SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 & Other LEDs

Beautiful and poetic. Being raised in my home she knows there's more to it all than she can explain, but she's reasonably certain it has little to do with organized religion and control.

I'm proud of you for toning the censor down today. Well done. :Love:

Sorry Sweetsue for shortening your post, but i wanted to key in on these particular statements:)lol.....
First i agree with SS that that was very beautiful and poetic and being mainly a hydro guy with a dab of organics with soup in the bottles for organic nutes:)lol and after reading and looking at your pics and how they related to what you were saying kind of got me interested in looking more into this LOS.......i have a vague idea of what is going on, but could definately use some thank you......not only will i be following this journal for the long winded:rofl: posts that i love reading through and feeling your passion, but also to learn a little something about LOS......not saying that i am converting.....i really like my hydro:)lol......however i am weak minded to age old practices that did not weaken our earth to her present state that have a positive effect on mind, body, and our mother earth:).....
Finally Second.......Sweetsue.....your sentence on your daughter growing up in your house and her beliefs as far as organized religion.....a page straight out of my book of life:) grandfather was a missionary baptist preacher for over 40 years.....was very old i was raised as a missionary baptist.....joined the military....went to many other denominations churches......just wasnt for me.....i to believe there is something else after death, but refuse to put a name or defination to is what i feel in my heart.....everybody has thier own individual beliefs down deep and that is what makes all of us so hope this made sense as i am heavily medicated at the present juncture in my life:19
Ok....i know you alll are happy for this.....Lastly but very important is once again i totally agree with SS ....Welll done with the volume turned up a little higher today:)....we hear you and like what your saying.....and also find the jokes funny:)lol.....laughter is a necessary staple to our extistence:).....whew.....did somebody say something about being long winded?:)lol
Happy Daze to all and for your nights wishes for Green Dreams:):green_heart::lot-o-toke:
Awesome post Sue! "Cosmic netting" hahaha you're talking about quantum field theory :) aren't physics fascinating - to think the only thing containing all the energy in an atom (and its particles) and keeping it from bursting is a 'netting' of empty space - a vacuum - is astounding. Nothingness and somethingness- the two real powers in physics hahaha. ;) I'm personally fascinated with the higgs bosun, string theory, quantum theory and mechanics, parallel universes, all of that stuff is right up my alley hahaha. My passion for these things, really is my religion, because they can explain our existence... and truly knowing how we came to exist - I find a spirituality in that, which honestly, mainstream religions can only replicate and attempt to provide. Just being real, there's no logic in "oh christ was born to a virgin mom one night and visited by 3 kings and grew up and performed miracles" ... but there's un-ending logic in "we exist because of evolutionary processes"... should spirituality only be based on unquantifiable things, - gut feelings - really? - my mind frame on religion vs. science is they are two attempts at explaining the same things... except one involves observation, the other involves storytelling.

Your daughter and I sound similar - I may not have faith, but that doesn't mean I'm 'missing out on spirituality' as my mom thinks. Just because I'm not christian like her, doesn't mean I have no spiritual connection with our world.... That annoys me a lot when she's like "you just don't believe in something bigger than you" ... yes I do, physics!!! I just find my spirituality in what I can potentially learn and understand and explain.. (and you really can explain all the processes that led to us - although many will disagree with that statement)

Lmao I'm glad you approve Sue - that was a strikingly unpopular post of mine it would seem, but thats to be expected when you broach the topic of religion vs. science just about anywhere. I suppose thats a big part of my distaste for religion - that religious people really have a distaste for me, although they leave it unspoken most of the time. Atheists really do experience a lot of discrimination for our beliefs, an ignored civil rights struggle of our age, because the vast majority of people are religious and see atheists as well... judgy ass holes trying to force religion into extinction. And we do want religion gone for good. But lets get one thing straight, atheists aren't going door to door trying to convert you, aren't putting up huge flashy signs saying "Christ is Lord - Rapture is coming! Repent!" and atheists aren't killing for their beliefs. Atheists spread their beliefs through information, not indoctrination from birth or violence, but through intelligent debate, and questioning the 'norm'.

Now when faith overrides intelligent debate - it can be very frustrating for atheists, leading to harsh words about religions. But while harsh, maybe, JUST maybe they're something to consider, instead of going "LA LA LA LA LA Not Listening LA LA LALALA" in fact many religious people I've debated with have told me things verging on "You atheists shouldn't even talk about religion" - which is basically saying, we should have no freedom of speech out of decency to people that want to stick their head in the sand...! Well, I disagree. It's like people that say 'no talking about politics with me.' OH OKAY - your political decisions with huge real world ramifications are based solely on keeping a narrow view point?? Excuse me... There's so much more to politics than your life's scope on it - politics are supposed to benefit other people not just you, so why not Listen to other people?? I KNOW there's so much more to life than religion can explain or even attempt to explain, now science, it can (over time) explain anything in life, it can in my life and if it can for me it really can for anyone, - it truly could replace the 'norm' we are used to. I used to be religious, but then I kept an open mind and changed, and I'm happier for that. Just because you have a spiritual experience, like you ask for a sign then it 'suddenly rains' doesn't mean there's intelligent design - maybe its just raining >.< just saying lol.

It's not that I don't want people to be happy, if religion is truly the ONLY thing that can comfort you and you need to hold onto it, then ok. I understand you. But give me the decency of understanding me in return - I'm not a atheist demon coming for your spiritual connection with your god. I'm just playing the unfortunate role of someone forced to fight for their beliefs by a majority of people who disagree with me and who facilitate a massive system of negative propaganda against us. I mean honestly, even where I live (even in Colorado!! Yep, theres some nutball evangelist extremists here) if I go out to eat, and mention to a waiter that I'm an atheist (or for that matter, that I'm bi, I grow weed, I'm Liberal, etc.) - my bbq sandwich may just find its way into some spit because my waiter's congregation believes atheists are 'the AntiChrist's (surely Obama :laughtwo:) servants' ... that's what we're up against; some religious groups have so much vitriol and inherent stupidity that they really hate anyone that isn't like them, without caring at all why we aren't like them.

I've been told I'm not an atheist I just "hate god" ... no, I hate that you would say something so arrogant to me and dismiss me with such disdain as a result of your religious indoctrination. I don't ever cross the line from common courtesy to outright disdain just because people disagree with me - you may find it interesting to learn, I actually have religious friends and am very close to my devout cousins. But I can only be close to them because they aren't judgy of me; other cousins/aunts/uncles of mine are very hateful, they stopped talking to my whole immediate family when my parents let me stop going to church at a young age... frankly, f--- them and their obnoxious, stupid beliefs. They're so elitist and judgy... So much for the acceptance that Jesus supposedly taught. Growing up knowing part of my family considered me an evil child - then coming out bi - on top of everything else in my life, has really left a bad taste in my mouth from religion. Now are all religious people bad? no.. of course not. But the religion system does encourage misinformation that oftimes leads to some very discriminatory practices, and I think the world would be much better off without it, people can find a new safety net like I did, and a much sturdier one...

though I know it will take time... lots... I mean religions are a major part of human roots and culture, ones that should be appreciated for their values but - kept in mind that they are not LITERALLY TRUE. It's like with Ancient Greek Mythology, I adore those stories, and I can actually appreciate the true morals of them because of not taking them literally. It's the same for Christianity or Islam, if you believe 4 horsemen are coming for us, or that infidels ought to be treated as subhumans, its a lot harder to focus on the GOOD in those religions, like Jesus teaching love and forgiveness, or the Qoran teaching self reliance.. we need to recognize them for what they are, an important part of our history that reveals a lot about human nature, and teaches some very resounding morals... nothing more literal.

Excuse my rant - but you want no censors, you got them haha.. (might as well continue my unpopular streak and get that rant out of the way :rofl: lord knows it was brewing inside me but kept getting pressed down. It's good to let that out. :) also that will provide some insight to my past for any who care to get to know me lol) ...

hmm maybe I should just blog my rants.... they are off topic after all.... well... for now its gonna chill right here, like it or not lol (just cus its here in my journal doesn't mean you have to read it :laughtwo: - its pretty easy to tell when I'm on topic vs off topic)

Edit: Hmm, Sue I didn't focus on the beginning of your post - because as you know I'm 100% there with you :) LOS growing really warms the soul doesn't it? Honestly, that's the sort of spirituality I was talking about. From connected-ness with nature - not science. I went into depth about my religious background because well - it constantly bothers me. My mom is always talking about this thing at church and this sermon and how I'd really love it if I just went with her, and while I'm glad it warms her, I hate that she's always trying to pull me back into it - yet god forbid I bring up atheism - that is like talking about you-know-who. >.< I have to be subtle with her and say - "This astronomy show is so cool mom! Look at this - they call it the higgs bosun particle - it can potentially create something from nothing if we prove it exists! Making it the 'God Particle!' that really makes the physics of life possible! isn't that incredible!?" ... most of the time though she catches on and matter of factly states something like, "God isn't a particle!" and just gets this horrible knowing grin, simple as that, all over >.< ughhhhhhhhhh LOL. It's like - all science is almost off limits to talk about with her now, because of religion, and that sucks. I suppose I have a lifelong built up resentment for the mainstream monotheistic religions out there. Buddhism/Taoism I feel entirely different about - they have more a mindset like I do, than other religions.
Sorry Sweetsue for shortening your post, but i wanted to key in on these particular statements:)lol.....
First i agree with SS that that was very beautiful and poetic and being mainly a hydro guy with a dab of organics with soup in the bottles for organic nutes:)lol and after reading and looking at your pics and how they related to what you were saying kind of got me interested in looking more into this LOS.......i have a vague idea of what is going on, but could definately use some thank you......not only will i be following this journal for the long winded:rofl: posts that i love reading through and feeling your passion, but also to learn a little something about LOS......not saying that i am converting.....i really like my hydro:)lol......however i am weak minded to age old practices that did not weaken our earth to her present state that have a positive effect on mind, body, and our mother earth:).....
Finally Second.......Sweetsue.....your sentence on your daughter growing up in your house and her beliefs as far as organized religion.....a page straight out of my book of life:) grandfather was a missionary baptist preacher for over 40 years.....was very old i was raised as a missionary baptist.....joined the military....went to many other denominations churches......just wasnt for me.....i to believe there is something else after death, but refuse to put a name or defination to is what i feel in my heart.....everybody has thier own individual beliefs down deep and that is what makes all of us so hope this made sense as i am heavily medicated at the present juncture in my life:19
Ok....i know you alll are happy for this.....Lastly but very important is once again i totally agree with SS ....Welll done with the volume turned up a little higher today:)....we hear you and like what your saying.....and also find the jokes funny:)lol.....laughter is a necessary staple to our extistence:).....whew.....did somebody say something about being long winded?:)lol
Happy Daze to all and for your nights wishes for Green Dreams:):green_heart::lot-o-toke:

Thanks so much I loved reading that post GD!! :volcano-smiley: I'm absolutely elated that you enjoyed my little Rico style update enough to look more into LOS! (That after all was kinda the point hahahaha - or was that not subtle? ;)) I really think you'll love it if you try it - I've not heard of anyone who got into LOS going back to another style of growing - but that said, you could still use the hydro set up if you went to LOS in a number of ways, you could grow your own fertilizers! Like comfrey, borage, stinging nettle, yarrow, aloe, and then put those into your LOS - or you could even potentially make the first (to my knowledge) living organic hydro set up. Now hydro sounds redundant to living organics, but I don't think that means its entirely impossible, I mean what if you grew/sourced your own ingredients and made your own liquid nutes! You can still use the hydro! as far as fungi - as long as they at least have some kind of media (not just sitting in water) and you keep it bubbling and cycle the water, they should do alright! I mean in nature, surely there's natural hydroponic situations where plants grow 100% organically without entirely compromising fungal establishment. or you could just use the hydro to grow your own foods haha - or you could just do a partial LOS grow on the side of your hydro grow (But be prepared to have your taste for hydro ruined LOL! Its like having spaghetti at Olive Garden all your life, then making some from scratch out of homegrown tomatoes - no comparison :))

As far as religion lmao - I loved that part of your post and can totally relate. But for today I've said enough on that :rofl: Much Love GD :circle-of-love: I'm so glad you're interested in LOS and I hope I can help you implement it one way or another!
Well, I did ask you to be unfiltered. :Love:

As you grow older, if you're lucky, you figure out that life is for loving and being loved in return. After a while all the frustrating things in life grow less irritating and we begin to laugh more. Until then be unfiltered and kind.

If you weren't so passionate you would be less interesting. You document a killer grow too. That helps. :green_heart:
Just a note on the religion vs spirituality/atheism.
The majority of people don't want to /are unable to formulate and act according to a personal choice of ethics, so they adopt a moral code.
Religion is basically a moral code with illustrative stories.
Ethics a more holistic, personalized framework of behavior.
Religion is easy. Thinking is hard.

In my introductory sentence, I lumped spirituality in with atheism.
While it is possible for spirituality to exist within a religion,
spirituality thrives in freedom of thought and action found in atheism and agnosticism.

To connect with living soil, to craft your own personal relationship to natural rules with plants, is to choose a certain ethical relationship with nature. My first grow with bottled nutrients felt so alien. I felt I had to choose between the religions of hydro, organics in a bottle, top feed to waste, soil less media, etc. Which minister inspired me to follow the path of HPS, vs the competing religions of CFL and LED? - not to mention those CO2 and bud washing "alternative" religious sects.

I eventually found my way back to the scientific method of Masunobu Fokuoka and Robert J Hart(permaculture folks.) I was spending hours pursuing fish poo hydro ideas until I noticed ..... DUH bushes grow in soil with worms, NOT fish ponds!

I believe religion vs science debates apply very well to gardening discussions.
Just a note on the religion vs spirituality/atheism.
The majority of people don't want to /are unable to formulate and act according to a personal choice of ethics, so they adopt a moral code.
Religion is basically a moral code with illustrative stories.
Ethics a more holistic, personalized framework of behavior.
Religion is easy. Thinking is hard.

In my introductory sentence, I lumped spirituality in with atheism.
While it is possible for spirituality to exist within a religion,
spirituality thrives in freedom of thought and action found in atheism and agnosticism.

To connect with living soil, to craft your own personal relationship to natural rules with plants, is to choose a certain ethical relationship with nature. My first grow with bottled nutrients felt so alien. I felt I had to choose between the religions of hydro, organics in a bottle, top feed to waste, soil less media, etc. Which minister inspired me to follow the path of HPS, vs the competing religions of CFL and LED? - not to mention those CO2 and bud washing "alternative" religious sects.

I eventually found my way back to the scientific method of Masunobu Fokuoka and Robert J Hart(permaculture folks.) I was spending hours pursuing fish poo hydro ideas until I noticed ..... DUH bushes grow in soil with worms, NOT fish ponds!

I believe religion vs science debates apply very well to gardening discussions.
SO well put Rado :laughtwo: - and with the accompanying amount of 'likes' :passitleft: that really is what it comes down to; religion is easy, thinking is hard, and change is scary.

But to those that really develop an ethos of their own to life - not one pushed on them at birth - I agree.. its so incredibly mentally freeing. It's like waking up from a bad dream and realizing, there's a world of potential and discovery out there...

its something so positive and enlightening in a way that nothing compares, certainly not sunday school - that's what made me question religion originally, (well Santa being a lie kinda upset me too :rofl: maybe that played into it) - just wondering why my mom and my friend's moms all were so.. controlling about what we thought. I mean I understand moms should play a role in their kid's mental development but woah.. stop forcing your kids into your religion and taking away the choice for them... :lot-o-toke:

Seriously.. why do we brainwash our kids and then tell them to think for themselves? Their whole view of the world will be shaped by their early indoctrination. And for what? So their parents feel safe that their kids will go to heaven when they're dead? great..but what about this life? What if it's the only one we've got? - well if so, then you're stealing your child's childhood and free will... on the off chance that there's an evil prick in the sky who's just waiting to send them to hell...... :lot-o-toke: when you're 4 years old, you don't question things, you accept them, whether they're wrong or right, this is why gangs and extremists love recruiting young...

hellish punishment and heavenly reward also always sounded...stupid to me. why would God create me, let me become evil, and send me to an evil place - if he's against evil? Wouldn't he make me...... good? he's just like me with an ant farm, watching for entertainment, enjoying his god complex, wondering who he's gonna send to hell next? :rofl: but then - let's not get caught up on the parts of religion that make no sense. :rofl:

Hahahaha Rado... Starting at "To connect with living soil" and beyond, you really prove that you have a wit and wisdom together rare to find. On my first read through that conclusion - I was like, "he's just being goofy :)", but on my second read through, it struck me... the depth of your comparison. Sometimes the truest insights, are laughable at first. I really find finding spirituality in nature, the natural thing for us - I mean, imagine what the first man to really question why he exists felt. I'm sure the earliest spirituality of our species, was with nature - Idk why we ever moved away from that. :)

I appreciate you coming by Rado - I was really starting to feel bad for being so... Frank. even disrespectful (as I'm sure religious folks will see it - I don't.)

I really do find a connection with nature in growing this way. I know it's right, I know it's healthy, I know its something positive to do with my life. Religion isn't like this. It depends on head-in-sand mentality, and can assure you of absolutely nothing without that. This, depends on me. I'm god of my own spirituality. :hippy: I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for bringing such positivity as always Rado - it takes a rare breed imo to say what you said haha.
My SST LIVES! (Gonna get blended up and watered in tomorrow!

I'm as surprised as you are :laughtwo: it worked!


My first successful tea, of any kind. It's the dawn of a beautiful new age! :slide: :)

The Age of LOS!
hi soil girl! what the hell is that picture of above?!
Where've you been OTM!! Your outgoing quirkyness has been missed! Hahaha that's a Sprouted Seed Tea in the making - for the enzymes that sprouts produce! I'm going to blend them up with some water tomorrow, dilute, and drench my soil with it! The Enzymes will help break down organic matter in my soil - most noteably chitin into chitinases - which adds a pesticide quality to my soil while keeping it totally organic! First time doing a tea :) can't wait - just did a aloe drench the other day!
See where CO has led us? LOL! He should be beaming with pride.

I'm starting a sprouting of organic popcorn later and applying a drench of coconut water today. Those sprouts of yours are looking great SoilGirl. I like the diversity.

I enjoyed your rant. I was raised in a controlling, fundamental religious church and graduated from Abilene Christian University. The members were all very loving, but the control element was personally disconcerting. By the time I had children to raise I found myself uncomfortable with the choice to immerse them in the same religious upbringing. Our son is agnostic and our daughter atheist "with a little a", but they both have a strong ethical core. That's what I'm proudest of. I wanted them to find their own way. I believed my job as their mother was to demonstrate the power of loving and expect them to incorporate that into their ethical code of behavior. The control elements of organized religion never fit my personal insights into unconditional love.
See where CO has led us? LOL! He should be beaming with pride.

I'm starting a sprouting of organic popcorn later and applying a drench of coconut water today. Those sprouts of yours are looking great SoilGirl. I like the diversity.

I enjoyed your rant. I was raised in a controlling, fundamental religious church and graduated from Abilene Christian University. The members were all very loving, but the control element was personally disconcerting. By the time I had children to raise I found myself uncomfortable with the choice to immerse them in the same religious upbringing. Our son is agnostic and our daughter atheist "with a little a", but they both have a strong ethical core. That's what I'm proudest of. I wanted them to find their own way. I believed my job as their mother was to demonstrate the power of loving and expect them to incorporate that into their ethical code of behavior. The control elements of organized religion never fit my personal insights into unconditional love.

An interesting point Sue - I'm sure there's more people that turn away from religion than I've led on to, many people do develop their own ethical code in response to that as I have, (or rather in spite of) ... I guess it just really bothers me to think that if I had taken what I was told more literally, taken it to heart I mean... that my lens on life would be so messed up. I mean, when you look at a real place, with real problems, through the lens of something imaginary from the very beginning... that's just a scary recipe... definitely is to me - idk about you. So many people do take that stuff seriously from day one, and live this life doing the right things for the wrong reasons - fear of eternal retribution and desire for reward... an atheist who runs into a burning building to save a child, does that for the right reasons... but if a devout religious person does that, despite the fact that its right for them to do, if they're doing it to get into heaven that isn't very commendable... but seflish, in a way. Why you do things matters.

In other words, people choosing that code of ethics isn't a dependable outcome to expect when raising children within the mental confines of a religion. Many don't ever know that ethics was an option if indoctrinated from the beginning... and that makes sense because you're telling them to build their ethos around something they can only try to understand and make fit but is in the end an abstract moral code, a truly grand fable open to malicious and benevolent interpretations; rather than ethics they formulate themselves. A lot of this has to do with my personal views about human psychology. People need something to follow, and leaders take advantage of this, for better or worse. I think Rado put it best, critical thinking presents a ...conundrum to many people's core beliefs, where following is already their hardwired response.

And Sue - for the record, I can't imagine you raising bad children, I just can't, even in a fundamental church. There are some loves so strong that they perforate the soul - a mother who truly cares and accepts her children can give one kind, and I think that's the wild card in fundamental churches. If you're raised by a mother like that, love is your lens on life, not religion :) My mom is saintly for letting me leave the church at all, at great personal sacrifice. (much of her family as well as my dad's has pretty much disowned her...yet my father - an ex big businessman and football pride of the family, he almost can do no wrong) I'll never forget that. I just struggle with her notion of reality still. :Love: ..its actually her birthday. I'm going to call her and tell her thank you so much, and how much I love her for everything she's done :) - Just called her and talked for hours, and religion came up, and she just said "I always knew you'd find your own path, I just wish we could have more in common." I said, "in a funny way, I think we have a lot in common." :) a nice moment.

And hahaha :) I hope CO is beaming somewhere, he ought to be. His views really resounded with me - without him I'd be growing weed with Jack's Classic! the horror!! I was following a plant-soul-destroying gardening sect, an occult of horticulture (Culticulture :rofl:) - one so offensive to nature that my oldest re-used soils - I'm scared to ever use!! - Except maybe if we run out of table salt. Might work in a pinch :laughtwo:
SoilGirl is feeding her cannabis seed sprouts. Sprouts!
What size Birkenstocks fit a fabric pot?
Are Earth Shoes better for their root mobility?

LOL Rado you always have verse and rhythm in writing don't you :Love:
- yes, it seems to be a seed eat seed world in my grow room. :laughtwo: as for the fabulously earthly footwear :) my plants are still in the Converse shoe phase. I tell them to just grow up, and go more practical, but I gotta admit.... they do look good... :lot-o-toke:
for anyone interested in doing their own sprouted seed/enzyme tea - awesome video by Jeremy Silva from buildasoil!


blending up my own right now!
SoilGirl is feeding her cannabis seed sprouts. Sprouts!
What size Birkenstocks fit a fabric pot?
Are Earth Shoes better for their root mobility?

SoilGirl isn't alone. :laugh:
LOL Rado you always have verse and rhythm in writing don't you :Love:
- yes, it seems to be a seed eat seed world in my grow room. :laughtwo: as for the fabulously earthly footwear :) my plants are still in the Converse shoe phase. I tell them to just grow up, and go more practical, but I gotta admit.... they do look good... :lot-o-toke:

Verse and rhythm... what a lovely compliment. Thank you.
I did spend a year writing poetry and hosting a weekly poetry show in virtual reality...
I suspect I picked up a few poetic habits :)

Converse are fine. When I was a budding teenager and wore shoes only at school, I loved my Chuck Taylors.
Once the soles got a little wear, I could feel every pebble in the school yard. :Love:

I'll probably follow you fine ladies into the sprouted tea world.
I like to have a baseline between changes so I can experience the difference.
There are homegrown worm castings and living mulch plants filling the experimental queue.
Picture Update!
Sprouted Seed Tea!

So make sure you rinse off the seeds in a strainer one last time before blending up - as enzymes/bacteria build up and die in the water, they ferment, but not always in a good way. Growth inhibitors all over the place. If they're gone, your water should be crystal clear before blending.

This is teaching me a lot about sprouting seeds, I think mine were damping off for a while because of me not changing their water and treating them like these. :)


I didn't measure any dilutions haha - I realized that if I followed my previous directions I'd end up with too much. So I filled up a 5 gal bucket about 3/4ths with rainwater. Then I dumped the SST in through the strainer, took the seed pulp left, and did a split dressing with it on OG Kush PR and RCB, I don't like waste haha, and I'm sure there's tons of enzymes left. Then I watered every flowering plant and every LOS, with a liter or 2 of it :) also, I put a bit in my worm bins, just to help break down stuff faster :)

It was really milky and frothy, and smelled like bean sprouts taste, but STRONGER. LOL. It really did seem alive though, I'm so proud!! It's a new age for me :)

Now Here's an Update on the Struggling Clones!

I guess I'll start with the loss, CK#2's clone didn't make it. the top shriveled up and died, I was about to pull the whole cube out - and the stem (pretty thick so surprising!) literally pulled apart instead. The inside had rotted, the mold it had in the cloner apparently didnt get killed by my neem oil. Too bad. :\


Now here's CK#1's worse off clone, whacked out but very much still alive and making a come back.


CK#1's better off clone, seriously whack ridgeless leaves. That is Not fun to see lol. But for posterity's sake, here you go. Anyways, better off than the other one, and it's leaves will come around.


Now the one I've really been waiting for. OG Kush PR. Even the previously near dead fans are getting green again, very cool! One of the tops actually died :laughtwo: but a node right at its base survived/ shot up way faster than the other one, so it's basically a topped clone again. I plan on a flux!! ;)


and actually.... my Aloe's not looking great.... I imagine it's been something to do with the night time temp of 63 degrees in there >.< turned up the heater...hopefully that helps. My cannabis plants aren't bothered at all though, as far as I can tell :)


Now in flower...

OG Kush PR! (flowering day 6)

Doing awesome! I opened up new growth instead of defoling it, but took about 2 or 3 leaves from the middle areas. smells so good! And it's about to put CK#2's big leaf off its throne, with quite a few monsters! and with its genetics, I don't doubt that it will be some of the best smoke I've ever had if things keep going well. :)


Red Cherry Berry! (flowering day 2

Just wanted to show how perky she is compared to our last look :)


Corleone Kush #1 and #2's flower progress - day 16 :)

These two seem to be going fastest by a bit right now. - but I do think I interrupted their - as well as GOG's and BBK's - transition to flower that one night I left a side LED on >.<


Hasta la vista. :surf::thanks:
Nice Update SoulGirl & that dead clone is an all too familiar sight to me. I watched the vid & was surprised at how simple this is. I was wondering if you could use bean sprouts purchased in the produce section of the supermarket. If so I'll probably try this tomorrow.
Hmm Reg idk, maybe, I personally wouldn't because like the video says, you want to get them relatively young while they're producing the strongest/most enzymes, but I definitely like the way you think. I bet you can find some organic corn/popcorn to try it with at the local health food store though, the tea honestly is ready before you know it :) - or you can just order seeds online of course. But - definitely it's so simple, cheap, and great for organic soil! I'm sure it will do good stuff for your PJ mix! - it'll do much better stuff for your soil though if you add a source of chitin - ie; crab/crustacean meal. Awesome stuff! Gnats Really don't have fun in chitinasey soil.

hahahaha I never thought I'd be happy to have grown a hermie... but those seeds really did come in handy! :) thanks Reg glad I piqued your interest! I thought you might like that, being all about poor man's growing/organics :) :Love:
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