Spike's Grow Room

I guess that's possible, when I did mine a friend said it would almost definitely herm but it never did. The new growth is weird and the new leaves will be abnormal for a while. They seem kinda oval shaped and edges are smoother,kinda freaked me out when I first saw it. I never read up to see about the possibility of herming though so I don't know if thats true or not.
new growth or ?


3 shoots or something

Hey Spike and crew! I left my buds intact, that's not to say you can't, I just don't know.

As for that little 'thingy' I'll tell you how mine was at the earliest stages of 'regeneration' (immediately after going to veg). The plant continued to produce buds (calyxes) for a short time. Could what yuour looking at be a new calyx? I had them growing all the way up to when I first started seeing new growth.. I've seen too kinds of new growth...one grew from the nodes 'inside' the still forming, though now dramatically slowing buds. I've also seen new growth from the nodes at the bottom of or at the leaf node area like were that little 'thingy' is.

I'm not sure if the removal of the lower buddage will affect the process. You are breaking 'new ground'!
Some people prune the roots when transplanting them. I have never done this but it might be worth reading up on.

I did prune my roots, not much, maybe the outside quarter of the system. I them re-potted up from the original 5 gal to a 10 gal. container (outdoor grow).

I had single node leaves as my first new growth. Like the sugar leaves I believe they're called?
The ones forming inside the buds. The new growth did not come overnight, it took weeks (2-3) till I was able to 'breath easy' and visible signs were evident. You can see the new growth as it shoots it's first branch 'out' and 'up' from the source stem or node. I noticed the 'new' look as in color. Like a new baby plant with it's first new 'real' leaves.

If you like I can post a few pics of the progression. Let me know. I don't post pics on other members threads with out permission.

As you see from my self portrait, I am a highly reliable and respected source! :Rasta: Everything out of my mouth escaped without me knowing about it!
You are in good hands now spike, this guy is here! :Rasta:
You are in good hands now spike, this guy is here! :Rasta:
Howdy Warrior!
I know it's hard to believe with my dashing good looks and all :Rasta: I'm actually quite normal. I eat, sleep, comb my hair with axle grease and am a slave to my plants just like the rest of you :morenutes:
this was a 2 inch branch I cut off a female bubblegum,I cloned it and grew it
and I just cut off all the buds 1/2 oz I think and now I was going to reveg.

My own experience is that it's easy to mistake a male bud for a new leaf emerging or the opposite. I'm having this dilemma now in fact with some plants that I think are male but not 100% so I'm waiting.

Are you positive that it is male?
ok did some reading and I have a stressed female that flowered a long time and now is spitting out male bananas.This I think means I can make female seeds by pollinating the right gal,and I have this gals sister in flower now.
I think,,, all speculation.maybe female seeds!
The only thing I know about feminized seed is that they use Hermi's to pollinate... I have a hermi now, and he/she has seeds. I am going to test out the theory or hermi's making fem'd seeds after I harvest.
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