SoilGirl's Soil Multi-Strain Grow Journal 2014

Hi Lester, I guess there's one up side to my dad being in jail >.< I can use the computer as much as I want. :Namaste:

Knock it off SoulGirl. As Jimbo said, we're all family here. That includes having more than enough shoulders to cry on. We grow, we vent, we learn about growing, we help one another, we support each other, & most importantly we respect each other. Never feel like you can't cry your anguish here. You're amongst family.

PS, Your girls look great...
Awh, thanks for such a sweet response Reg :circle-of-love:
right now I'm more mad and dumbfounded than anything else. I'm also worried for my dad since those douche government employees aren't giving my dad his meds, won't even let me bring them in for him, that must be against the law right?? What if he fucking dies?? I get that government jobs blow but that doesn't mean you can just cost someone their health because you aren't directly accountable, wtf, I swear if anything happens to him I will raise so much hell that I'll get this whole police department cleaned out and make them pay my family so much money that they won't even be able to afford salt and pepper for their new diet of knockoff ramen noodles. (I realize you have a gov't job Reg lol, I'm just taking your advice and venting :Love:) I swear this skinny girl was about to go nuclear on this fat bitch behind the window. Sorry, but the lady whose ass has its own gravitational pull, takes one chair for each cheek, and can only say the words "can't help you with that here" and "try waiting another 30 mins" is less use to humanity than the bat shit I'm putting in my plant's soil.
and don't get me started on the lawyers, greedy, money grubbing, lying thunder cunts the lot of them. *Screams into a pillow*

Ok. There we go. all done. and I actually feel a lot better :o thanks Reg. And sorry to anyone offended by my choice of words that last paragraph...perhaps I should be called SailorGirl. :laughtwo: argh..well back to my personal hell of attorneys and gargantuan rear ends now, later. >.<
Glad we could be of help.
Now I feel mean >.< ugh... I'm just frustrated -.- that message a minute ago might be the most angry words I've ever used... chilling out now.

guz fraba.... guz fraba....
Now I feel mean >.< ugh... I'm just frustrated -.- that message a minute ago might be the most angry words I've ever used... chilling out now.

guz fraba.... guz fraba....
Ah, come on. You can't tell me it doesn't feel good to let it out...
Very nice! I need a yard so I can grow outside. I thought about doing a couple plants on my patio, but they'd probably get snatched before harvest since we live in a condo. hehe Great grow! :)

get a scary looking dog :)
Hi Lester, I guess there's one up side to my dad being in jail >.< I can use the computer as much as I want. :Namaste:
Awh, thanks for such a sweet response Reg :circle-of-love:
right now I'm more mad and dumbfounded than anything else. I'm also worried for my dad since those douche government employees aren't giving my dad his meds, won't even let me bring them in for him, that must be against the law right?? What if he fucking dies?? I get that government jobs blow but that doesn't mean you can just cost someone their health because you aren't directly accountable, wtf, I swear if anything happens to him I will raise so much hell that I'll get this whole police department cleaned out and make them pay my family so much money that they won't even be able to afford salt and pepper for their new diet of knockoff ramen noodles. (I realize you have a gov't job Reg lol, I'm just taking your advice and venting :Love:) I swear this skinny girl was about to go nuclear on this fat bitch behind the window. Sorry, but the lady whose ass has its own gravitational pull, takes one chair for each cheek, and can only say the words "can't help you with that here" and "try waiting another 30 mins" is less use to humanity than the bat shit I'm putting in my plant's soil.
and don't get me started on the lawyers, greedy, money grubbing, lying thunder cunts the lot of them. *Screams into a pillow*

Ok. There we go. all done. and I actually feel a lot better :o thanks Reg. And sorry to anyone offended by my choice of words that last paragraph...perhaps I should be called SailorGirl. :laughtwo: argh..well back to my personal hell of attorneys and gargantuan rear ends now, later. >.<

the first on my list of subbed threads was yours, and that was great !!

you should vent more thats my tip :) and never feel guilty about it, sometime people think i have terrets, but im just venting- i used to bottle but now im allowed not vent (i allow myself, fuck everyone else!) bottleing is not good!

take it easy, dont let other peoples pomblems and words effect you, breath and everything always is fine in the end :)

big hug for yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuu (sounds better when said, its a festival power hug thing lol )
lmao. hope you're enjoying the show :)
Ah, come on. You can't tell me it doesn't feel good to let it out...
It does, and doesn't. I don't like feeling mean :S but god. that lady behind the window yesterday.. her whole just "f*ck off not my problem" attitude brought out the worst in me >.< what happened to common courtesy and human decency...

But then, I guess I'm not much better, because given a chance yesterday I might have set a pack of ravenous wolves on that skank. key words... might have. -.- ok I would have. It was her obnoxious gum chewing that brought my judgement day upon her (imaginary judgement day... but ok its a little fun to imagine) - but today I'm feeling a bit more ambivalent... maybe just a ravenous cat.. :laughtwo:
get a scary looking dog :)
I'll vouch for this one - it works :D

the first on my list of subbed threads was yours, and that was great !!

you should vent more thats my tip :) and never feel guilty about it, sometime people think i have terrets, but im just venting- i used to bottle but now im allowed not vent (i allow myself, fuck everyone else!) bottleing is not good!

take it easy, dont let other peoples pomblems and words effect you, breath and everything always is fine in the end :)

big hug for yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuu (sounds better when said, its a festival power hug thing lol )
Lmao I expected that tip from you OTM :circle-of-love: but I appreciate it still. and more power to you my friend :) screw binge drinking, I'd rather have you (and everyone) vent and curse like a sailor than hit the bottle. Venting must be healthy if it makes you feel better afterwards right?
I just have mixed feelings because Idw2 focus on bad things and sometimes thats what it feels like when I'm venting - but other times it lets me focus on the good things more. so its a give and take I guess, like most things.

Thanks for the hug!! :hugs: I saw your plants earlier, they're looking beautiful, awesome new LED!! Congrats!

SO: I went back to the jail today, with my dad's seizure/blood clot meds, bitched up a storm, (lol at both my dad and the sheriff's dept. - my dad said he'd be fine without them and I wanted to smack him) and voila. Looks like anger can still achieve things, because my dad's back on his meds :Namaste: win. and I got to annoy them in the process, like they annoyed me. double win.

Now remember Sheriff's dept., hell hath no fury such as a SailorGirl's scorn. :rofl:
Hello SoilGirl just passing to share one with you:bigtoke:Everything is fu...ed up in our world and only thing that keep us going is beautiful plant we are growing.Everyone is saying don't bother but i never run from the problem,i want to solve problems.I can see that you are strong person and you can handle everything,your plants thinks that way too.Thay are happy and green,they wouldn't be that way if they are not grown by love.What doesn't brake us it make us stronger,same thing is with humans and plants.:Love::peace::Love:
Now I feel mean >.< ugh... I'm just frustrated -.- that message a minute ago might be the most angry words I've ever used... chilling out now.

guz fraba.... guz fraba....

That shit only works in the movies. Well.. one movie specifically.

I have one emoticon for you. :rollit:

Anger problems solved. Relax and enjoy life my friend.
Hello SoilGirl just passing to share one with you:bigtoke:Everything is fu...ed up in our world and only thing that keep us going is beautiful plant we are growing.Everyone is saying don't bother but i never run from the problem,i want to solve problems.I can see that you are strong person and you can handle everything,your plants thinks that way too.Thay are happy and green,they wouldn't be that way if they are not grown by love.What doesn't brake us it make us stronger,same thing is with humans and plants.:Love::peace::Love:
Aww that was such a kind response ghaze :) I hope you're living large and green over in Croatia!
Yeah the world's pretty f**ked up. Bit it's not all bad :) There's as much beauty and goodness as there is bad. It's just easier to focus on bad things, especially when they seem to be closing in on you. At least for me anyways; I'm a bit too much of a perfectionist and when I see something I perceive as wrong or not good enough its hard not to go all out on changing it.

Seeing idiotic Youtube comments about gay people for example drive me crazy, love is love and if you have a problem with that, I think you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce and reincarnate your filth into a new generation. (I'm bisexual - and perfectly fine with that - and I damn well didn't choose to be!! What a stupid thing to say!! Do you choose to be straight?? When did you if so?? Wow. Ok this section of my rant is over lmao - I was just arguing on youtube watching a Sam Smith video - sorry still a little pissed off at the idiocy there)

I guess I try to be a problem solver too. That was a very deep response ghaze :) even not in perfect english your message is just as strong.

As far as my dad today, I've gotten his personal possessions, but he's still in jail >.< least he has his meds now though. I also finally got his truck released from impound (though I still need to find a ride over to get it) and my dad's been instructing me in getting funds of his together to get a good lawyer on the case. It's all been a big headache, today I was on the phone for hours trying to get things cleared up -.- why is it that the one who breaks the law just has to go to a cell with a bed and free food while their family has to deal with all the legal BS and pick up the pieces.. :wood:
Cya ghaze :) thanks for coming bye.
That shit only works in the movies. Well.. one movie specifically.

I have one emoticon for you. :rollit:

Anger problems solved. Relax and enjoy life my friend.
Hahahah thanks antics :)

.... actually, I shamefully must admit, I've cannabalized (notice the canna :D Lol - I spelled it wrong on purpose... hint hint..) a couple small nodes off of Big Mama and started curing them in a folded paper bag yesterday, specifically 3 short low growth nodes that weren't going to produce much because they mostly got indirect sunlight. Not tons of trichs, but I think in a couple more days I'll still get a bit medicated on them, at least enough to lessen my unceasing head ache.

I knew I was forgetting someone's journal... so sorry, forgive me, gonna go check out yours now :) thanks for stopping by.
lol no worries. I know what it's like to have a ton of subscriptions. It takes me a couple days to get through them all sometimes, plus you throw life in on top of it, and sometimes there just isn't enough time.

Just take care of your father, he needs you most right now for support and guidance. My journal can wait.
Good evening weed SG. The trials and tribulations of have to deal with an alcoholic. My brother died of it and my sister is on her way. She doesn't even want to live. So sad what that dam stuff does to a person. I like a little tequila and beer but I don't like to get drunk. I don't like the high. Anyway you have my support. Thanks for stopping by. :volcano-smiley:
lol no worries. I know what it's like to have a ton of subscriptions. It takes me a couple days to get through them all sometimes, plus you throw life in on top of it, and sometimes there just isn't enough time.

Just take care of your father, he needs you most right now for support and guidance. My journal can wait.
Aw thanks Ants, (do you mind if I call you that?) I'm doing my best, but like Bee said, there's only so much to do for those that don't want to be taken care of or get healthy for themselves. It's mindboggling because sometimes my Dad seems so willing to change, says if I can grow enough good weed for our family he'd stop drinking and smoke/vape instead, but then he gets drunk off his bum and he renegs on all of that. Harvest is coming up though, so we'll see what it will be. The healthy, medicinal choice, or binge drinking into an early grave. Only time will tell.. I hope he does the right thing but I can't make his choices for him, and I don't want to. I want him to care about his family and life enough to do it himself. If he can't reach that point.. hate to say it but maybe I should just move on..
Good evening weed SG. The trials and tribulations of have to deal with an alcoholic. My brother died of it and my sister is on her way. She doesn't even want to live. So sad what that dam stuff does to a person. I like a little tequila and beer but I don't like to get drunk. I don't like the high. Anyway you have my support. Thanks for stopping by. :volcano-smiley:
Oh Bee, so sorry to hear about that.. Yeah.. when it comes to having a functional family, alcoholics are a plague. Thank you for your support, and you have mine too of course. :circle-of-love: I hope you're either happily medicated or having happily medicated dreams right now :) once I get to Rado I'll be in bed too. G'nite! :nomo::passitleft:
20 minutes in 170 degree oven is probably as well dried as 3 days in a bag.
AND it is ready to smoke 3 days earlier.
You're probably right, but idk, I like to watch the premature white hairs turn red or orange, and they just stay white in the oven. I've always found patience to be a virtue when it comes to curing, and impatience to get you lower quality.
But FYI, I actually did put one of the little nodes in the gas oven at 170 for 30 mins. 20 mins didn't seem long enough... it didn't taste good lol not gonna sugarcoat it. Wasn't very medicating either but at least my head isn't pounding as hard.
Thanks for the concern Rado, and for keeping a wizardly eye on things here. :hugs: Time for bed now, goodnight!
My old mum went that way too. Until she got Altzheimer's. Then she'd forget where she'd hidden her gin. :laughtwo:

Everybody's said it, SG. Thinking of you.
I believe you are thinking of Charlotte's Web, AC/DC is 20% THC and 20% CBD.

From my understanding I think you are mistaken. AC/DC was really the first big name CBD strain in the MMJ community in the Pacific Northwest. Up until the Stanley brothers had their piece on Charlotte's Web. My understanding from speaking with sources of both strains is that both groups started with a bag of Cannatonic trying to get the 20(THC):1(CBD) they ended up getting the CBD strong pheno 1:20 and named it Charlotte's Web. AC/DC comes from similar circumstances. I've grown Both AC/DC and Charlotte's Web both come out with the same results CBD % wise though both seem somewhat different in their growth and yield. Just my own experience if I am wrong I'll be the first to admit it. Though there are multiple sources out there that will support my statement regarding AC/DC. I have never heard of AC/DC being 20/20 though I have heard of a Cannatonic pheno with those numbers. Can't remember the name for the life of me.
I'm not finding AC/DC or Cannatonic on the TGA genetics strain guide - so its not a full recommendation/suggestion.

You won't see any mention of AC/DC or Cannatonic on the TGA webstie YET. IF you go to their Weed Nerd Episode 200 or 201 on youtube, Subcool shows the AC/DC female he has that he plans on breeding to a TGA strain. I think it's maybe the Cuvee' strain they have that I'm really excited to get my hands on. The majority of their medical line is all derived of Harlequin crosses, with one Medicine Woman cross. So for their medical line up is Hurkle (Harlequin x Querkle), Micky Kush (Jack the Ripper x Sweet Irish Kush), nurse Jackie (Medicine Woman x Jack the Ripper), Pennywise (Harlequin x Jack the ripper). I may be forgetting one or two but I think that covers it.
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