Solo Grow Challenge 2014

Glad to hear you have your pull back wildjim. Now it's time to take your life back.

Marz, make sure and post the link or send it to me, I wanna see that pc

I'm going to just add my PC*GDP*Black to my journal "let's try this one more time" in my signature below. No updates really until thanksgiving but anyone interested feel free to tag along. Once flowering starts there will be many pics!
I'm there dude. Should be a fun grow. And I hate to burst your bubble, but I will be winning this contest. My girls are gonna look great and yield great. I'm gonna sweep the whole comp!
Here's my pics from last night i forgot to put up due to an incident elsewhere.


She's coming along nicely I reckon.
Her lower leaves are a tad drier than I'd like due to her pot being so small, i will need to start preparing seperate feeds for her, or maybe holding some over from the main feed. I've been 'making do' by spraying into her pot with the foliar spray but this is not the way forward.
Not vigorus, but not dead either.

Any other judges have entries left? If not, my lil shits deserve better pots.
I'll foul-out & transplant after I post pics of em of no one's left. One's a Cheese Bomb that could go big.
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