Stanks Go Perpetual In 2018!

Blue Dream Flip Day 11, Day 3 with Hairs

This one is a bit overdue. Been a bit bummed about her the last couple days.....seems I split her stem a few days ago. She doesn't seem too upset about it, but I am unhappy with it. I know I was pushing it a little to try and open up the middle for some side branching to grow into but didn't want her to split.

She will get 2 gallons of ACT tomorrow. Looks like she has stretched about 3-4 inches from when I flipped her. I am expecting a whole lot more. She is the only other plant sitting on the tent floor besides the Stankberry....the rest are all propped up on #3 pots or on 5 gallon buckets. I still have fear that she is going to push the limits of the height of the tent.

Her canopy is getting thick from her leaves. I gave her a pretty good defoliation before flipping her but she is showing that she needs another one here soon!

And my poor girls awesome trunk...split in half

And a little comparison in terms of height with the Stankberry which is as tall as I can have with my light in my tent without removing the carbon filter.

Or I could just leave the state from Mothers Day till Fathers Day and then come home.

My sentiments exactly... Thats my home base... Beauty is often hand in hand with aggravation lol, just like a good friend or a wife... Hope I got that last part worded right LOL.... I remember the last " Conversation" about women friends on here... :cool:
Looks like she didn't miss a beat! You really think it's going to get close to the height of the Stankberry? That's a hell of a stretch. I think it's too late to seal that wound. Looks like it's callused over to me.
I know it probably won't fix it...but the zip tie will at least keep it from continuing to split. Just another of my experiments brother. Slapped some clonex gel and a zip tie on her.
Yup,..good move Van,..gotta keep her from splitting apart. She would surely do that without help.
You used that word again...:reading420magazine:..that dreaded starts with a 'd'. Reminds me of Nam......come on Van,...ffs man.....:passitleft:
OK, gotta keep as many leaves on as possible. When you remove some, or PRUNE :)ganjamon:)as we say.....
look down from the top....what i like to see is a blanket of green, with no spaces. As bloom continues, leave as many leaves on the plant as possible. Reason is the 'brix' drops significantly as leaves are removed, meaning , yes some buds will get bigger , but quality drops off. Anyhow ...just a thought...or two. Have a groovin night Van, and gang.:circle-of-love:
Blue Dream Flip Day 11, Day 3 with Hairs

This one is a bit overdue. Been a bit bummed about her the last couple days.....seems I split her stem a few days ago. She doesn't seem too upset about it, but I am unhappy with it. I know I was pushing it a little to try and open up the middle for some side branching to grow into but didn't want her to split.

She will get 2 gallons of ACT tomorrow. Looks like she has stretched about 3-4 inches from when I flipped her. I am expecting a whole lot more. She is the only other plant sitting on the tent floor besides the Stankberry....the rest are all propped up on #3 pots or on 5 gallon buckets. I still have fear that she is going to push the limits of the height of the tent.

Her canopy is getting thick from her leaves. I gave her a pretty good defoliation before flipping her but she is showing that she needs another one here soon!

And my poor girls awesome trunk...split in half

And a little comparison in terms of height with the Stankberry which is as tall as I can have with my light in my tent without removing the carbon filter.

that is one amazing and healthy looking BD ... damn shes perfect ... not a single spot on pristine leafs ...
Clone Update Day 15/16 from Cuttings, Day 7/6 in Soil

Haven't given any pics of the clones taken a couple weeks ago. They are looking good, not a spot on them or a sign of stress. They have roots hitting the bottom of the pot and are throwing out nice new shoots. They got a drink of ACT yesterday. I will definitely say that 420's Blue Dream is an extremely easy strain to clones. Over all I am very impressed with their Blue Dream from growth vigor, scent, and structure. Hope the final product is as equally impressive!

Harlequin Male Update

We did our 2nd pollen collection off of the Harlequin male last night. I swear he is doing his best to do a solo bukkake in the downstairs tent. We moved him out of the bigger veg tent last night and put him in the small 2x2 tent for the remaining week or so of his life (we will do a couple more pollen harvests and then cut him down). Ms Stank cleaned the hell out of the 2x4 tent which we moved the Blue Dream, the male Stankberry, and the Northern Lights into shortly after.

The upstairs tent is officially a flower tent now and has both Nukeheads, the female Stankberry, the female Harlequin and the Jack Herer Auto in it. It will probably stay as is for 2-3 weeks where I will move the Blue Dream in there as well.

Anyways, we harvested a crap ton of pollen from the male last night. We are taking very heavy precautions to prevent any accidental pollination involving him. Showers and clothes being changed after any dealing with him. Misting things down in the flower tent when I open it up. Its going to be hard to keep it from happening completely, but we are going try our best in our current situation!

Here he is in all his glory.

And here is the result of his 'work' lol. This is what the mirror we use to harvest looks like after shaking 6-8 branches over it. From there we just use a card and just scrape it together and move to a glass test tube which gets a little rice to help absorb any moisture that might make its way into the vial. The vial then goes into a glass jar, with some rice and then it goes into the freezer until we are ready to use.

Harlequin Male aka Nutty Professor!! Cant wait to see whatever you end up crossing with that male. Is that a high CBD strain? I think maybe I read that somewhere. It was on the internet so it has to be true right!!!??!!??!! Have a green day!! :goodjob::rollit::volcano-smiley:
all i know for sure is that the original BG c99 stock was the epitome of stability.... Cant say much about the new stuff... My gut has been off about them shortly after they announced the feminized c99 and then with duke diamond leaving, it confirmed my suspicions... And the price was a little too much for me to justify, thats why i went killer queen and rosetta stone at purchase time. That being said the two freebie lavenderxp75(c99male) i just grew out were both females and grew magnificently.... So perhaps they got a bad pack of seeds... Who knows.

@SamSmith if you want to get c99, either try mosca seeds for their bx version of the original release... Or perhaps @overlord will be so kind as to share his secret source of original stock... Would love to get my hands on them.

@Van Stank that northern lights is truly awesome, love how she handles the abuse lol a hardy girl! That nukehead is impressive as well!

hope everyones having a great day!
I am glad you had good luck with your freebies. Mass Med and everyone that commented on the post saying they had bad luck were truly disappointed with the instability. They all mentioned how it was never a problem before. The seeds are not cheap and I have considered grabbing Killer Queen seeds due to them being cheaper and cuz I have had some really nice KQ years back. There is another breeder called Kingdom Organic Seeds that has a C99 F4 that they sell. You can grab a 10 pack for $50. I could not tell you how stable they are but with the recent reviews of Brothers Grimm gear i would rather stake my money on KOS. Especially with them being 1/3 the price.
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