42 29
Weird day. Still feels like early morning to me.
Girls are doing fine, and dealing with the wind. I'm liking the cooler mornings we're getting.
Space Grow 31 August 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 142
Space Grow 31 August 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 140
Space Grow 31 August 2022 Jacinda .jpg

Space Grow 31 August 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 129
Space Grow 31 August 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 31 August 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 119
Space Grow 31 August 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 31 August 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 31 August 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 31 August 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

She could just be putting resources towards her buds rather than maintaining leaves. As long as she has what she needs to finish it shouldn't matter much.

Thanks Bill!
I'm glad you liked the pics, but I'm also glad it's on its way to Mexico now!

Have a great day!
We found them everywhere as kids.
Milkweed was prevalent.
Now I haven’t seen one all summer.
Not many last summer either.
You helped to save one more to breed. :thumb:
Is your watering slowing with the cooler weather?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
We found them everywhere as kids.
Milkweed was prevalent.
Now I haven’t seen one all summer.
Not many last summer either.
You helped to save one more to breed. :thumb:
Is your watering slowing with the cooler weather?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
My sister is really trying to help them out. She released 6 yesterday, and it looks like 6 or 7 more today. She'll have released about 50 by the time she's done this year.
It's really sad that they've decreased so much in number. We used to see them all the time. If it weren't for the milkweed in the backyard I don't know if I would have seen any this year.
They're slowing down a bit, especially now that they're focused on their flowers. 14 C this morning! I'm always excited to see Autumn coming in, even though it means we're getting to the end of the growing season!
Hi Mel! Yaay butterflies! I just found another egg and a baby this morning! I hope they don't over winter!


My caterpillar pic is also blurry lol she just hatched, so small and it was so early lol


Girls looks amazing as always. Sensational to watch them grow! Can't wait I know I keep saying it but I'm calling you for outdoor grow help in 20 years!

My sister is really trying to help them out. She released 6 yesterday, and it looks like 6 or 7 more today. She'll have released about 50 by the time she's done this year.
It's really sad that they've decreased so much in number. We used to see them all the time. If it weren't for the milkweed in the backyard I don't know if I would have seen any this year.
They're slowing down a bit, especially now that they're focused on their flowers. 14 C this morning! I'm always excited to see Autumn coming in, even though it means we're getting to the end of the growing season!
If you want seeds for a lot of different milkweed and other types of beneficial weeds PM me. There very inexpensive and I think free shipping.
Hi Mel! Yaay butterflies! I just found another egg and a baby this morning! I hope they don't over winter!


My caterpillar pic is also blurry lol she just hatched, so small and it was so early lol


Girls looks amazing as always. Sensational to watch them grow! Can't wait I know I keep saying it but I'm calling you for outdoor grow help in 20 years!

Thanks Krissi!
Tiger swallowtails hibernate, so that one shouldn't have any problems.
I'll be happy to help!
If you want seeds for a lot of different milkweed and other types of beneficial weeds PM me. There very inexpensive and I think free shipping.
Thanks, but the milkweed we have is perennial. We've got plenty of rhizomes in different spots in the garden, and in a big 7 gallon pot. We find more of it every year, and we collect the seedpods to give to people who want to grow it in their yards too!
Thanks Krissi!
Tiger swallowtails hibernate, so that one shouldn't have any problems.
I'll be happy to help!

As hot as it has been here, I don't think that will be an issue regardless! Middle of September forecast is still showing 85 degree days and 65 degree nights for us! I think they'll do their thing in 6 weeks and be good to go!

As for the help...you know I'm holding you to it!
The concept I went with is something like an outrigger on a canoe.
The bamboo is strapped to the lowest horizontal pieces of the frame, with one stake strapped to the upper horizontal piece of Jacinda and Ebony's frames, perpendicular to the outrigger pieces. I'll be attaching it to Donatra's frame when I get more of the straps.
Space Grow 01 September 2022 Supports.jpg

Space Grow 01 September 2022 Supports 1.jpg

I also doubled up on the bricks around the base of the metal frames to add a little more weight to the bottom of the plants. This should be a lot more stable.
For next year I'll be building something a lot sturdier, and hopefully more attractive, out of wood. I'll be posting the design drawings when they're finished, and I'll be asking for feedback from any handypeople here👷‍♀️👷‍♂️
So, cooler start to the day, but still pretty warm out there. I'm feeling like it's time to bump the Remo girl up to week 5 of the flowering schedule. I have already mixed today's feed, so I'll be starting that tomorrow!
Space Grow 01 September 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 143
Space Grow 01 September 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - 141
Space Grow 01 September 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 01 September 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 130
Space Grow 01 September 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 01 September 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 120
Space Grow 01 September 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 01 September 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 01 September 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 01 September 2022 Ebony unusual 2.jpg

Thanks Krissi!
Tiger swallowtails hibernate, so that one shouldn't have any problems.
I'll be happy to help!

As hot as it has been here, I don't think that will be an issue regardless! Middle of September forecast is still showing 85 degree days and 65 degree nights for us! I think they'll do their thing in 6 weeks and be good to go!

As for the help...you know I'm holding you to it!
Good to hear!
And good to hear that the weather looks like it'll hold for you guys. You're not all that far away, so hopefully that'll be true here too!

Have a great evening everyone!
My sister is really trying to help them out. She released 6 yesterday, and it looks like 6 or 7 more today. She'll have released about 50 by the time she's done this year.
It's really sad that they've decreased so much in number. We used to see them all the time. If it weren't for the milkweed in the backyard I don't know if I would have seen any this year.
They're slowing down a bit, especially now that they're focused on their flowers. 14 C this morning! I'm always excited to see Autumn coming in, even though it means we're getting to the end of the growing season!
Can you get milkweed Seeds anywhere.
I'd grow a ton in the backyard if I could.
I'll look into it for next year.
I'm not an autumn fan, been living through it all summer.
Guess I missed it this year. :rolleyes:
In was bloody cold in the greenhouse this morning too.
Hope you have a great long weekend my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Mostly on cruise control here.
Jacinda has dropped a few green leaves. She doesn't seem to feel she needs the nutrients stored in there, but those leaves aren't bringing in any more energy. I'll leave them as long as they're green though.
Space Grow 02 September 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 144
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 142
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Jacinda shoot 1.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 131
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 121
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

Hi Mel, Beautiful monsters ya got they look great. And the butterfly's are neat I wonder how they would fair in a grow tent if I had some feeder plants for them :hmmmm:
Thanks HH!
I think the caterpillars would do well. And since they only eat milkweed they'd leave your plants alone. They do sometimes leave the plants they're on to find a new one for no apparent reason sometimes, but the tent would keep them contained.
Smart move on the re enforcement of the pots, last thing you want is for them to fall over and break some important bud branches.

I’m all over Ebony on this photo session, the size on the cola is unreal. (Ebony 2nd photo)
Thanks D!
Jacinda did get blown over, but she didn't break any branches. It's the downside of growing in pots outdoors, they can get top heavy without a wider base of support. I'm thinking of a structure like a raised planter with open sides to maintain airflow around the pots. I'm working on the design right now.
I do like those sativa style buds. I'm mostly used to indica, and indica heavy hybrids.
Impressive urban forest you're nurturing Mel! :thumb:
Thanks Stunger!
Will you be dropping seeds for your next grow soon?
Can you get milkweed Seeds anywhere.
I'd grow a ton in the backyard if I could.
I'll look into it for next year.
I'm not an autumn fan, been living through it all summer.
Guess I missed it this year. :rolleyes:
In was bloody cold in the greenhouse this morning too.
Hope you have a great long weekend my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I think you can get them at garden centres now, and you can get them from the Suzuki foundation too. I got mine from my sister, and they were Suzuki foundation Swamp milkweed seeds. You can also get them from seedpods now. I'll be collecting some from the swamp milkweed plants in the yard this year and I can send you some if you'd like. Some people have noticed that the sprays of orange, pink, and purple flowers at the tops of the plants, and plant them as ornamentals now.
Common milkweed has wider leaves, and larger seed pods. It grows pretty much everywhere, and you probably see it at the sides of the roads when you're driving.
Have you got any heating plans for the greenhouse? Your girls are looking great, I'm looking forward to seeing them in flower!
Weekend is great so far, how about yours?

Have a great day!
Mostly on cruise control here.
Jacinda has dropped a few green leaves. She doesn't seem to feel she needs the nutrients stored in there, but those leaves aren't bringing in any more energy. I'll leave them as long as they're green though.
Space Grow 02 September 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 144
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 142
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Jacinda shoot 1.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 131
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 121
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

Thanks HH!
I think the caterpillars would do well. And since they only eat milkweed they'd leave your plants alone. They do sometimes leave the plants they're on to find a new one for no apparent reason sometimes, but the tent would keep them contained.

Thanks D!
Jacinda did get blown over, but she didn't break any branches. It's the downside of growing in pots outdoors, they can get top heavy without a wider base of support. I'm thinking of a structure like a raised planter with open sides to maintain airflow around the pots. I'm working on the design right now.
I do like those sativa style buds. I'm mostly used to indica, and indica heavy hybrids.

Thanks Stunger!
Will you be dropping seeds for your next grow soon?

I think you can get them at garden centres now, and you can get them from the Suzuki foundation too. I got mine from my sister, and they were Suzuki foundation Swamp milkweed seeds. You can also get them from seedpods now. I'll be collecting some from the swamp milkweed plants in the yard this year and I can send you some if you'd like. Some people have noticed that the sprays of orange, pink, and purple flowers at the tops of the plants, and plant them as ornamentals now.
Common milkweed has wider leaves, and larger seed pods. It grows pretty much everywhere, and you probably see it at the sides of the roads when you're driving.
Have you got any heating plans for the greenhouse? Your girls are looking great, I'm looking forward to seeing them in flower!
Weekend is great so far, how about yours?

Have a great day!
I'll post a couple pics in a minute.
I'll check the foundation thanks so much.
11 c this morning and 99% humidity. :rolleyes:
I'm open to suggestions.
Radiant would be best, but that's too many plants to move.
Mycelium farmer gave me a good Method of Radiant.
So now I'm looking for someone besides the BBQ.
Girls are wonderful my friend. :yahoo:
Have a good weekend. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Can you get milkweed Seeds anywhere.
I'd grow a ton in the backyard if I could.
I'll look into it for next year.
I'm not an autumn fan, been living through it all summer.
Guess I missed it this year. :rolleyes:
In was bloody cold in the greenhouse this morning too.
Hope you have a great long weekend my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
@Bill284 pm and I’ll hook you up with a seed distributor. Very inexpensive and free shipping in the U.S. I’m not sure about our Northern friends.
Mostly on cruise control here.
Jacinda has dropped a few green leaves. She doesn't seem to feel she needs the nutrients stored in there, but those leaves aren't bringing in any more energy. I'll leave them as long as they're green though.
Space Grow 02 September 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 144
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 142
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Jacinda shoot 1.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 131
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 121
Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 02 September 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

Thanks HH!
I think the caterpillars would do well. And since they only eat milkweed they'd leave your plants alone. They do sometimes leave the plants they're on to find a new one for no apparent reason sometimes, but the tent would keep them contained.

Thanks D!
Jacinda did get blown over, but she didn't break any branches. It's the downside of growing in pots outdoors, they can get top heavy without a wider base of support. I'm thinking of a structure like a raised planter with open sides to maintain airflow around the pots. I'm working on the design right now.
I do like those sativa style buds. I'm mostly used to indica, and indica heavy hybrids.

Thanks Stunger!
Will you be dropping seeds for your next grow soon?

I think you can get them at garden centres now, and you can get them from the Suzuki foundation too. I got mine from my sister, and they were Suzuki foundation Swamp milkweed seeds. You can also get them from seedpods now. I'll be collecting some from the swamp milkweed plants in the yard this year and I can send you some if you'd like. Some people have noticed that the sprays of orange, pink, and purple flowers at the tops of the plants, and plant them as ornamentals now.
Common milkweed has wider leaves, and larger seed pods. It grows pretty much everywhere, and you probably see it at the sides of the roads when you're driving.
Have you got any heating plans for the greenhouse? Your girls are looking great, I'm looking forward to seeing them in flower!
Weekend is great so far, how about yours?

Have a great day!
Beautiful grow Mel, can I ask what part of the country are you at that with all those beautiful ladies that you don’t have a pest problem?
I'll post a couple pics in a minute.
I'll check the foundation thanks so much.
11 c this morning and 99% humidity. :rolleyes:
I'm open to suggestions.
Radiant would be best, but that's too many plants to move.
Mycelium farmer gave me a good Method of Radiant.
So now I'm looking for someone besides the BBQ.
Girls are wonderful my friend. :yahoo:
Have a good weekend. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Thanks Bill!
I'm sure you'll find a great solution for it. It's been awesome seeing you overcome every obstacle that's been put in your way so far.
Remember that some of us are just a drive away. A long drive, but still just a drive :)
Beautiful grow Mel, can I ask what part of the country are you at that with all those beautiful ladies that you don’t have a pest problem?
Thanks Cap!
I'm in Southern Ontario. If you look at Lake Ontario on a map I'm just south of the western tip. Gateway to Niagara wine country.
I have pests, just not too many. After the rains last year, and the exceptionally dry summer this year, a lot of the usual problems seem to have been knocked back. Last year I dealt with droves of earwigs. This year I've barely seen any.
The aphids don't seem to have done very well this year either.
Cabbage loopers are also down.
It's just been an exceptional season so far as far as pests and the weather are concerned. I just have to get a handle on the powdery mildew.
Kind of making up for last year.
So, I didn't know there was a strain called Do-si-dos 33. It's a cross between Do-si-dos and Gelato 33.
It looks really interesting.
Space Grow 03 September 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 145
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 143
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 03 September 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 132
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 03 September 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 122
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Ebony.jpg
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 03 September 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 03 September 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

45 32
So, I didn't know there was a strain called Do-si-dos 33. It's a cross between Do-si-dos and Gelato 33.
It looks really interesting.
Space Grow 03 September 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - day 145
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Lucille shoot.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper - day 143
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 03 September 2022 Jacinda shoot.jpg

Commander Donatra - day 132
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 03 September 2022 Donatra shoot.jpg

Ebony - day 122
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Ebony.jpg
Space Grow 03 September 2022 Ebony shoot.jpg

Space Grow 03 September 2022 Ebony unusual.jpg

Space Grow 03 September 2022 Ebony unusual 1.jpg

Girls are looking mighty fine Mel! Do you plan on going to Rib Feast this weekend? Hope your doing well as well enjoy the weather while it lasts!
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