Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

Hi Folks :ciao:

This weeks update, a day late...:sorry: been a bit under the weather, litterally I think. It's been mid to upper 90's for days...weeks... I've lost track, something like 23 days in the 90's the weather man said yesterday. Wow.

My girls are out of control, bonsai is demanding, it takes a commitment to diligence with training and trimming...I've not kept up lately and the girls are showing it.

The seedlings and small clones are growing big...soon I'll have to rethink my space. I didn't get a pic of the veg room this time but heres a few of each. Somehow I missed AI...sorry

Blue Widow, clipped from the original seedling that's in the the big room, and put into a cup of water on 6-21, and retopped, ubt style 7-17 because she was getting too tall


Northern Lights x Big Bud...same scenerio as BW, only she was a broken stem, put in water on 6-19


Blueberry Gum seedling, popped 6-8, she's been a weird one from the beginning, some of her growth is really looking good, but she's got a few branchs that just won't grow. it's stunted and twisted, and there are a couple of varigated leaves that just do not belong on mj. I think I'm gonna end up pinching out the stunted stuff and hope for the best with the rest...

w/ flash

her canopy looks healthy

after some training, if that inside growth doesn't improve with a little more light, I'm gonna pinch it outta there

White Rhino...she's long and leggy, I clipped her growing tips last week and we should see some new growth on her branchs shortly


the 2 Wonder Woman bonsai in training...there 2 pics of each, sorry I can't remember which is which now




Blue Widow (L) and Northern Lights x Big Bud (R)...you can see how much they've grown *over grown* I really need to chop them back down some, I can't flower until the heat breaks sometime around Oct I hope, that way I can get 2 flower cycles and harvests this winter.

can you see my grow buddy, yoda, on the shelf?

A closer look at each


Wonder Woman...she's about 6 months old, was a clone from last years bonsai, the one I entered into potm in June. She is so overloaded with growth I think next month I'll chop out all the tiny growth in prep for flowering in Oct. I'm going to try to eliminate some of the popcorn buds from this one, and just leave those that will produce the thumb sized nugs that I'm looking for.

It's not a very good picture...I watered before pics (I usually do it the other way) and she was too heavy and dripping so I only took this one.

I finally got to the $ store...remember I need small containers for nutes, that way I don't have to lift a gallon jug(s) over and over...the only thing I could find... baby bottles, I just removed the nipples and used the cap and ring to keep them air tight, it's funny but it'll work for me.

Ok, some thoughts to address

I've been keeping a record of each water/nute feeding including in and out numbers

Since starting with BPN 3 part Elite I've been mixing their nutes using equal amounts of micro/grow/bloom since I'm just vegging for now, atm the seedlings and small clones are getting 2.5ml/1/2 gal of RO which amounts to 530-540 ppm and registers 5.1-5.2 on my new pH meter. The bigger girls are getting 10ml/gal of RO = about 930-940 ppm and 5.1-5.2 pH.

The pH out varies widely (at last feeding)

I cut the big girls back to 7.5ml/gal of RO because they are getting too big, they got 751ppm @ 5.2pH
WW ...1010, 6.1 out
NLxBB...1170, 6.0 out
BW ...1120, 5.8 out
2 - WW in 4"... a- 1170, 5.8 & b- 1060, 5.8 out

seedlings and clones got 538ppm @ 5.2pH

NLxBB ...506, 6.4 out
WR ...584, 6.6 out
AI dosed twice ...522, 6.9 another 6oz flush gave 586, 6.6 out
BW top dosed three times...385, 6.9 - #2 gave 441, 6.7 - #3 gave 500, 6.4
BbG ...571, 6.6 out

The method I use to collect the sample is to overwater by a couple ounces, let them sit/soak in that for a few 5-10 minutes, then I lift them and tip them to collect the runoff in a clean dish, usually just enough for testing...that last little bit of runoff is what you're leaving the roots to work with. Learned this technique from Corey, along with a bunch of other stuff I barely understand... :kisstwo: thank you, but I'm working on it.

I was experimenting a little with this because of the pH out #'s, that's why some got extra. I'll wait and see what happens and tomorrow I may flush them all with light nute mix until the pH is 5.8 or close to it. bid said BW likes it around 5.5 so I've got some work to do...as far as I can tell, because I use a perl/verm mix the pH changes easily with a few flushes...BW will get the first test of this soon.

Ok, I suppose that's it for now...if ya got any suggestions about all this, please don't hesitate to speak up, I need some experienced input


re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

Hi Cultivator,

re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

bid, that's the plan, I agree...that little twisted stuff is just a energy drain, I'll pinch it out and see what happens :) I'm sure she'll recover... and yes, if you're description is accurate I'm sure I'll love her. How many days do you flower? % of cloudy/amber ? what's your favorite timeframe?

re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

Personally, I think cloning is one of those things a bit like a golf swing. You want it to be consistent, reliable, and repeatable. Once you have those things going on, either with an aerocloner, rapid rooters or a glass of water... in other words, once you have it working good for how you want to do it... don't mess with it! Just my take!

Don't get me wrong either, aero cloners work fantastic and I'm sure can get you rooted as fast as anything. I'm sure they're especially great at larger quantities, and I've thought about making one. But, I'm finding if I plan well, I'm usually not caring if it takes a couple more days to get roots (I clone with Rapid Rooters). Sqwheels method is elegantly simple!

Did you build yours Cultivator? I love good DIY cloners - the hydro guy in me still itches to build one eventually, whether i need it or not! :)

hi x

no i didnt build mine. i have 3 105 site cloners and 2 36 site cloners. They certainly would have been cheaper to build but it was simpler just to buy them, lazy i guess. I get excellent results with them but i need lots clones on regular basis. I guess it depends on ur needs...
re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

sq, girls are looking great. pH measurements sound good as well. Are you using any pH down? Just wondering because when I use the 3 part, my starting pH is always 5.6 to 5.8 with RO water. just curious is all. The heat is probably causing them a little stress but they should be ok. nute levels sound good.
re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

Hi Corey,

No adjusting with the nutes, only when I need plain water have I used any pH adjusters (down)...

I've been using straight RO w/ 0 ppm... I'm going on the assumption that the pH of this RO is close to 7 because of the 0 ppm. I'm using equal amounts of mgb from 2.5/1/2g to 10/g and it always comes out to 5.0-5.2 on this new meter I got. ya I'm sure the heat is a little hard on them...waiting on winter. Geezzz! I'm a sun worshipper, I have NEVER in my life wished for cold weather!
re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

Hi Heirloom,

Thanks, and Welcome to my journal, glad to have you...the cloning thing is working well...

Not much happening here yet, it won't take long to catch up

grab a seat, get comfy...hopfully we'll all learn something new :)

re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

Hi Folks :ciao:

It's Monday again, and time for a garden update.

We'll start with the small veg room and the littler plants. All appear happy, even the Blueberry Gum seems to be coming around.

Blueberry Gum from last week just after I trimmed off all that weird twisted growth


after tying

her canopy

showing some new growth along her branchs after trimming the tips

Blue Widow top, a few days ago

I trimmed her big leaf's tips off and tied down her two top branchs

I think her second set of branchs will get a little more light like this

Aurora Indica, although she's bent pretty good, she looks healthy...I'll be clipping another clone from her soon, I let the last one dry out by accident

after some training

she has a bunch of under growth


White Rhino, she's really stretchy, there's nearly 2" between her nodes, I've clipped her growing tips in part for space reasons, and in hopes that she'll bush up a little

I clipped this tip first, a little over a week ago, you can see how much new growth there is at the end and up the branch

I clipped this end just a couple days ago, already I can see new growth

Northern Lights x Big Bud, this one looks great...she actually has calyx's already..with hairs. This is odd, I don't remember if any of my other vegging girls have done this so early

her growth looks happy and healthy

after some tying


and the latest clone experiment...this is Blue Widow, clipped on 7-18

after 12 days she only has 2 little root nubs. This is surprising only because when I cloned her top in this fashion it only took like 8 days and there were several good roots growing...for this reason I don't think this method of cloning would be reliable enough for a large perpetual grow that demands specific timing, but for someone who grows like me, it works fine

The bigger girls in the other room, I've moved the little WW bonsai in training to this room because of space limitations in the smaller room...In a few days I'll have a bigger base board (in prep for flowering) so more plants will fit in here...I figure maybe 5-6 bonsai will fit on the new 44"w x 32"d board, this one is 30 x 18

Little WW bonsai ww-a looks to be the better of the two plants, her branchs and spacing is just a little nicer


after tying


after tying

Blue Widow, you can see her older growth is still quite dark, but overall she looks happy and healthy so for now, I'm not gonna fret about it too much

Northern Lights x Big Bud, she is in need a good trim...I just find it sooo hard to cut and trash all that beautiful green

Wonder Woman bonsai is so full now I don't know if she'll wait until Oct ...

a look down inside...it's a jungle in there


I did a little rearranging to get the little ww up into the light more...this should be better for them

That's it for this weeks update...thanks for looking, hope you enjoy


re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

Great work, again, Sqwheels! :welldone:

I love the idea of the baby bottles! But, I'd leave the nipples on then "squirt out" the dose! :rofl:

I hope all's well with you!
re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style



I'm so happy you're along for the ride...

re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style


Thanks, I think they are liking the BPN

I'm cloning in cups of water...if you go back a few pages to...pg3 or pg4 you'll see, I just clip 'em and stick 'em into a small cup of ro/tap water and keep the waterline up until they grow roots. It's worked everytime so far, with the exception of a couple of operator errors :)

Thanks for the reps...very much appreciated.

re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

Hi ChefGreen,

Welcome to 420mag and to my journal :ciao:

I'm just trying to follow the golden rule...kiss, this is the simplest method, imo.

I don't want to have to mess around with all the *stuff* that most methods require. This isn't fool proof...I've dried out a couple this way...but it was my fault they died...I'm sure this method would work for any strain, you just have to have the patients to wait on them...it takes a little longer than other methods.

re: Sqwheels' Garden - Bonsai Style

Hi Cultivator,

ya, they're pretty cool...the pics really don't do them justice...they have sooo many bud sites.

I'm really looking forward to flower. Stick around...it should be interesting.
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