SoilGirl's Soil Multi-Strain Grow Journal 2014

So your only concern was that minor bit of curling?

I would not be worried about that at all. :volcano-smiley: :volcano-smiley:
Oh :) :thanks: yeah I wasn't really worried about it so much as wondering why you might think its happening. Do you think daTs was right about the roots not liking sunlight? Because that BBK reveg is also in a translucent container, but doesn't have any leaf curling. I was personally leaning towards that it's curling a bit from the heat, as sativa dominant strains tend to.

By the way... ARGH. I found a bunch of dead baby loopers on a tip top cola of euphoria today, my frostiest and stinkiest plant. They were dead all over that one top nug, luckily I sprayed MGIS just yesterday, or I think that whole branch would be a 'goner..

And in other news, I scrounged up what FFOF I could find spread across my yard, added 2 decent shovelfuls of dried chicken poo, a bunch of okra that grew way too big to eat, the big ones are full of fiber (they aren't tender and good once they get past about 4-5 inches long), and some dried grass all to my compost today, and a teaspoon of mykos just 'cuz.

I also ordered 250 red composting worms :D (on top of some FFOF) I'm just gonna throw them in my compost bin when they arrive, I'll just drain their waste off every few weeks and I should have some truly top knotch compost-fed worm castings, I should say thanks to Corgie :thanks: for giving me links to lots of organic reading materials offsite, and generally being an inspiring organic grower, that's what inspired this purchase, you rock Corgie! I mean to go completely and sustainably organic in my growing attempts, and will be using a no-till re-used soil approach similar to his for my coming grows. The only thing he recommends that I wont be doing much if at all, is brewing inocculent teas... here's my thought process coming to that conclusion, for any that care to know lol:

from my understanding on reading some more about beneficial bacteria and fungi in soil, once you introduce those initial microbes, (I also ordered 0.5 cubic ft of GH Ancient Forest humus, 35,000+ bacteria and 7000+ fungi thriving inside, sounds like a great initial inocculent) as long as you can provide a stable environment for them to thrive in with good food sources, they should exponentially multiply and fill your soil to the brim, which to me, makes it unnecessary to add any more brewed teas to the mix, at least if why you're adding those teas is mainly to re-inocculate. (I'm aware that many of these teas aren't solely for adding microbial explosions, they also feed the microbes that are already in the soil, and feed your plant by giving the microbes nutrients to make readily available for your plants)

So I'm mainly going to do a clean watering approach, but I may do a couple experiments with teas similar to what Lester uses for his flowering plants getting near harvest, and maybe an EWC tea or two as a N-supplement; I just won't be doing regular/scheduled tea feedings like Corgie does.

Rant finished lol.
Sounds like a nice plan.
A tea to inoculate your soil mix doesn't hurt though, just saying, lol. Idk about regularly scheduled tea applications, but at least one for good measure to start, ha haa.

Got worms? Hell yeah!
Look at figuring out an organic IPM routine and get that going. I personally can't believe how effective neem meal (cake) has been in my garden with my fungus gnats. I haven't seen a flyer in a week!

Google Adam Dunn radio show organic IPM.
Podcast is 2+ hrs, play it over your home theater system while you are working on other stuff around the house (that's what I did)
Sounds like a nice plan.
A tea to inoculate your soil mix doesn't hurt though, just saying, lol. Idk about regularly scheduled tea applications, but at least one for good measure to start, ha haa.

Got worms? Hell yeah!
:circle-of-love: Yep!! Worms on the way!! Should only take a week or 2. I also have some beans on the way.... from an incredibly generous, sweet, knowledgeable and generally awesome person/grower here :) Thank you BrightLight!!!! :adore: :adore: :adore:

And yeah, you and Bright both recommend a tea. I'll do an initial inocculent tea once a plant or two goes into their veg containers. For those same plants I'll probably brew up a late flowering tea too - Lester's late feedings have piqued my interest, since his plants are always stunning. I'll see how those plants compare to a PJ style clean water organic method. Never smart to discount something before trying; I'm just hypothesizing that the clean water method will probably do just as well, or near enough to just as well as the tea-fed plants, that it won't be a make-or-break difference. And my goal is to be as lazy as possible :rofl:
Look at figuring out an organic IPM routine and get that going. I personally can't believe how effective neem meal (cake) has been in my garden with my fungus gnats. I haven't seen a flyer in a week!

Google Adam Dunn radio show organic IPM.
Podcast is 2+ hrs, play it over your home theater system while you are working on other stuff around the house (that's what I did)
Will do! Thank you for sharing!! I haven't had gnat problems for years, but these caterpillars are thoroughly pissing me off. Found one on a top Mama cola today, had to remove a decent future gram or two... and now that top cola is marred... UGHHHHHHHHHHH. I'm sure its all these butterflies I see around. -.- -.- -.-

I've also been very interested in SNS-209 systemic insecticide, Lester seems to be very fond of it, and he's living inside a butterfly preserve by the ocean. What a cannabis nightmare lol.
How far from montrose are you?
U should go chat with Jeremy from buildasoil.
Uhmm, probably a good 2 or 3 hr drive north, not sure I'll have the time (or gas) for that in the immediate future, but if I find myself in the area I'll definitely remember that. Perhaps I should schedule a snowboarding trip to telluride this winter :) I bet one of my friends would go with, and a short trip to montrose shouldn't be too out of the way.

Thanks for all the help Corgie :)
Did a Ton of defol on Big Mama today after I found the worst worm/pillar damage yet, very well hidden in a top cola >.< I realized that how leafy Mama was, was getting in the way of good bud inspections. So she's pretty barren now lol, its cool to see that wow, she was filling out underneath all that, hopefully I didn't just majorly f**k up by defoling so much, and she'll keep filling out like she was. But if I did fuck up.... oh well. I have another 13 plants and more on the way lol. As long as I can get medicated off mama I'll be happy :)

And yes, I found more pillars, a lot easier after the defol >.< ugh they make my skin crawl.

On top of that, our Rooster, Rusty, assaulted me during my defol!! LOL. He caught me by surprise and and came from behind, scared the shit outta me and I fell down LOL. Then I got back up, and booted him for a field goal right between two forked tree branches. :rofl: Don't mess with me Rusty!

I'll add pics of how mama looks now soon, gotta go for attempt #3 at getting my dad's truck out of impound, power of attorney should help. :ciao:
:rofl: hahahaha that was a good laugh!! :Love: I needed that thanks girl :circle-of-love:

Oh and check the video I pm'd you about the caterpillars, you might find it informative.

I did and PM'ed you back :blushsmile:

Glad my traumatic rooster attack gave you a laugh hahahaha. Rusty's getting a bit cocky (pun intended) around here LOL. He struts around like Jagger, like he owns the place, and then whenever you turn your back to him (esp. if you're grabbing eggs! watch out!) he comes at you like a lightning bolt. He's still pissed at me for clipping his wing and taking off his dude-claw. (and that was months ago!)

I still remember my Grandpa's rooster advice when we first got our hens and a different rooster: "Alright so the first thing you do when you open up the coop, is go give the Roo a hefty boot. Make sure he gets airborne or he'll probably come back for more. You know you done well if he smacks the ceiling." LMFAO. I was appalled at that at first, being a city raised girl who loves animals, but after a dozen or so rooster attacks I found myself following his instructions. :rofl:
Well, I did right by my Dad, and he fucked me over. Got him out of jail, but now he's trying to make me shut down my grow room, and chop all my plants, even the ones that are so close but yet so far, probably 4 weeks from a great outdoor harvest. I guess I'll keep you guys posted. I'm not going to without a fight. Put too much time and energy into it to just let him do this.

I don't hurt anyone, I'm not violent, never have been. He always was. He was abusive growing up, still is at times... He's hurt countless men, but also women, children, and animals. Mostly because he's a hopeless drunk. He deserves to be in jail, and should still be. But no I had to get him out. WOW.

I suppose I'll keep you guys posted as to what happens, for now I'm going to go have a cigarette and try to detach myself from all the crazy emotions I'm having.
Thanks MP, he's just being irrational and not listening to sense. He's out on probation, with UA's and UB's (blood/urine analysis mandatory) and random home visits, and he thinks I'm going to get him arrested again. I guess I know where he's coming from, since this county is full of conservative narrow minded fucks, including the police, but I just know there's some way to get through this. IDK if I can help him get a red card/ if that would let him be alright using cannabis for medicinal purposes, and let me grow or not. He's being very close minded about the idea thus far at least.

Idk..crossing my fingers it works out. If I have to kill my plants a little part of me will die too >.<
I don't see why HIM being on probation should mean I have to kill my plants. I'm over my red card's limit on plants to grow admittedly, but come on, 6 plants, thats draconian. Not everyone can grow Dank420Girl size plants.

I don't know, just don't know how this is going to work out. I'll do everything I can to get through to harvest though, but he's being adamant about shutting down my new indoor grow, which I worked so freaking hard on, spent so much money on, ... just, shit. I'll leave it at that.
Be optimistic. Life sucks at times for everyone, and yeah, it gets really difficult to deal with some shit. Just stay focused, keep a clear head, don't let your emotions get the best of you, and you'll always know the right decisions to make.

And just to be clear, 'keep a clear head' does not mean don't use Cannabis. I would suggest using it as often as necessary to keep calm so you can think things through without getting too emotionally involved. Just hang in there Strangler, you have all of our support.

Be optimistic. Life sucks at times for everyone, and yeah, it gets really difficult to deal with some shit. Just stay focused, keep a clear head, don't let your emotions get the best of you, and you'll always know the right decisions to make.

And just to be clear, 'keep a clear head' does not mean don't use Cannabis. I would suggest using it as often as necessary to keep calm so you can think things through without getting too emotionally involved. Just hang in there Strangler, you have all of our support.


Not if shes really a strangler! :yikes:

Thanks guys. You just made me smile after a really shitty fight with my mom >.< ... who apparently blames me for all this??? Absolutely 0 empathy from her ... I don't have any weed. I'm dying over here. All I have is cigarettes and I chain smoked a whole pack today. (and consequently feel even more sick)

I'm going to try and stay positive, but things are looking out of my control now. I traded my Dad's helplessness in jail, for my own apparently. And I truly wish I hadn't. I regret helping him out with every fiber of my being right now. I feel like there truly is no justice and everything I built here in the last 6 months is falling apart, all because of my Dad being a violent, stupid, drunk.

It really has been a heartbreaking day for me since the second I woke up. I thought I'd be happy to see him. Definitely feel stupid now.
Hi SoilGirl,

life can be so weird, hard and also fluxing paradoxical, in a bad way, specially when closed people are involved.

but u know what !! time makes his job, keep fighting is also a necessary thing, just don't forget little positives things happens everyday. Focus on them. You're just waiting for bigger positives things now :ganjamon:

And Thanks a lot for your words on organic grows, it means lots of readings for me now as you hit my curiosity.


Little Cutie sends u positiv little vibs !!


I'm going to try and stay positive

Good on ya.

Don't lose site of this. Keep trying. You can do it.

You live in CO! That is awesome! Stay positive. I've had to make decisions around my weed crop and it was tough. Then I remembered it was JUST A DAMNED PLANT. Sorry for the shouting. Ha ha. We do spend a lot of time raising our babies - but in a weird way, I really enjoy the growing part too. Sounds like you do as well. So - we'll just get to do more of it, yeah?


Sleep well.
Hi everyone. I'm still trying to stay positive, and doing a bit better. I'm very solution oriented (which always pissed my mom off. She always said I had the mind of a boy - that I'm always looking to fix problems instead of just be there for support like a good girl - like my sister and her - Lol... wonder why she was so surprised - and at first horrified - that I'm bi... :scratchinghead: I digress.) and I think I found a possible compromise for both of us.

I found a secluded spot in a corner of our yard, a bit overgrown since we let the spaghetti squash die off, that may allow me to finish up all my plants guerilla grow style. There's tall hedges on the fence, and then an old bunkhouse we've been using as a shed to the left of that. That leaves only one approach that you could see the plants from in our backyard, and I may pile up some dead branches to block that approach that fell off our monstrous old growth trees - that by all rights shouldn't even be alive in this climate - but we water them so much that we're probably single-handedly keeping Los Angeles in a drought >.<

My Dad's being a little more agreeable, he heard my nasty fight with my mom and he may be showing some mercy because of that. But for my brand new grow room...he has little mercy. He wants it down immediately. I told him if he wants it down, he can do it himself. I put too much effort into that shit already. Looks like its going to be torn down tomorrow.. and there goes a thousand dollar investment, my life savings. Fuck.

I might end up moving back to Denver after I get everything outside harvested... Seizures or no seizures for my dad, who was never insanely keen on using cannabis as medicine instead of his awful meds; this household sucks, and I know nobody here. Maybe I'll be able to find a job growing for someone, lord knows there's lots of 420 businesses starting around Denver. Anyone here know anyone that may be able to help with that? worth a shot asking.

For what it's worth, if you were my neighbor, you could come smoke some nugs here.

But I'm going to bed. So keep it down while I watch Tosh.0
And lock the door when you leave. And don't eat all my food lol

Cheer up Soily.. It could always be worse. Just keep looking up.
Hahah thanks Ants. :blushsmile: I really wish I was. I'd give anything to be in a truly friendly community of people like these here on 420 mag in real life. Imagine that. What a beautiful community it would be. We should make it happen. Preferably in Colorado Lol.

I never liked that saying, "it could always be worse." To me it always kinda seems like a disingenuous way of saying, "Hey, at least you don't live in Mogadishu." - not to mention, things always seem to get worse once its said. Hopefully that isn't the case though, thank you for the support Ants. You're a really nice guy.
Hi SoilGirl,

life can be so weird, hard and also fluxing paradoxical, in a bad way, specially when closed people are involved.

but u know what !! time makes his job, keep fighting is also a necessary thing, just don't forget little positives things happens everyday. Focus on them. You're just waiting for bigger positives things now :ganjamon:

And Thanks a lot for your words on organic grows, it means lots of readings for me now as you hit my curiosity.


Little Cutie sends u positiv little vibs !!


Hahaha your broken english just made my day Tad :) caring seems to be a universal language here, and I completely understood you.

I know I'll live, this isn't the end of the world... even if I have to chop all my plants.. although it would temporarily throw me into a serious depression and I'd feel like it were the end of the world. >.< I know, drama queen here. They're plants. But I love them with all my heart. It's hard for me to even chop them down when they're ready, but then the stoner in me starts having grumbly lungs saying, "Feed me! Feed me!"

Lol, guys, Tad has the cutest little plant in the whole world. like, seriously, it made me go into Dora-and-the-squishy mode (come on people, you have to have seen Finding Nemo)

Hope you're right. Some positives flowing in would be awesome. One positive did, actually. BrightLight is an amazingly generous, sweet guy. He sent me seeds (Idk what kind or how many yet, but they'll be here soon) and just the thought of that really brightens up my mindset.

See ya tad.
Good on ya.

Don't lose site of this. Keep trying. You can do it.

You live in CO! That is awesome! Stay positive. I've had to make decisions around my weed crop and it was tough. Then I remembered it was JUST A DAMNED PLANT. Sorry for the shouting. Ha ha. We do spend a lot of time raising our babies - but in a weird way, I really enjoy the growing part too. Sounds like you do as well. So - we'll just get to do more of it, yeah?


Sleep well.
Haha, I know, its a plant..but its a truly lifesaving plant for me, that I feel extremely strongly about and can't imagine going without. My plants are like my children, my religion, my hobby, my medicine, and my escape all in one. They are incredibly important to me, maybe too much so, but regardless, they are.

Nice to meet you Shuffle, I'm sorry you joined us at such low point. I meant for this to be an inspirational, educational, and a whole lot of other 'ational's thread lol. But lately it seems like its just been a place for me to go and whine everyone's ears (eyes, rather) out. Either way, this won't be the last I grow, thats sure as hell.... ok maybe I should rephrase that since 'hell' doesn't exist, it's sure as the fact that all things will end.
I am so sorry for the recent happenings, please feel better, and stay positive. Tomorrow is a new day. :Love:

:Namaste: :circle-of-love:
Thank you Lester, your knowledge of all things science/plants is only exceeded by your kindness. I really appreciate the kind words, you're a steadfast friend here, since pretty much the day I joined. :hugs:

I'm alright, pretty down, but I'll live. Tomorrow's gotta be better than today, another one of these and I may totally lose it.
Goodnight everyone..long day. I really hope everyone else's day went nothing like mine >.< sincerely.
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