Stages' Summer Run - HSO Sour Diesel Auto - TH Bubblegum HSO Blue Dream in Coco

Favorite Auto Strain's

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oh yeh its late, be kind, more like 3 months then
Dude youve grown before, you know if they in on the stem they preflowers unless I cant see it properly??

Edit: dya know your camera looks decent... those look like gd pics jus the lighting is funny cus of the light, try white balance if it has that mode, its useful for pics under hps etc

I honestly cant wait to see this grow, the light shes under is gonna make her hugeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Stage i see big big BIG fat buds in your future
Big buds in my future eh? You received the crystal ball i sent ya? :rofl:
Lets much bud for a gram a watt? Well, I'm using a 600w + a 180w led = 780 grams or 27.8 oz's or over a pound and a half.
Not sure if I can total that amount after all girls are finished, but I'm ok with coming close tho.:bigtoke:
What's up folks?
Found out I have some travel coming soon. A couple of week long trips out of town.:rollingeyes:
Naturally I'm concerned.:whoa:
I am so anal about my grow that I don't want to piss the 1st lady off.
I don't want to stress her about the garden.
So looking around in my toolbox I am thinking of automating the watering using a 25 gal rez in a drip setup.
Sometimes you get bored and want to try something different.
I have only used my kit as an ebb flow grow, but I decided to pick up a few drip emitters and a fresh air stone and try to dial this in before I travel.
The main negative here is that I lose a great deal of headroom.
I expect the bubblegum to stretch over the next 3 weeks and I don't know if the reduced height in the tent is gonna cut it.
Currently, I have filled the rez and I have the air pump running over the next few days to de-chlorinate the water.
Would like your hear your thoughts on this. Yea, you too Herby.
Here are a couple of pics. Respect!
Stage out!
Whats wicked with ya mon?:cool:
Wednesday and I decided to weigh the sd3 drying bag harvest.
It's been 5 days of drying and the total is 196g. 7 oz. :ganjamon:
The buds are at 69% rh so they aren't quite where I want them before going into jars. Two more days.
Who says autos dont yield? They lie.:morenutes:

Whassup people?:clap:
Fumar Friday in the land of the un-free.
Shout out to my dude Herby. Mo pics later.
Herb, I weighed the sd3 buds from earlier this week and they have indeed reduced.
The rh of the buds in jars sits at 67%.
So the weight has dropped from 196g to 176g
I'll settle for the 6 zips :surf:
Stage out.:peace:
Quick post harvest update for those who are interested.
I have harvested the last of the autos. Hands cramped from trimming. Not complaining tho.
Got quite a bit of larf with this one. LST could have been better, but I will have much green butter ahead.
This plant was one of the lightest of the group but I love her anyway.:circle-of-love:
Skinny chicks can get it too ya know.
Fwiw the wet weight (pre-wash) was just over a pound (462g with sticks and stems).
Now I am left with only 2 plants, both photo strains.
Washed the buds and they will hang for a bit then into brown bags they go. Y'all already know the routine.
The 3 autos were harvested in 1 week intervals and I can now just focus on the bubblegum and blue dream.

Gonna roll a blunt and exhale.:blunt: Its been a busy morning. Stage out! :peace:
:jawdropper: you deserve this emote, bloody gorgeous!!!
Its so strange the blue tint your cam gives it, mayb u have it on a funny setting??
it makes it look like uk cheese
awesome plants man, lots of resin, youre gonna have enough bud to last decades
:jawdropper: you deserve this emote, bloody gorgeous!!!
Its so strange the blue tint your cam gives it, mayb u have it on a funny setting??
it makes it look like uk cheese
awesome plants man, lots of resin, youre gonna have enough bud to last decades

Thank you my dude. I bet its the flash. Oy vay. :high-five:
uk cheese is a strain I am looking to do in an auto run. You have any breeders you recommend?:geek:
The resin and funk remind me of classic George Clinton music.:theband:
Gunked up 2 pair of snips trimming her. Scissor hash anyone?
Heartfelt thanks for the + reps. :Namaste:
If I was you I wouldnt grow it from seed, find someone with the original clone, I used to have it but no more.
Ive grown the clone obviously and 3 diff breeders seeds, n everyone of the seeds were naff

Yea mane I can dig it.
Never grew clones. I don't have access to clones here.
So all grows are from seed.
I own a cloner, but have never been successful using it.:smokin:
Cloning and curing. Those are two areas I wish to improve upon.
Not that you asked....but this blunt told me to type that, so there ya go.:blunt:
I believe I have one. It's called Clone King 36 Site Aeroponic Cloning Machine.
I just suck at it. I admit it.:laughtwo:
man they clone thereselfs with one of those, just cut the clone at 45 degree under water, so cut of branch then hold under water n cut again. I like to put quarter strength grow nutes in the water along with a rooting additive but thats not needed. Put them in, doesnt even need a humidity lid on, 8-10 days your have roots
man they clone thereselfs with one of those, just cut the clone at 45 degree under water, so cut of branch then hold under water n cut again. I like to put quarter strength grow nutes in the water along with a rooting additive but thats not needed. Put them in, doesnt even need a humidity lid on, 8-10 days your have roots

Did all of that. No bueno dude. I think the temps were too low for them to root.
I had my clones in there for like 12 days and nary a root to be seen. Maybe next year.
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