Staker's 2017: SSSDH, Killer Purps, Dolato, Candyland & Breeder's Test Grows

Impressive as always. Those leaves.... :Namaste:

Thanks brother, the leafs are so full of life. Brix was 19. She's got good vigor, and great health, but seems slow to pack it on. I've been thinking about feeding her, but I still haven't, she's only gotten organics in flower till this point. Might try feeding one 100ppm each of raw P and raw K as a 'feed' to complement the rest of the soup, and leave the other unless she shows deficiency. :Namaste: I could A/B test when done :)

im excited to see what you get to i take it the 707 are out of the limelight due to the ds getting center stage lol,they look good cs!:thumb:

They are just in the back and the main light was off so i could foliar spray. The smoke from the 7's are going to be just as loved as the D, as they are a double dose of Sour. The Ds though, wow they are strong and aggressive and should yield really well. The stink is starting to come on them. STSD is going in between the two tall 707 sisters tomorrow. Will be five in there, plenty of light and room for them. My g/p/w will be shit, but it's been shit since I started not really caring about gpw, go figure. I'll use it in the future though to dial in on what is working. :thumb:

I'm going to try to get them out tonight for pics.
Ignored remark? I was expecting a funny full page response on why your not the biggest scumbag snitch in the cannabis industry..
Just got back into town was rural livin' lol
Ignored remark? I was expecting a funny full page response on why your not the biggest scumbag snitch in the cannabis industry..

Heya Grizz .
Just got back into town, got service & saw your post so I guess it's too late for the comedic post you were expecting but lol nah man I'm just a med grower, that's it.
You let me down bro.. i thought it was a good set up..:passitleft:
Almost mate... we want our cake and to be able to eat it too.. that's the idea..
Never meet anybody that said 'this is the best shit I've ever smoked,wish I grew less' :rofl::rofl: (I'm talking healthy plants )
But I'm just a simple Aussie :rofl:
Ya i had some guy over my house hyping his bud and how hes such a great grower i was quite fine afterwards ive yet to ever smoke anything medically besides blue dream that im like damn thats good. I'm very new to growing could be the problem but this is just my experience
look on the bright side.. Its better than having a shit low yielder :rofl:
that looks like some stuff i had in my santa cruz days i had a buddy that ha one of those beakers about half full we smoked on that shit every night for mos.playing bumper pool and drinking beer the good old days lol!
My thoughts...

I can push a plant to yield more, but there's always a price to pay in soil imo. Pushing in hydro might be different, I don't hydro so I've got now clue. But, I do know soil. I've been running and refining a version of this 'system' for 4 years, and run the gamut of products, lighting and methods.

My options as I see them in soil...

1- I can run passive hydro (high PPM), feed every other water, and reliably get 4-8oz in a 3gal.
>>>>From ideal: Yield is UP, near Max. Smell Taste and Potency DOWN from max by a few notches, especially taste.

2 -I can run full organic, no chems at all, let the soil grow the plant, and get maybe 2-3oz in a 3gal, and it will have great smell, taste and potency.
>>>>From ideal: Yield is DOWN, near Minimum. Smell Taste and Potency UP near Max. Smell and Taste on par with #3, Potency is just slightly below.

3 -I can follow the above method, but at key times, boost with low PPM feeds, while keeping the soil alive with enzymes, microbes, sugar, and minerals....and hope for 3oz in a 3gal.
>>>>From ideal: Yield is DOWN near minimum, but slightly better that #2. Smell Taste and Potency UP near max like#2, but potency is better MAX.

After running every variation of PPM, zero-max in soil, I'm currently running #3, and sometimes #2, until I find a way to get a better end product. I don't care whether that be with organics, synthetic or elemental, I like em all :)

Got a wrestling match tonight, but I'll see if I can get one or more plants to come out to play.

Filter came today, it's fucking Uuge. :rofl:
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