingle form where my head and neck meet. That tingle slowly moved from the neck area down to my lower back and the pain was gone. Less than 30 seconds.....GONE. First time in 2-3 months that I was out of pain.

I was a believer from that point on. About that time, Ms Stank and I talked (she was amazed how fast the ATF strain provided relief) and we decided that we were going to give growing a shot. And now I sit here typing this with the belief that cannabis can treat far more than we ever imagined and I am all in.

Where did you get your ATF from?
I am glad you found a medicine that works, and would like to give it a shot for my low back pain.
Well I mix about 16 ounces of water when I do it and I think I use 1/4 teaspoon of .......

to 16 ounces of distilled water.

Also get a spray bottle and spray that mixture on the underside of the leaves once to twice a day through out this process. It has very light N-P-K so it gives the leaves just a touch of the good stuff to help get it rooted.
Where did you get your ATF from?
I am glad you found a medicine that works, and would like to give it a shot for my low back pain.
They were from Neptune Seed bank and the breeder was Twisty Treat Seeds. I think they have stopped producing seeds cause they haven't restocked anywhere in the last 12 months.
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