SOGgy Daze Ahead For Mr. Krip!


Hey, everyone! I rec'd my "MOTM Package" on Friday and 420 was kind enough to include one of their new nug jars they've now added to the awards, even though it wasn't listed in last month's prize list.

I've got to admit, it's VERY cool! :)

I put some of the Sour Diesel I had received from a friend in there since it didn't make much sense to store that little bit of SD in the 1 qt. mason jar it was in:


I gotta get me some more of these! :thumb:
Cute little thing. How big is that thing? Looks like the size of a baseball. Congrats again on the MOTM!

Thanks, Twelve! :thanks:

I have a feeling you'll get one yourself this month! :high-five:

Yeah, it's about the size of a baseball. I'd estimate it would hold something like 1/4 - 1/2 oz. dried, which is perfect for the stuff you're gonna use since you don't have to keep opening a big jar to steal a nug or two. :)

One of the bigger seed companies is having an October promotion that ends tomorrow and I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to place an order all day.

I can't even get to the point to enter payment info. When I try to checkout, it just says there's an error processing the order and to review the items in my cart and try again. There's inventory on everything, and I've tried removing just about everything, but still get the error, so I'm gonna have to call them tomorrow.

IF I can ever get the order placed, here's what I'm getting (although, it will probably be a while before I germinate any of these!):

(10) Kaliman Cheese #1 (This is 100% unhybridized Exodus)
(1) Nirvana Ice
(1) Nirvana Snow White
(1) G13 Auto AK (freebie)
(1) G13 Purple Haze (freebie)
(1) G13 Pineapple Express (freebie I don't really need! :))
(1) Paradise Nebula (freebie)
(1) Paradise Wappa (freebie)

I wasn't really planning on buying seeds, but getting 50% off the Kaliman Cheese plus all the freebies, plus the 420 discount, was too much to resist. Now I'm all frustrated that I can't get the order placed online! :thedoubletake:

One of the bigger seed companies is having an October promotion that ends tomorrow and I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to place an order all day.

I can't even get to the point to enter payment info. When I try to checkout, it just says there's an error processing the order and to review the items in my cart and try again. There's inventory on everything, and I've tried removing just about everything, but still get the error, so I'm gonna have to call them tomorrow.

IF I can ever get the order placed, here's what I'm getting (although, it will probably be a while before I germinate any of these!):

(10) Kaliman Cheese #1 (This is 100% unhybridized Exodus)
(1) Nirvana Ice
(1) Nirvana Snow White
(1) G13 Auto AK (freebie)
(1) G13 Purple Haze (freebie)
(1) G13 Pineapple Express (freebie I don't really need! :))
(1) Paradise Nebula (freebie)
(1) Paradise Wappa (freebie)

I wasn't really planning on buying seeds, but getting 50% off the Kaliman Cheese plus all the freebies, plus the 420 discount, was too much to resist. Now I'm all frustrated that I can't get the order placed online! :thedoubletake:

Nice order Mr. Krip! :adore:

I was temped too...I've had the same thing happen to to call them....Good Luck! :Namaste:
Nice order Mr. Krip! :adore:

I was temped too...I've had the same thing happen to to call them....Good Luck! :Namaste:

Thanks, OMM! I'll be calling them in a little while.

With the number of seeds you have, you don't need to be tempted! You could open up your own seedbank. In fact, if I can't get my order through, I might just place it with you! :)
Well, I'm not a religious man, but I can only assume God does NOT want me buying any more seeds or he wouldn't have made it this difficult! :)

I finally get them on the phone and wound up speaking to some dumb blonde (just the stereotype...I don't know what color her hair was and NO offense to blonde folks!) who, at first, had my order total $40 higher than it should have been. Then, she told me they wouldn't do anything on the LSD seeds I've had the problems with and to contact the breeder and that they don't sell seeds for germination! (LMAO!)

Then, I couldn't ship the seeds to a different address than on the credit card, which isn't a problem when placing the order online, but by phone, they can only ship to the billing address, which doesn't work for me.

So, I went back online, deleted all my cookies & temporary Internet files, tried again, and I still can't get to a payment screen! :thedoubletake:

So, now I'm going to sleep where I can at least dream about getting some seeds which will get me closer than anything else today! I'm just glad I've got some good strains to clone cuz it might be a while on the seeds!
:rofl: <= me laughing so I don't cry from all the time wasted on this today!!!
Hi Mr. Krip!

Good luck with the seeds - love your strain selection! :thumb:

My Magic Bud in my current grow is from Paradise Seeds, and I've grown 3-4 of them now, all of them really nice heavy yielding plants with consistent phenos. You might really like that Nebula - supposed to be a great strain, (I realize it was a freebie, but could be a hidden gem). I've had that on my list of "eventuals" for a while. I'm hoping to see you flower it out at some point and let me know if it's as good as it looks...

I just vaped the rest of my Snow White a few weeks ago, and I'm sad about it. It was the first plant I grew, and I always had some on hand until now - I miss it! Really good for couchlock/pain relief, and pretty heavy hitting.
Have you grown kaliman cheese before ?
Iv grown big buddhas and green houses both well nice woul love to follow this grow when you get the delivery!

Iv just ordered a few seeds, have you ever grown pitbull by stoney girl had to add it on my list maybe for breeding 36% thc . . Impressive!

Sorry guys....I bailed on the seed order! :sorry:

I just couldn't seem to get it done in a way that would work out, so it'll have to wait.

In the mean time, the first seven girls of the SOG have been in 12/12 for two days and it seems they've already grown at least 2" each!

Here they are this morning:


The one in front-left is the "runt" of the batch, but was smallest when I put her in. Hopefully, she doesn't get too far behind!

Happy Harvests!

Maybe next time on the seed ordering! I know which seed bank you're talking about. Yeah fromscratch is right, they disrespect this site by being rude when asked if they want to renew the sponsorship. I like supporting the underdog. Castle seed all the way.

Your 2L is taking off! Don't worry about the smallest one it'll catch up, if it helps place that plant under the "sweet spot" middle of the light. I reposition the bottles based on its growth among the plants being in on the same time. In the end they even up.

Strange I'm being nom again, lol. Going to stay in the shadows and hope ppl don't notice I'm on the list...BPN all the way!
Sorry for not responding individually, but a little pushed on time...

Looking great, Finally got it rolling!:thumb: Soon enough you will have a jungle!

Thanks, TOG! I'm looking forward to a jungle! :morenutes:

Yeah, I would take it as an omen. Especially after the way they disrespected 420 and basically all of us.

That's exactly what I did. Like I said initially, I wasn't planning on, or looking to buy any seeds, so it was more of an "impulse buy" from the start, but when it became so difficult, I took it as a sign not to buy them! :)

Just not in the cards this time, Mr. Krip!:love:

There will be other sales.

Girls are jumping already....a very good sign. :Namaste:

Yup! And, I still need to make sure I can keep this perpetual going with the three strains I have, so I probably won't even try to introduce another strain for some time.

I'm pretty impressed at how quick the clones took off once they went to 12/12. I'll get some more pics of them later.

Maybe next time on the seed ordering! I know which seed bank you're talking about. Yeah fromscratch is right, they disrespect this site by being rude when asked if they want to renew the sponsorship. I like supporting the underdog. Castle seed all the way.

Your 2L is taking off! Don't worry about the smallest one it'll catch up, if it helps place that plant under the "sweet spot" middle of the light. I reposition the bottles based on its growth among the plants being in on the same time. In the end they even up.

Strange I'm being nom again, lol. Going to stay in the shadows and hope ppl don't notice I'm on the list...BPN all the way!

I hear ya', Bro! The reason I was even considering that order was for the deal I was getting. There was a total of something like 17 or 18 seeds and the whole order totalled less than $100 including shipping, T-Shirt, and crush-proof tins!

But, there will be other deals, I don't need them, and I agree, the way they handled their sponsorship wasn't good.

I'm not really worried about the smallest, since it's only a couple inches smaller and one of 'em has to be the smallest! As long as she doesn't get left behind, we'll be good! :)

Just a quick update on the girls in veg...

The four PE clones in the hempys are all now just starting to show some vertical growth:


Remember, I need to have five clones ready to go in the next round, so, that was a good sign! :thumb:

You can also see the Lucy top that we're trying to clone in the bottom center. No roots showing yet, but again, she was a short clone so I expect it to take a little longer before I start seeing them and she's looking good.

Here's Lucy's four colas growing out nicely from the UBT:


And, I'm really loving how the Power Skunk is looking with her six tops and wide canopy. This could be a great way to train future bonsais due to the sheer number of growing tops I'm getting:


The PE clone has had some other points LST'd for her bonsai training and is now showing 4-5 tops:


On the TK side, temps have been MUCH better since moving to the cab. I only have the one PE clone and two PS clones in there now:


BOTH PS clones are starting to show some roots, but most developing under the neoprene inserts, again, probably because the clones were so short there was very little stem exposed below the collars.

On this one, you can just see the roots starting to poke out of the bottom of the insert:


But, the other PS has some very notable roots, and they all look nice & white;


So, now I'm VERY confident I'll have all five clones for the next round which will go into flower a week from this Friday or Saturday, or so.

Ideally, the Lucy top will clone and I'll have two PS and a Lucy included in the next five.

I've actually evolved a little on my thinking, which some of you may have picked up on. At first, I was in a big rush to get as many clones taken as quickly as possible, trying to get 12 in on the first round, panicking on the wilting clones, etc.

This was partly because I wanted to make sure I was able to get started in time, but also because I wanted the tent as full as possible, as quickly as posible. Since it costs the same to run the tent full as it does empty, I just didn't want to waste any space.

I now beleive that this was a "mistake" on my part.

The "name of the game" here is consistancy. Rather than "scramling" trying to get as many clones in as quickly as possible, I just need to make sure I can get my 6 healthy clones every 15 days or so.

This will make it much easier to track where plants are in their cycles/nutes and the tent will fill up soon enough.

Then, when the Bonsais get more developed, I can start taking 12 clones at-a-time every month (instead of every two weeks) and cut down on some of the work invovled.

Happy Harvests!


The girls in flower continue to take off:


They're all looking very healthy. Here's one of the larger PE clones taken out of the tent for some pics:


If you look close, you can see some side branching starting to occur. I'm guessing I'll be removing this at the 21-day defoliation:


And, here's the Power Skunk top, which is now significantly bigger than the mom:


Again, looking nice & healthy - and BIG! :)


Happy Harvests!

Dude, are you ever gunna grow some pot!??:rofl::rofl::rofl: JK, very nice looking in there now K, hope all the best for a successful perpetual brother! Looks like the UBT style work well, I look forward to trying in next grow....
So are you supposed to remove all lower side brances that stray to focus on the main top? I have never defoliated in this way before its going to feel very un-natrual.

Yes! I'll defoliate at days 21 and 45 of 12/12. I'll probably leave some of the lower branching, but anything above a few inches will be removed so they can focus on the main colas.

420fied has some great examples with "before & after" photos in his first SOG journal.

Remember everything I said yesterday morning about not being in a rush and consistancy being what counted?

Well, forget all that! By the end of the day, that plan had gotten scrapped! :rofl:

Here's why...

I re-read 420fied's journals again last night, for about the 10th time each. Everytime I re-read it, I pick up something different and here's what I picked up on last night:

He's got some great pics in his journal showing his plants at the different stages of development. There's a pretty good size difference even in plants that are only a couple of weeks apart.

Then, it occurred to me that 420fied has TWO 600w lights, so he can keep one light lower for the newer additions to the SOG.

I have only ONE 500w LED in the tent. And, if I take 6 clones every two weeks, the last set of clones will be 6 full weeks behind the first set. I would expect quite a bit of size difference!

So, I am contemplating putting the 180w UFO in the tent, with the 500w, when I get it back from repair. It can cover a 2'x2' area, so I can possibly hang that lower over the newer clones, plus get some of the "spill-over" from the 500w.

But, just to be safe, I took another six clones, hoping to have the last set not be too far behind the first. All are PE's since the PS and Lucy aren't really ready to give up any more clones yet:


The two PS clones in the TK are starting to show a nice explosion of root development now! The camera can almost focus on them! :) :



I'm still going to TRY to take another 6 clones this weekend!

Happy Harvests!

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