SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 & Other LEDs

I remembered I haven't been very good keeping up with your thread so headed over there and answered you aki :Namaste:
it's strange that your aloe plant isn't doing well. it's a hardy plant. I have two aloe plants in my house and they're doing well. if you cut a leaf it'll actually close its wound and stay alive for months detached from the plant! when I burn myself I grab a leaf, crush it up, and apply it.

did you supercrop your og kush plant? good stuff :)
Hmm Reg idk, maybe, I personally wouldn't because like the video says, you want to get them relatively young while they're producing the strongest/most enzymes
Yeah, he did say about 1/4 inch tail is what you want & store bought bean sprouts are anywhere from 1 to 2 inches long. So are you saying I can use regular old school jarred, un-popped popcorn & if so or even if I have to get organic corn how exactly do I go about sprouting it?
it's strange that your aloe plant isn't doing well. it's a hardy plant. I have two aloe plants in my house and they're doing well. if you cut a leaf it'll actually close its wound and stay alive for months detached from the plant! when I burn myself I grab a leaf, crush it up, and apply it.

did you supercrop your og kush plant? good stuff :)
I did supercrop that OG b.real - but in my own way hahah. Most supercroppers bend until a wound starts and keeps it bent over correct? I kinda just LST with my hands a couple times a day, no wounds, but it still eventually starts to grow the way I want :) - although, this time, one of those went wrong and actually created a wound. So there's one real supercrop on OG right now, good eye! ;) and thanks haha!

And right? I think I need more aeration/sand in my mix for the aloe, and less of a LOS approach - I thought doubling the perlite in that one pot would be enough.... but I don't think so :\ -and aloe is a wonderful plant - I can't wait to turn this one around (with any luck)
Yeah, he did say about 1/4 inch tail is what you want & store bought bean sprouts are anywhere from 1 to 2 inches long. So are you saying I can use regular old school jarred, un-popped popcorn & if so or even if I have to get organic corn how exactly do I go about sprouting it?
Reg - here's a Clackamas Coot quote off of buildasoil's site:

"...The other big one is corn and this seed produces a wide range of Cytokinins on par with coconut water. With the international market demand for coconut water is pushing the price higher and higher and it’s only going to get worse. By using sprouted corn teas you will get the benefits from the Cytokinins without the expense. You don’t need to order organic corn seeds online or jump through hoops – just head over to your favorite supermarket and go to the popcorn section and buy an organic popcorn. Even Wallmart carries 3 or 4 brands of organic popcorn.
One thing about using corn is that I found it easier to puree these seeds once the tap roots grew out to 1" or so which softened the original corn seed.
I switch between alfalfa and corn seeds during the vegetative for the compounds I mentioned. Cytokinins will increase the girth and tinsel strength of the side branches and stronger branches will produce larger and heavier flowers."
- Clackamas Coots

- sounds like a good plan to me haha! and as for doing the sprouting - I did a little tutorial in one of my updates just the other day on post #505: SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 & Other LEDs beneath the red cherry berry 'exclusive' haha. That's how I sprouted mine. :circle-of-love:
I put it all together so I can blog it for my notes & more importantly so others can read the whole thing as one. Thanxx SoulGirl...
- here's a Clackamas Coot quote off of buildasoil's site:

"...The other big one is corn and this seed produces a wide range of Cytokinins on par with coconut water. With the international market demand for coconut water is pushing the price higher and higher and it's only going to get worse. By using sprouted corn teas you will get the benefits from the Cytokinins without the expense. You don't need to order organic corn seeds online or jump through hoops — just head over to your favorite supermarket and go to the popcorn section and buy an organic popcorn. Even Wallmart carries 3 or 4 brands of organic popcorn.
One thing about using corn is that I found it easier to puree these seeds once the tap roots grew out to 1" or so which softened the original corn seed.
I switch between alfalfa and corn seeds during the vegetative for the compounds I mentioned. Cytokinins will increase the girth and tinsel strength of the side branches and stronger branches will produce larger and heavier flowers."
- Clackamas Coots
Anyways let me go in depth as to how to do a simple Sprouted Seed tea, since it confounded me at first, and this is my first time doing it. No bubbling necessary. So part one: you get a clean jar, 2 tablespoons of seeds, pretty much anything but use organic :) (I used a tablespoon of homegrown organic hermie cannabis seeds :laughtwo: and a tablespoon of my buildasoil top cover (living mulch) seeds) and enough filtered (good), RO (better), or rain-water (best) to soak them thoroughly. Put it in a dark, not too cold place for the next 12 hours or so.

then get a fine wire strainer, dump that water (it's full of growth inhibitors) and the seeds through the strainer, rinse with your good water, then return the wet seeds to the dry jar. I was confused about this, but there should be enough moisture there to continue sprouting your seeds. (but you can put a paper towel down if you feel safer that way, I've never done this before maybe its going to totally fail hahaha - I guess we'll see - copy me at your own peril, maybe we'll reap the rewards! maybe not, I might have misunderstood my directions entirely.)

now you can cover them and let them wait 12 hrs before rinsing them like you did before, then return them to the dry mason jar for another 12 hours. do this repeatedly until the sprouts are showing, then you can either ferment them (making a rejuvelac sort of enzyme tea) for another 24-48 hours, that some people think may kill the enzymes... well I'm going to do way #2 which is way faster, and yields more enzymes and a generally more living tea; just add good water to the sprouts and blend, then dilute that in a half gallon of water. Then use that dilution to further dilute the tea at a 1 cup:1 gallon ratio, and use as a drench. The enzymes will really help break down organic matter, which not only helps get the whole organic IPM system in place, but encourages micro-activity and feeds the SFW. Great stuff - if it all works out! :hippy: wish me luck with that... That's how I sprouted mine.
Great info share SG:).....i have to do some looking but i thing if i am right that would or could replace the silica i use:)...Thank You:):Love:

GD Silica is great stuff if you're using for foliar sprays - if drenching with it its non organic so idk what to rec, but for sprays its awesome I wouldn't recommend getting rid of any silica spray you're using :) I think the two would do wonders together actually for IPM, especially with a source of chitin in your soil :)

And Awesome Reg! You're very welcome and thanks for putting those together! I suppose I probably should do that more often in the future than little tidbits as I go.
Quick Flowers Update!

Just a quickie ;) I decided I still need more room in the veg room, and I have three Diesel plants. I've also seen so many beautiful small plants grown recently with virtually no veg and/or in small pots, and cabdrivers grown off to the side of lights that yield awesome, I just threw the taller Diesel clone in about lets say 2 gallons of my remaining PeeJay flowering mix with LOS amendments (Neem/crustacean/kelp meals, oyster shell flour, glacial rock dust) and decided to flower her off to the side behind Ghost OG and OG Kush :) - dying to sample this one haha.

I FIM'ed it. Literally. I missed. :laughtwo: By the way how do you guys like that thrifty chicken feeder wrapped in tape turned canna-pot ;) :laughtwo:


Got in the flower room just after lights out, so a green family pic for a change. :)


Lol I'm still processing that in the next 7 weeks I'm going to have the best, and most, buds I've ever grown... can't wait. It's all because of 420 mag's awesome members :) :thanks:

Dang wish those weren't so blurry zoomed out. >.< next time.
LED pics are pretty but we really see how healthy each others plants are under white light SoulGirl. Those darlings are healthy...
I agree Reg :) sometimes I miss the green in there when the lights are on, but it helps that they're more energy efficient. I'm going to do more white light pics in there in the future, the past few weeks I've been kinda lazy about that haha. And thanks! They really are healthy :Love: it smells gooood in there. Flowering is the best. :volcano-smiley:
they look so good! how long did you veg them? how far from the leds are they? I hope I can grow two bushes like you have. my outdoor pepper plants grew just like your cannabis plants are.
Thanks so much b.real! :circle-of-love: Well that Diesel.... lets see... I'm gonna go check when it finished cloning and moved to soil... oh of course it was Xmas Day! (both of the Diesel Clones were 'born' on Xmas :) actually) So it had 19 days of veg. Technically the first few days were really only spent rooting and getting used to it. But we'll call it 19. I topped them both at some point just to slow them down, they were making the milliard t5 go lopsided >.< But it ended up fimming them both, giving 3 tops per I think, maybe 4. We'll see.

The other plants... oh bother lol - I'll do a big update soon with the dates and everything - its about time I did that. but in general, the big plants in there were all given between a month or so of veg if I had to guess. I topped them early for topped clones, stunting them a lot, but ensuring a strong next generation ready to hop in to flower when the others finish, and a generation easy for training and fluxing with a built in 'hub' of uptake dispersion if you will. The only ones I didn't take topped clones off of were Diesel, and CK#1. -oh and now RCB I suppose. I think I'll throw the Dinafem Diesel mother plant into flower in a couple weeks too. But this will give me a sample before that motherload at least ;)
Looking good in your garden, for sure. Thanks for including pics that aren't under LED light. The pink/purple light pics I always just skip over, while I enjoy zooming in and checking out the pics under normal light. Big time! Your plants are very healthy. Cool to see you using enzyme teas, they are super easy, huh? Also the clean up from either botanical teas or SST's (enzyme) is way easier than with compost teas. I'm not doing compost teas very often anymore, saving them for new batches of soil or old dry soil where the microlife has gone dormant, and stopped functioning. Compost teas (ACT's) are a solid tool for your arsenal, but probably more of a pain in the ass than they are worth, doing them frequently like some folks like to do. If I'm confident that a pot of soil has a healthy and diverse population of microorganisms in it, why do a compost tea?

Those SST's will be great for your flowering containers, keep them up into flower. IMO, they are something that can't really, or can't easily be overdone. I plan on using SST's up until near harvest. (I never like to do anything the last week or two of flower).
they look so good! how long did you veg them? how far from the leds are they? I hope I can grow two bushes like you have. my outdoor pepper plants grew just like your cannabis plants are.
Lmao I realized I got distracted and didn't completely answer you - I have some serious ADD :rofl: Once I get going, I eventually get off track, and then I have no idea where I'm going. Forgive me. :lot-o-toke: Ok - 20 inches from the LED is the goal - but I have one stretchy girl 4 inches closer than the rest, Ghost OG >.< definitely some heady sativa coming in that one - budtenders I've talked to about it and reviews online of the cerebral high compared to other OG's, are stellar. :volcano-smiley: I also very much enjoyed the bud I got the seed from ;) ... but it's presenting a problem. I really like an even canopy so now I may have to raise up every single other plant and light >.< all because of one stretcher. Ugh lol.
Looking good in your garden, for sure. Thanks for including pics that aren't under LED light. The pink/purple light pics I always just skip over, while I enjoy zooming in and checking out the pics under normal light. Big time! Your plants are very healthy. Cool to see you using enzyme teas, they are super easy, huh? Also the clean up from either botanical teas or SST's (enzyme) is way easier than with compost teas. I'm not doing compost teas very often anymore, saving them for new batches of soil or old dry soil where the microlife has gone dormant, and stopped functioning. Compost teas (ACT's) are a solid tool for your arsenal, but probably more of a pain in the ass than they are worth, doing them frequently like some folks like to do. If I'm confident that a pot of soil has a healthy and diverse population of microorganisms in it, why do a compost tea?

Those SST's will be great for your flowering containers, keep them up into flower. IMO, they are something that can't really, or can't easily be overdone. I plan on using SST's up until near harvest. (I never like to do anything the last week or two of flower).
Thanks so much CO! I'll definitely include more green pics in the future. I bet other LED growers are really the only ones that can appreciate the magenta light coloring hahaha - which puts a pretty narrow focus on this journal. I'd rather have more people be able to see and judge the coloring and vibrance for themselves... after all they really, really are thriving; more than any plants I've grown to be sure.

In the future, while I plan on doing ACT's, I also came to the conclusion after reading lots of organic guru's writings (but also influenced by PeeJay's take on inoculation) that I want to focus on botanicals and simple SST's. I'm going to be getting an air pump and air stone as my next priority so that ACT's and botanicals become a better option. It seems to me that once you introduce a micro-population and you've learned how to prevent any catastrophic damage to them (Synthetics/pre bottled organics, pH'ing, drying out the soil between waterings, tilling) that they really will take over on their own; as they might in nature. :hippy: - for now, SST's are awesome, simple, and they really do seem to make a difference, since the other day flowering has really kicked in noticeably! I'll either let you guys see the difference for yourself today or tomorrow.

Thanks so much for coming by and the advice CO, I'm going to keep following your example and doing SST's regularly in flower; it was following your example (more than any other - you turned the spark to flame) that let my grow look like this at all to be honest. :circle-of-love: - I know you shy from the recognition, but you deserve it, THANKS!!! - on behalf of the planet, my plants, and me. :green_heart:
All round great info on enzyme teas. :thanks:

And dear PeeJay.....his name keeps coming up everywhere and he was such a great help to me last year. I like to think that he's sitting in his desert, enjoying his crop and smiling softly at the ripples of his influence like some benign deity. :Love:
Really??..... That makes life so much easier!! This needs to be more common knowledge! This is why we need people like you and not just Jeremy Silva and CC, who can afford anything they want now for their plants and grow and videos. :Love:

CO - any thoughts on a tea made out of soilmender's Yum Yum mix and Kelp Meal? Yum Yum is my only source of alfalfa, and its organic, but it has a lot of other stuff in there too so idk if that would ... brew well. Would/could you make a tea out of the two combined? or Separate?
Really??..... That makes life so much easier!! This needs to be more common knowledge! This is why we need people like you and not just Jeremy Silva and CC, who can afford anything they want now for their plants and grow and videos. :Love:

CO - any thoughts on a tea made out of soilmender's Yum Yum mix and Kelp Meal? Yum Yum is my only source of alfalfa, and its organic, but it has a lot of other stuff in there too so idk if that would ... brew well. Would/could you make a tea out of the two combined? or Separate?

I look at it this way. ACT is like sourdough starter: you are GROWING more microbes from the soil.

Kelp and sprouts are like herbal teas: you are EXTRACTING the good stuff from the sprouts and kelp.
These teas brew fast because it only takes a few minutes to soak out the good stuff.

If yum-yum is alive, you can ACT it. Multiply the benes!
If it is not a living mix, you are making liquid fertilizer from dry fertilizer (so brew quick like herbal tea.)
Awesome! That fungus I kept finding on top of my soil - just happy mycelium. Organic soil's best friend to see. Just - typically under the surface. I just knew it was something good to have. :)




:laughtwo: yep. Fungus, good. - a year ago I'd be looking at me like most of you guys.
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