Sour D Run With Alien OG DWC In Flower

Okk yeah i ceen alot of ppl likening it so il prolly have a better go at it this time well im thinkin of soil my next grow wat do yall think???? Wats the best stuff that i can get like at my local lowes and i have foxfarm for veg thought i bout my 1st run wasnt using it properly or should i use my gh hydro stuff?
Happy sunday ppl hope u all have a blessed day so im thinkin of changin my water but they are doin well but i think i should change since its a week old prolly bout time to get new nuts to them
U allready kno it brotha but some still eatin my leaves man i had a plant in soil i took the hell out an just did a res change ima in the 1000 ppms water look clear no bugs
Omfg yess brotha it looks like a caterpillar choppin on my leavs i dnt defol plant n this shyt is doin it for me i spraid sm90 c if it help but i want to kill that pos lol but trick is i cnt c it got fly traps up n all man
some strawberry c for lunch
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