SoilGirl's Soil Multi-Strain Grow Journal 2014

And aww thanks Ants, maybe I will - I just don't know if they're far enough along in flowering to get any votes. Getting 0 votes is no fun lol, would rather not even try. Competition is pretty fierce, every single time from what I see. I could use that prize pack though >.< I'd love to try some SNS products, not to mention all the other goodies. I think I'm definitely going to enter a nug for NOTM though hahah even though I didn't grow it. Lester just won with one he didn't grow - and it was beautiful, why not.

The contest is PLANT of the month, not COLAS OF THE MONTH, or BUDS ON A PLANT OF THE MONTH. You don't have to be flowering to enter. Anyone can enter, it's all about taking your best plant and showing it off to everyone. Win or lose, who gives a shit? You grew a plant nice enough to even stand with the big girls out there, that in itself is something to be proud of.

You can vote for yourself, so you will NOT have 0 votes. And if you get no other votes, it doesn't mean your plant sucked. It just means the voters happened to like the others better. That's all it is man. Give it a shot. Worst thing that can happen is that you get a shitload of likes on your entry. You've put a ton of work into your plants, show them off! And not everyone is visiting your journal, so it'll give you a chance to show off your talents to other growers who haven't dropped into your journal yet.

Just do it already!

And if it makes you feel any better, I entered my little tiny 14" tall plant. :)
The contest is PLANT of the month, not COLAS OF THE MONTH, or BUDS ON A PLANT OF THE MONTH. You don't have to be flowering to enter. Anyone can enter, it's all about taking your best plant and showing it off to everyone. Win or lose, who gives a shit? You grew a plant nice enough to even stand with the big girls out there, that in itself is something to be proud of.

You can vote for yourself, so you will NOT have 0 votes. And if you get no other votes, it doesn't mean your plant sucked. It just means the voters happened to like the others better. That's all it is man. Give it a shot. Worst thing that can happen is that you get a shitload of likes on your entry. You've put a ton of work into your plants, show them off! And not everyone is visiting your journal, so it'll give you a chance to show off your talents to other growers who haven't dropped into your journal yet.

Just do it already!

And if it makes you feel any better, I entered my little tiny 14" tall plant. :)
Hahahah thanks Ants ;) idk - I'm still on the fence, I'd rather just wait til next month for a POTM entry to be honest. Like, I don't want to enter the same plant twice haha, I'd rather just enter it once its finished and show everyone the final result. I think I'm happy with just entering NOTM this month :) maybe I'll win - it was a beautiful nug after all. But you'll definitely be seeing lots of entries from me soon for POTM (and my own homegrown NOTM entries) ... I'll have to work on my photography skills though >.<
Great news Trapr! And thanks for the kind words :) I'm starting to feel like my work is paying off. I'll come by and see your euforia (is this the same as euphoria after all lol? probably just spelled wrong?) in a minute.

Hi there! :welcome: Thanks so much for the kind words and well wishes. :circle-of-love:
Today I did find one little wormy on my Mini Lucy. >.< Lost a nug 'cuz of it. the little bastard.
Awesome! When you do your journal, make sure to remember to add a signature link to it! I'll definitely come by and check it out :)

Oh and by the way... Rain = bad. I only find the worms when it has rained recently >.< gonna go spray some Monterey Garden Insect Spray (OMRI cert.) w/ Spinosad on all my outdoor girls now... :rip: loopers.

thankyou soilgirl mapilot tell me same about signature for me when i do journal, sorry for bad english, still learning youre language and slang be hardest for me understanding thankyou for rian fact maybe i do cover next rian time. i like learning more in 420 evrytime i come, i will get organic spray for fix of my worm found, i remove very small eggs with toothpick
Superb update SoulGirl...
thankyou soilgirl mapilot tell me same about signature for me when i do journal, sorry for bad english, still learning youre language and slang be hardest for me understanding thankyou for rian fact maybe i do cover next rian time. i like learning more in 420 evrytime i come, i will get organic spray for fix of my worm found, i remove very small eggs with toothpick
I think you mean rain haha. no worries. Hope the spray helps :) and good idea with the toothpick. I haven't even found an egg yet. Just the caterpillars -.- maybe I'm not looking hard enough.
i see da tenshi word you use for name, i know that words from home, you make me laugh!
now I want to know what her name means Lol. :)
Superb update SoulGirl...
Thanks Reg ;) :passitleft: I hope the fire escape girls are starting to flower away for you soon, and that your DCS membership stays revoked. :Love:
Great update SoilGirl. I bet you back yard is starting to smell really good. :goodjob:
The one that's been out there (Pepé Le Pew) has been in bloom for 2 weeks now.
Thanks for the link Reg :) Idk how I missed that, I suppose I got caught up on all the soil talk just after.
Going back to that link and reading the soil posts again, I think its about time to start cooking some soils up for my indoor grow.... I think I'll shoot PJ a quick PM for a little input... my close neighbor to the south is a great help, (as you know :D) don't wanna overdo anything..
Great update SoilGirl. I bet you back yard is starting to smell really good. :goodjob:
Hi there bee :passitleft: thank you :) it sure is.. but oh, how I wish there was some Smell-o-vision on this site >.< I'm sure I'd be spending lots of time with your PGG and chernobyl... and all over this site Lol. but then...maybe its a good thing there is no smell-o-vision.. I spend lots of time here as it is! If it did, I'd never leave! :circle-of-love:
Good morning girl :Love: You're up early! Get some pics of the indoor girls! I want to see how they're doing :cheertwo:

Good Morning!! :Love: Yeah. A puppy decided since he couldnt wake me up, to poop all over the floor. So wasn't the nicest to wake up to LOL. But serves me right. Will do! Sorry for not getting them yesterday Lol, its all that pizza making me fat and lazy. :laughtwo:

Oh S**T. I think its time for some roast puppy -.- -.- -.-
UGH. >.< >.< >.<
the puppies found my just-arrived 12 quarts of FFOF. Torn to shreds and spread all over my back yard......

Yep, firing up the oven -.- who wants some.

Going to order a replacement and wait to cook my soil til then... I guess I'll have to settle for cooking those rotten puppies... -.-
Is anyone else unable to upload their pics... the button that usually says "choose files to upload" ...disappeared. There's only the "upload/submit" button... I'm trying to do my indoor update >.< >.< >.<

edit: LOL... I figured it out... the "choose files to upload" button went ghost on us (or maybe just me.... Lol) :o I clicked on the spot where the button usually was.... and it worked. It was invisible though >.< how annoying.
Indoor Veg Clones Update!!

Alright, now that that silly uploading ordeal is over, here's my vegging clones in my new veg room.

Here's the family :circle-of-love: and a look at how the humidity and temps have been in there, pretty consistent actually, that meter's been on for at least a week. Pretty dry, like the Colorado I know and love lol. This summer was weird for me, never seen humidity at 85% outdoors in CO before - and if you're familiar with the region I'm in you'd probably say WTF too. This is the beginning of the Basin and Range Geological Province - for anyone who knows some geology. (Miss you, Prof. Pound! My geology teacher was the coolest.)
Global Weirding is real and happening, people.



And here are the two crazy re-veggers. The left is a Mama clone, the right is yet another Lucy clone. I included a look under the hood of Mama's clone, and a closer look at the reveg process. They are some gnarly plants lol, tons of tri-blade leaves, insane branching, and kinda mutant looking lol (you shoulda seen them a week ago though)



Here are the BBK clones, the tall one isn't re-vegged at all, yet the small one is probably going to be my most re-vegged clone of all. The tall one was put in the veg room the same day as the crazy reveg Lucy/Mama clones. I topped it so it would stop stretching lol. I didn't want to FIM, because that's not as stunting. It needs a transplant soon methinks.
Also, the tall one is in an opaque green plastic container so we couldn't take a look at the roots, but there's a pic of the reveg clone's roots, who is growing in an old sliced up 2 liter of Canada Dry :laughtwo: she was the last in the veg room, so her rooting is the least developed.


Now the two Euphoria clones. Both were actually taken well into when their mommy was flowering, but both were VERY low growth crappy nodes, that while the rest of the branches were showing lots of pistils, weren't showing any. I figured they could go either way, and turns out they didn't need much revegging. There's a few pistils on them, but they didn't reach the alternating node/tri-blade mutant-leaf growth point. so they're growing like normal, with twin nodes.

As you can see, the leaf sides are curling up a bit, probably because of the heat off of the light. (which is unfortunately red spectrum 2700k, but it was free... so I'm happy)

after watching my outdoor Euphoria, I disagree with the label they gave the Euphoria at Trill Alternatives - where I got the buds/seeds - as an 80% indica... their momma, and them, have all grown like sativa dominant hybrids for sure. I either got a sativa pheno, or they are just on some green crack over there.

The one in the 2 liter was the one transplanted at 8 days, she's established quite a root system already.


Here's the light -.- which I raised a bit to take these pics....

And here's some of the damage done to my plants when the light fell right on top of them because I couldn't remember how to tie a bosun's hitch knot correctly in my attempt to re-lower the light. Damn I need my Dad out of jail >.< even if its been so refreshingly quiet and sober around here without him.

the big Lucy Re-veg got the worst of it, a couple of her nodes broke and are oozing sap (which I licked off a finger :rofl: don't try this LOL - it is insanely bitter and sour) and the others all just got bent a bit. They'll be fine lol. Cannabis is surprisingly SoilGirl resistant :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks for coming by, hope you enjoyed, and sorry it took so long. :Namaste: :Love:
datenshi definition secret passed down only threw my family, maybe he will tell you meaning. like youre pictures soilgirl, is FFOF fox farm soil? that is what google say, thankyou,
datenshi definition secret passed down only threw my family, maybe he will tell you meaning. like youre pictures soilgirl, is FFOF fox farm soil? that is what google say, thankyou,
Is it "fallen angel?" that seems to be the japanese definition according to google. yeah, fox farm ocean forest. Just going to mix it in a bit like PeeJay does, I've seen lots of people have fluctuating problems when growing in pure FFOF (or any FF soil) or barely diluted FFOF - like 80% FFOF 20% Vermiculite. But it has lots of great organic matter and nutrients/minerals; I would like to tap those without the risk of a 'too hot' soil, so I'm only going to use 1 part FFOF in my mix.
Looking good girl! Though cover up those transparent containers !! Roots hate light, or at least what I heard around, could be why they are curling.
OH. :blushsmile: thanks for speaking up haha. this is why I have a journal, so people can tell me when I'm being dumb and missing something obvious Lol. I guess I'll tape around the sides of the containers or something :Love:
Good Evenings Weed to you SoilGirl :circle-of-love: :volcano-smiley: :volcano-smiley:

And back to you Sir Lester! :Love: :passitleft: :volcano-smiley:
Any input on the leaf problems on the euphoria veg clones a page back? Maybe I should bump that update to this page, it seems to have gone unnoticed Lol.
Thanks for coming in! :thanks:
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