Got these before the storm hit. There was a bit of small hail. Luckily there's only a couple of damaged leaves.
Space Grow 01 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 01 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 01 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 01 June 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

I'll be finishing the support tomorrow.

Have a good night!
Got these before the storm hit. There was a bit of small hail. Luckily there's only a couple of damaged leaves.
Space Grow 01 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 01 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 01 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 01 June 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 01 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

I'll be finishing the support tomorrow.

Have a good night!
They look wonderful! So jealous they are outside! I missed the edible post the other day, what kind?
They look wonderful! So jealous they are outside! I missed the edible post the other day, what kind?
Sour strawberry gummy, made with oil infused with the Bruce Banner I grew last summer.

Edit: I thought I heard that Jersey was changing the rules around growing?
Sour strawberry gummy, made with oil infused with the Bruce Banner I grew last summer.

Edit: I thought I heard that Jersey was changing the rules around growing?
Eh....advocates are pushing for it but getting far too much kick back. Haven't even been able to open up any recreational dispensaries because county legislature has turned it down. So the existing med dispensaries are now multi-purpose. In addition, no edibles for recreational folk, only medical card fact, it is a felony each plant I have. So there's that unfortunate truth
Great job Mel I really like how tidy is looks and the shape its taking. So on octolining your leaving only 8 colas, is that correct ? do you plan to make them crawl up the support post? whats the plan when they start going upwards ?

excuse all the questions, I'm curious and like learning.

:thumb: :thumb:
Only 8 main branches, but any secondary shoots that start along them as they're horizontal will be allowed to grow into colas. The supports will be there if needed (windy, rainy days/nights) but I won't be forcing the branches onto them unless it becomes necessary.
I'll take some pics of the secondary shoots that have started along Jacinda's branches after I go vote. She's taking to the training really well. So well that I can't use the dowels on her, lol. I waited too long.
I got them on Donatra and Lucille though.
Okay, here's the before pic...
Space Grow 02 June 2022.jpg

...and here's the after.
Space Grow 02 June 2022 1.jpg

Lucille Skywalker - Just for scale, those dowels are 60cm long
Space Grow 02 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 02 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 02 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg

Space Grow 02 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

And here are the side shoots coming up from her branches. These are in the way of the dowels, but as I'm not intending to go much beyond the edges of the pots with the training, it shouldn't be a problem.
Space Grow 02 June 2022 Jacinda shoots.jpg

Space Grow 02 June 2022 Jacinda shoots 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 02 June 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 02 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Whoops! I can only attach 10 pics. Ebony will be in the next post.
Here's Ebony.
Space Grow 02 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 02 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Sorry I forgot to reply to these, I've been pretty busy around here. If I've forgotten anyone feel free to yell at me!
Hi Mel

Omg how quickly they grow!

Your girls look so beautiful. There is a magical component to sunlight on leaves, well I think there is.

Your training is on fleek bruv.
Thanks Tra! And I totally agree, there's nothing better than sunlight for these girls!
The Weather Channel says severe thunderstorms with a possibility of strong winds and hail.
Thanks for the heads up!
Ended up using pipe cleaners to try and stabilize Grand Daddy if the worst happens hopefully she survives if not then I tried lol might need to ask you for the pvc plans in the near future. Yours looked so slick
Lol, it's pieces of a cheap Chinese wardrobe from Beezey's site. It does the job, but I think putting something together with PVC pipes would probably be better.
Glad to hear you and the girls were safe my friend I won’t know about mine until much later tonight lol
Happy to see your girls survived just fine!
Eh....advocates are pushing for it but getting far too much kick back. Haven't even been able to open up any recreational dispensaries because county legislature has turned it down. So the existing med dispensaries are now multi-purpose. In addition, no edibles for recreational folk, only medical card fact, it is a felony each plant I have. So there's that unfortunate truth
Just have to keep pushing, I'm sure it'll come around as soon as the politicians figure out how to line their pockets from it.
Great job Mel I really like how tidy is looks and the shape its taking. So on octolining your leaving only 8 colas, is that correct ? do you plan to make them crawl up the support post? whats the plan when they start going upwards ?

excuse all the questions, I'm curious and like learning.

:thumb: :thumb:
Hope these pics help!
Here's Ebony.
Space Grow 02 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 02 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Sorry I forgot to reply to these, I've been pretty busy around here. If I've forgotten anyone feel free to yell at me!

Thanks Tra! And I totally agree, there's nothing better than sunlight for these girls!

Thanks for the heads up!

Lol, it's pieces of a cheap Chinese wardrobe from Beezey's site. It does the job, but I think putting something together with PVC pipes would probably be better.

Happy to see your girls survived just fine!

Just have to keep pushing, I'm sure it'll come around as soon as the politicians figure out how to line their pockets from it.

Hope these pics help!
They seemed to get a long pretty sure I’m scared I may have pushed my auto into flower though by moving her around so much and screwing with the light cycle but we shall see. She’s showing sex now
Only 8 main branches, but any secondary shoots that start along them as they're horizontal will be allowed to grow into colas. The supports will be there if needed (windy, rainy days/nights) but I won't be forcing the branches onto them unless it becomes necessary.
I'll take some pics of the secondary shoots that have started along Jacinda's branches after I go vote. She's taking to the training really well. So well that I can't use the dowels on her, lol. I waited too long.
I got them on Donatra and Lucille though.

Thank you kindly for that information, I really like this trainning. I could use some order on my training since I let the branches kinda freelance where they wanna go according to their light needs, after a couple months it starts to look very crazy. I feel the indoor techniques of training really pay off on the outdoor settings.

Sooo, I may have gone a little overboard on the bamboo supports. However, I have learned the hard way that it's better to get them in before they're needed.
After a couple of wind/rain storms I'll be happy I put them in now.
Space Grow 03 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

They seemed to get a long pretty sure I’m scared I may have pushed my auto into flower though by moving her around so much and screwing with the light cycle but we shall see. She’s showing sex now
Autos go when they're ready. You're doing a good job with your grow. Way better than my first few.
I somehow feel like this is like growing a pumpkin in a box and you will end up with a set of tall rectangular plants! :) They all look great considering all the weather you're having. :thumb:

Doesn't help me a lick. ;)
Lol, I won't be tying the branches right up the bamboo stakes. They're just there to keep them off the ground in rough weather.
60cm is 2 feetish.
Thank you kindly for that information, I really like this trainning. I could use some order on my training since I let the branches kinda freelance where they wanna go according to their light needs, after a couple months it starts to look very crazy. I feel the indoor techniques of training really pay off on the outdoor settings.

Some of them can pay off, you just have to be careful not to slow them down too much. In some ways it's kind of like growing an auto. It can be difficult to extend veg if you need to, and in my area you really don't want to unless you have a really early flowering strain. We've had snow the first week of October before, and I have yet to grow a strain that doesn't go at least that long. I've seen claims that a couple of these should be done by the last week of September, but I'll believe that when I see it.

As a side note, Romulan turns out to be a very easy to clone strain. I topped her 16 days ago, and just stuck the top into a glass of water. I changed the water a few times, and added a bit of Remo Velokelp once. She now has a little ring of roots around the tip of the cutting. They're only a few millimetres long, but that's pretty quick, especially for this method.
The tops from Jacinda and Lucille haven't shown anything yet. I'll be giving the clone to my neighbour. His seeds failed to sprout, so he only has the two plants I started for him.
Sooo, I may have gone a little overboard on the bamboo supports. However, I have learned the hard way that it's better to get them in before they're needed.
After a couple of wind/rain storms I'll be happy I put them in now.
Space Grow 03 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Autos go when they're ready. You're doing a good job with your grow. Way better than my first few.

Lol, I won't be tying the branches right up the bamboo stakes. They're just there to keep them off the ground in rough weather.
60cm is 2 feetish.

Some of them can pay off, you just have to be careful not to slow them down too much. In some ways it's kind of like growing an auto. It can be difficult to extend veg if you need to, and in my area you really don't want to unless you have a really early flowering strain. We've had snow the first week of October before, and I have yet to grow a strain that doesn't go at least that long. I've seen claims that a couple of these should be done by the last week of September, but I'll believe that when I see it.

As a side note, Romulan turns out to be a very easy to clone strain. I topped her 16 days ago, and just stuck the top into a glass of water. I changed the water a few times, and added a bit of Remo Velokelp once. She now has a little ring of roots around the tip of the cutting. They're only a few millimetres long, but that's pretty quick, especially for this method.
The tops from Jacinda and Lucille haven't shown anything yet. I'll be giving the clone to my neighbour. His seeds failed to sprout, so he only has the two plants I started for him.
Thanks man my goal is to get on your level though I love your girls so organized
This grow just gets more and more interesting to watch Mel!

You seem to know exactly where you're going with things at all times. :nomo:
Sooo, I may have gone a little overboard on the bamboo supports. However, I have learned the hard way that it's better to get them in before they're needed.
After a couple of wind/rain storms I'll be happy I put them in now.
Space Grow 03 June 2022.jpg

Lucille Skywalker
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Lucille.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Lucille 1.jpg

Jacinda the Ripper
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Jacinda.jpg
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Jacinda 1.jpg

Commander Donatra
Space Grow 03 June 2022 Donatra.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Donatra 1.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Ebony.jpg

Space Grow 03 June 2022 Ebony 1.jpg

Autos go when they're ready. You're doing a good job with your grow. Way better than my first few.

Lol, I won't be tying the branches right up the bamboo stakes. They're just there to keep them off the ground in rough weather.
60cm is 2 feetish.

Some of them can pay off, you just have to be careful not to slow them down too much. In some ways it's kind of like growing an auto. It can be difficult to extend veg if you need to, and in my area you really don't want to unless you have a really early flowering strain. We've had snow the first week of October before, and I have yet to grow a strain that doesn't go at least that long. I've seen claims that a couple of these should be done by the last week of September, but I'll believe that when I see it.

As a side note, Romulan turns out to be a very easy to clone strain. I topped her 16 days ago, and just stuck the top into a glass of water. I changed the water a few times, and added a bit of Remo Velokelp once. She now has a little ring of roots around the tip of the cutting. They're only a few millimetres long, but that's pretty quick, especially for this method.
The tops from Jacinda and Lucille haven't shown anything yet. I'll be giving the clone to my neighbour. His seeds failed to sprout, so he only has the two plants I started for him.
Shit I'm sorry I've been busy and slacking on others journals.... Mel your ladies look wonderful.... Such a beautiful green to... Keep up the good work.

Oh and awesome training on Lucille by the way....are you going for anything in particular or just training for light penetration?
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