The Green Update!!
let's start small: these three clones in veg got topped today to keep height under control.
CK#1 Clone (Veg Day 14) (the less stunted one)
RCB Clone (Veg Day 11)
Dinafem Diesel Clone (Veg Day 20)
This one was fimmed on accident, but has two tops trying to take over currently.
Blue Blood Clone Flux in an LOS No-Till! (Veg Day 11)
boring really, just waiting for some limbs to grow up so I can tie them down. Healthy though!
hahaha - and just to switch it up, Aloe went under my handy old SS 90w GrowUFO. and...actually is really perking up. Yay! - and if I do say so myself... aloe actually wears the pink well!
- certainly better than cannabis IMHO.
Blue Blood mother! (Sprouted: 11/10/14)
a touch of light burn, but otherwise really thriving, even in a pretty small container! (probably 2 gal)
- and guys, while this one never smelled before... it smells so deep and fruity all of a sudden... in that sort of sweet-rotting-fruit way characteristic to Blueberry strains. It's so exotic, never had this smell come from anything I've grown. And it's much much stronger than all the Blueberry's I've bought at dispensaries - although the earthy side of it reminds me of hindu kush. just, god.... This is gonna be an amazing strain I can tell, can't wait to flower it.
Now the part I suspect you guys will like best... a green take on my older flowering plants.
Ghost OG! (Sprouted: 10/17/14 - Day 19 Flowering)
Mrs. Stretch as I call her >.< I'm going to have to lower her or raise the lights because of her, a couple of her branches are 13 inches away from the Mars II >.< I'll figure that out tomorrow... Today it annoyed me too much that I'd have to re-arrange the whole stand setup they're on.
I'm considering just letting her keep reaching towards the light like she wants - all of my other plants are in the right area so... why the fuss... any one else wanna way in? I'd appreciate it. So far - the proximity to the light doesn't seem to be damaging anything, and defol is keeping shade from becoming a big problem.
OG Kush PR! (Sprouted: 10/20/14, Day 19 Flowering
Dedol'ed some upper leaves and did some hand training as usual today, this is what she looked like just after finishing.
Black Bubba Kush Weirdo Flux! (Back from the DCS 10-25-14, Day 19 Flowering)
Coming back from my harsh defol, and actually finally starting to get some flowering going. She was the slowest, showing the least pistils. (After that SST things have really picked up noticeably... coincidence, I think not)
Corleone Kush #1 Flux! (Sprouted: 10-08-14, Flowering Day 19)
Tied down one limb just a little today, and you can probably tell which one lol. just to open it up a touch and release it in a couple days. and...when I looked closer at the pistils... something odd. purple. Never seen it before on my flowers. Only the slightest tiniest bit as of now but, I expect to see more of it, after all I can barely heat my garage, last night's low was 63 again despite the heat. Oh well. anything above 60 - I'm happy. Actually very exciting! I love natural coloring to buds.
This one is the fastest flowering so far. - also picking up since the SST.
Corleone Kush #2! (Sprouted 10-15-14 but w/ early stunt - Day 19 Flowering)
We haven't looked closely at this one lately... but it's really turned a new leaf so to speak lol. Looks the picture of health, although, very different from the rest of my plants... this one is totally unkempt and wild. Not gonna worry about trimming low growth or defol. Just wanna see what happens.
And here's some random green flowering pics I snapped right before leaving
Thanks for coming by lol! Now you can judge for yourselves how healthy my plants are.
I for one am
never going back to bottled nutrients of any kind. I can pick up on so much more individuality in each one, whether it's how they look, grow, or smell, than I've ever been able to before. Come to the light side of the force my friends, go no bottles organic!!