Girls are looking mighty fine Mel! Do you plan on going to Rib Feast this weekend? Hope your doing well as well enjoy the weather while it lasts!
Thanks TC!
I didn't know Rib Fest was happening!
Guess I'll be missing that. Are you going?
Thanks TC!
I didn't know Rib Fest was happening!
Guess I'll be missing that. Are you going?
Probably not to expensive we got a concert in Toronto tomorrow that I got tickets for Julia as a early birthday gift little to early almost a month lmao. But if you wanted to grab a coffee on Monday I’d be down if it isn’t to short of a notice, just shoot me a text or a dm on here :)
Yesterday was really rainy, and today isn't much better.
But I did go out and grab a few quick bud pics!
Lucille Skywalker - day 147
Space Grow 05 September 2022 Lucille .jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 145
Space Grow 05 September 2022 Jacinda .jpg

Commander Donatra - day 134
Space Grow 05 September 2022 Donatra .jpg

Ebony - day 124
Space Grow 05 September 2022 Ebony .jpg

Looking awesome Mel :circle-of-love: great job on the bamboo too :green_heart: :passitleft:
Thanks G!
Hopefully my design for next year works, and looks, better!
I'll be posting this question in FAQs as well, but does anyone know what these are?
They've started to appear, mainly on Ebony, but one or two on the others as well. Google says they're closest on appearance to fungus eating ladybird larvae.
That's what I would've guessed but I know them as red and black. Maybe you got an albino one. Could be a collector's dream!
That would be great, lol. The thing is, that species of ladybird is native to Australia. I haven't heard of them as an invasive species here.
That would be great, lol. The thing is, that species of ladybird is native to Australia. I haven't heard of them as an invasive species here.
Well. Spotted lanternflies made their way over here...mfs in my
Sueet identified them!
Psyllobora vigintimaculata.
They are in fact a species of fungus eating ladybird! Specifically the twenty spotted lady beetle. It's like the Australian one, but native to North America. It's found on any plant with powdery mildew, which lets me know that Jacinda does have some on her even if I can't see it.
Now I'm wondering if I should let the pm on Ebony go for a bit and see if they can control it.
I'm thinking probably not. I can give them a few days, but I don't want it to progress too far.
Sueet identified them!
Psyllobora vigintimaculata.
They are in fact a species of fungus eating ladybird! Specifically the twenty spotted lady beetle. It's like the Australian one, but native to North America. It's found on any plant with powdery mildew, which lets me know that Jacinda does have some on her even if I can't see it.
Now I'm wondering if I should let the pm on Ebony go for a bit and see if they can control it.
I'm thinking probably not. I can give them a few days, but I don't want it to progress too far.
At least you can be super proactive now!
At least you can be super proactive now!
Yup! I've had a couple of setbacks trying to get the JMS spray started, but I think the batch I'm starting today will work. If not I'll do a citric acid spray until I figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Plants are gettin' stacky, Mr. Hobbs. 👍
Thanks Mike!
I'm liking the sativa structures of Ebony and Jacinda, and both Lucille and Donatra have really picked up their pace!
Good evening Mr Mellypants :)

Your grow is gigantic!

Fat bottom girls FTW!
Thanks Tra!
I'm really glad I have that bowl trimmer!
Looking tight on those buds Mel and they starting to produce some trichs :circle-of-love:

So its been raining lots out there? we are lucky still no heavy rain around here. But its coming thats why I have been active on prevention of PM, waiting to see if it actually works for me.

Thanks D!
Yep, I'm seeing trichs on Ebony and Jacinda, and maybe the start of them on the other two!
Not lots of rain, but spread out. Kind of sporadic, and lots of clouds. Looks like it should clear up soon.
They're saying there's a typhoon in the Pacific that will mess with our weather patterns (or maybe already is).
I'm guessing that you guys have heard more about that than we have here :)
It seems like it has rained here just about everyday this summer. :oops: No break in the mowing in the usual months of July and August. :rolleyes: Doesn't affect my indoor grow much but does have a mild effect on RH.
Thanks D!
Yep, I'm seeing trichs on Ebony and Jacinda, and maybe the start of them on the other two!
Not lots of rain, but spread out. Kind of sporadic, and lots of clouds. Looks like it should clear up soon.
They're saying there's a typhoon in the Pacific that will mess with our weather patterns (or maybe already is).
I'm guessing that you guys have heard more about that than we have here :)

I just love outdoors trichomes and terpenes, to me it feels soo different and they look different.

This years grow season has been pretty off for most farmers (mostly referring to food crops), like late start and a cold and wet spring… now here where I am haven’t seen much rain at all. If the season kinda push it self one month, hopefully that means September should be oddly dry and October incredibly wet??
It’s been hard to dial…
My buddy holding the plants for me grows garlic and also several other food crops he was telling like PM this year has been crazy even some of his trees have PM, all the squash has PM and it hasn’t even rain that much… all my plants are surrounded by PM what a joke :eek: his plants are in the greenhouse.

Anyways have a good one, let’s hope for a dry stretch so we can bring home the dry goodies.
It seems like it has rained here just about everyday this summer. :oops: No break in the mowing in the usual months of July and August. :rolleyes: Doesn't affect my indoor grow much but does have a mild effect on RH.
That's what it felt like last year here. There seemed to be at least one thunderstorm a week through the summer, and then we had the second wettest September on record, with months worth of rain fall in a matter of days.
This summer has been extremely bright and dry so far. We've barely mowed the grass at all.
I just love outdoors trichomes and terpenes, to me it feels soo different and they look different.

This years grow season has been pretty off for most farmers (mostly referring to food crops), like late start and a cold and wet spring… now here where I am haven’t seen much rain at all. If the season kinda push it self one month, hopefully that means September should be oddly dry and October incredibly wet??
It’s been hard to dial…
My buddy holding the plants for me grows garlic and also several other food crops he was telling like PM this year has been crazy even some of his trees have PM, all the squash has PM and it hasn’t even rain that much… all my plants are surrounded by PM what a joke :eek: his plants are in the greenhouse.

Anyways have a good one, let’s hope for a dry stretch so we can bring home the dry goodies.
I've read about a place in the US, in Oregon I believe, that has grown batches of identical clones with one set indoors, and the others outdoors. They've found that the outdoors plants had higher levels of all cannabinoids and terpenes than their indoor twins.
That matches my personal experience, although I haven't done batches of clones. Still, both indoor and outdoor can produce great weed.
I've noticed the PM issue here too. It's been crazy, even though it's dry.
Just need one more month of dry weather, lol!
I've got the PM on my zucchini this year. Been dry as a bone all summer besides the last 2 days...these things concern me so in an outdoor grow as I'm so unfamiliar
I've got the PM on my zucchini this year. Been dry as a bone all summer besides the last 2 days...these things concern me so in an outdoor grow as I'm so unfamiliar
Other years I haven't had much of a problem with it. The tomatoes and cucumbers always get some, but I usually only get a spot or two on the cannabis.
Last year was a mess of rot and mildew.
This year we lost all the lower leaves on the cucumbers, and Ebony has some now that I'm going to have to deal with.
Other years I haven't had much of a problem with it. The tomatoes and cucumbers always get some, but I usually only get a spot or two on the cannabis.
Last year was a mess of rot and mildew.
This year we lost all the lower leaves on the cucumbers, and Ebony has some now that I'm going to have to deal with.
Same with the cukes...just have my hanging leaves left pretty much on the trellis.
Between that and the spotted lanternflies this year, I'm lucky my cucumbers made it.

Idk why but nothing but birds have done anything to my tomatoes
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