Solo Grow Challenge 2014

Ugh, trim day. It used to be fun like 5 years ago. I also used to run a perpetual harvest so it was a plant or two here n there, this was my first full table ran through all at once..... fuck I'm overwhelmed!

Perpetual harvest was easier than this? Awh, I'm thinking it's just different, not harder. GO FIGHT WIN
Here's my pics from last night i forgot to put up due to an incident elsewhere.


She's coming along nicely I reckon.
Her lower leaves are a tad drier than I'd like due to her pot being so small, i will need to start preparing seperate feeds for her, or maybe holding some over from the main feed. I've been 'making do' by spraying into her pot with the foliar spray but this is not the way forward.

Oh my god, so gorgeous! Wait, lemme look again....
Right back at you Cajun. Thanks for the fine remark. I'm on top of the world.

I'll be handing out candy tomorrow night in case anyone wants to come by and trick or treat.


Hey, why'd you turn out the porch light? I SWEAR I wasn't going to trick...really...disregard the fake miracle grow container
Perpetual harvest was easier than this? Awh, I'm thinking it's just different, not harder. GO FIGHT WIN

I guess it depends on how I look at it. Perpetual was a pain in the ass because I had to feed everybody at different times and different things, but trimming was easy to keep up. Now running solo crop its easy, everyone is on the same page but trimming is horrendous!
Last pics before deciding to transplant. I'm learning to much to keep it simple. I guess I fouled out of this contest.

You mugged yourself a bit there.
I'd have filled the cup with soil right to the top and then levelled it with a knife to stick within the rules.
Here you've got almost an inch of whitespace where roots could have lived.
You mugged yourself a bit there.
I'd have filled the cup with soil right to the top and then levelled it with a knife to stick within the rules.
Here you've got almost an inch of whitespace where roots could have lived.
So true! +rep I'll have to remember that next time I'm popping beans.
Ok, I'm transplanting them tonight into "proper" containers since I'm the last judge standing looks like. I never intended on participating in the grow, so I sacrificed some good beans that are getting in sacrificed.

So, I'm fouled out.
There can't be too many of us left now :/

Edit: Shameless pics while am here :)


She's been dropped a bunch of times and has fallen over in the wind, she's had her leaves squashed between two pots and completely dried out at one point...

...still nipping at your heels ;)
Equa, damn, yours looks great

Cajun, back in the 90's Skunk was a generic term for all herbal cannabis & it was nicknamed skunny in my area. I actually got given the name Skunnymonster by one of my buddies due to the fact I smoked so much & never span out :)

Ricorico, what are you doing to them man? Feed them, love them & nurture them or I'm calling the CCC (cannabis cruelty cops) :)
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