SmokzAlot - K.I.S.S. My CoCo and OC+

TJ - What you are looking for is an "All Purpose". Please refer to post #27 for a picture of the product. Be sure you are looking at "Osmocote Plus" as there is also an "Osmocote" as well. The difference is the trace minerals in the Plus version.
A closer look at Mom for those that appreciate a higher res shot.

Smokez your plants look great. I've read several threads about the OC+ and it's got me interested.

I'm still new to the game and learning about differant mediums to grow in. I've decided to stick with soil and organic nutes for my first grow. You look to be having much better results then me.

Sorry for the n00b question but the coco, is that the brown balls I see in your pots? Can I use my BPN organic ferts with coco?

Good luck with the grow! I'll be tagging along ;)
ShadowGrow - I'd have to say this is the easiest and best looking grow I have had in a long time. Organics have there advantages as well. So many ways to achieve a successful grow. There are those of us that want it simple, as well as some that like it more complex. To each his own and what your individual goals may be.

The little brown balls are Hydroton. Processed clay balls more or less. I use them as top coating over the coco. I use them for two reasons. One to reduce evaporation and the other to reduce erosion when watering. I find without the topping the coco dries out much faster. I see no reason not to run whatever fert you prefer. There are many specialized ferts for coco as well. You may want to consult with BPN on their product as I have no experience with BPN. It does look like a good product line from what I have read here and there.

These next few weeks should prove to be interesting.
This morning in the grow room I decided to take cuttings from Sativa twin #1. I will take a few from #2 tomorrow I believe. Starting to feel like a king with all his harem girls around. Now we are starting to get a flow going.

For Show n Grow, OC+ has been hard to beat to this point. Will OC+ take the Sativa girls to the finish as well? We shall see. That strain to date has taken a good 12 weeks to flower in soil.

Curious to see how these two strains finish.
OC+ is hard to beat for simplicity and quality in one, and economic. I am very satisfied with the product it produces. Burns to a nice gray ash, and no chemical taste.

I'm not even sure why I am going to experiment with organics, but this grow will be about as simple as using OC+. I bought 2 pre mixed box organics to try. Peace of Mind Tomato, and Dr Earth Bud and Bloom. Just mix it in the soil with a few other goodies and then water.

I will post comparison results in the OC+ thread when the results are in.
I do not know if you plan on bubbling your doc earth to make tea. If you do be careful more than 48 hours will have your room smelling like a sewer. I used it when I ran organics and its a great product. I would recommend molasses with it, helps build the micro herd of good guys.
A review of the clones is in order. First we will look at the last four that have been transplanted and are beginning to take off.


Let's get a closer look at them...


Four recent cuttings currently in the dome still hangin tough...

Mist them down real good and the dome and close it back up. I do this twice a day.

No magic going on here, keepin it simple...

Mother is looking so SEXY!

This grow has been trouble free for the most part. One minor issue caught early on. I thought I would share the witness...


The mother was placed into flower room and after about 4 days exposure to Ozone generator here is what I saw.


Immediate removal and problem halted. Previous grows had no issues, but this strain did not like the ozone one bit.

As you can see it had little other effect.

I have been watering daily till it seeps out the bottom, no more. I am lovin this Canna Coco, no experience with any other types as of yet. Straight from the bag is good to go in my book. I had prepped a few in the beginning as a precaution but have found it not required in this grow. Every transplant performed has been flawless with no ill consequence to date. Not even a shock, they just continue to explode. Same to be said for the clones as well. Once the roots break out into the coco, the growth takes off. My mixing of RO and WW seem to be getting the job done as well for the basic mineral requirements.

OC+ and water, all day BABY! all DAY!
nice job catching it early, Canna coco is really nice to work with.

Did you get the Canna coco professional plus?

I did not see another Canna option. My local retailer recently became a Canna dealer, may be he hadn't received yet. What is the diff? I am most impressed with the standard, which I believe I have. I have put it to work with some houseplants and OC+, as well with great results. I will try a brick of Coco next I think so I can have some perspective of quality perhaps.

I have pretty much treated this grow a lot like a soil grow in respects to watering. 2 1/2 gal seems to be a great size as well fitting my style. I feel it will tolerate a lot more water but I tend daily and dont mind the closeup relationship with the grow. Working the individual plants. I will state I DO NOT allow it to dry out as I do with soil. I have seen no over watering stress of any kind yet. Testing the weight seems to work best for me. With Coco as the medium the weight differential is very apparent compared to soil, wet vs dry. I can usually hear the water percolating through the coco as well. The product has also been relatively clean as well, with minimal runoff.

Yeah I like my CoCo as much as the OC+ for this grow. I'd call it a perfect match up. I am sure great success can be achieved as well with most nute lines. This is my first venture with Coco and I'd say there is no looking back at this point. I think next trial may be CoCo and organics. Time to crank up the research and formulate a plan I suppose.
HH - I used a little molasses to start things off when growing the seedlings, none more since. I may supplement during the last few weeks. Been considering it, as I normally do when I grow soil. Very curious what the OC+ can do by itself.
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