I'm glad things are paying off too haha
its about time I stop paying and get paid back LOL. Sorry to hear of the armored scales, never had them before, but ugh. If they're related to mealybugs I'm glad I've never had them >.< mealybugs Suck. (pun not intended
) - I really want to beat these mealybugs without pesticides they just scare me into thinking "Drench! Drench them! Kill!!!" - fighting the urge..
good luck beating yours without a drench!!
Your own boss at 24, freaking awesome dude.
I wish I had my own shop for this. One day I will.
My mind is set lol. But for now - still getting this LOS thing down haha. And oh I'm sure I could make nets work - I'm not writing them off, I still eventually would love a tent set up to scrog in. Fluxing is more for small time growers that can focus on a few plants than people like CO Finest or yourself haha, and I want to grow lots of buds!! (I say this like Ricky Bobby saying, "I Wanna go Fast!!") - I'd just like my plants to be grown in LOS and be the best possible quality for patients like my dad, who really rely on it.
By the way my dad's been juicing about 15 of my fresh cannabis leaves I've pulled and kept every day or so for a few days and he wants to do it more often, he's starting a little health streak (let's hope it lasts!) and is starting to have a little more faith in my 'unconventional' healthcare... though whether that's because of his CBD juice actually making a difference in his life or because he got in an argument with his doctor the other day I can't be sure hahaha. He sure is stubborn >.< haha, in fact maybe I can use it against him. Reverse psychology. "I bet you can't get healthy! I bet you can't quit drinking!" might actually make him mad enough to get healthy just to spite me
- hey whatever works. He really likes my cannabis leaves hahahaha - he says his drink (which he now makes from juicing an apple, a carrot, the 10-20 cannabis leaves, then a celery stalk) tastes just like my plants' leaves smell, and he absolutely loves it hahahaha - I tasted it and wow!! LOL. Makes me want to use my fresh leaves for flavor more often!
Thanks for stopping in GD and happy Tokersday to you!
you'll be glad to know that I am in fact a little medicated, I made a little knife press hash out of some kief I rubbed from my trim. Actually very powerful stuff! - pretty tasty too when done right
hope you're having a wonderful daze as well!