The new BlackStar 500w LED came in today and it looks good!
Here it is hanging in the tent (off):
Also, when I was talking about the reasons I chose the BlackStar, I forgot to mention the cooling system, which is important to LED's even though the lights don't diffuse heat like and HID or HPS, they still get hot and good cooling will help prolong the life.
Anyways...the BlackStart has eight cooling fans:
Here's the light configuration:
Here she is on:
And, lighting up the tent:
Also, I took one more PE clone today from the Bonsai:
And here's my current plan....
I was originally planning on 6 clones at a time, and because each tray will hold 12, increments of 6 work out nicely. Then, when the rockwool clones I thought were dead came back to life, I thought I might get 12 clones in the first round, even though the TK clones were started almost two weeks later.
Well, it's just not enough time to catch up, and right now I have 7 GOOD clones that are all ready to go (the front seven):
So, those seven are going in by the weekend. I just need to paint and prepare the 2L hempys.
Then, in another couple of weeks, I'll most likely put in five more clones to bring the number up to 12. Hopefully, those five will be 2 PE's, 2 PS, and a Lucy.
By then, the PS and Lucy Bonsai moms-to-be should be ready to take more than 1 or two clones at a time and maybe I can then get to 12 clones in a cycle.
I still need to find some temporary spot for the TK while I finish the girls in flower.
Happy Harvests!