SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

did you amend her, help flip her with feeding her GE?

Up until the root pruning she didn't get any amendments, took infrequent waterings and I probably didn't give her much drench either. I did give her stress sprays a couple times a week if I remember correctly until she started growing good again. The down pot was really like an up pot after I root pruned her so she got the normal fresh soil in the pot under and around her root ball and roots powder and then I just fed and watered her like a normal veg plant from then on which is mostly GE with a bit of Transplant from time to time and the normal spray schedule.
I guess I'll try leaving it in the 7 and see what happens!

I really think your better off root pruning her so she can get repotted in some fresh soil and be able to grow a new root mass while she goes through the reveg, she will have plenty enough root mass by the time she is straightened back my 3gal equiv air pot was out of room about 2 weeks before she was ready to flip again even with the huge root pruning.

If you want to keep them as is I guess you could top dress some recharge and ewc or rescue soil to freshen it up. I am interested in seeing how one would do without the root pruning at worst you would just need to do it later in re-veg if it forces you too anyway, no biggs :)
I really think your better off root pruning her so she can get repotted in some fresh soil and be able to grow a new root mass while she goes through the reveg, she will have plenty enough root mass by the time she is straightened back my 3gal equiv air pot was out of room about 2 weeks before she was ready to flip again even with the huge root pruning.

If you want to keep them as is I guess you could top dress some recharge and ewc or rescue soil to freshen it up. I am interested in seeing how one would do without the root pruning at worst you would just need to do it later in re-veg if it forces you too anyway, no biggs :)

That's what I was thinking, see how it goes the first few wks. I'm pretty sure the roots on my ww are filling up the 7 gal since it vegged for I want to say 2 months maybe 3, so if I did re pot I'd prob just prune the roots and put it in a diff 7 gal with new soil and Roots!
That's what I was thinking, see how it goes the first few wks. I'm pretty sure the roots on my ww are filling up the 7 gal since it vegged for I want to say 2 months maybe 3, so if I did re pot I'd prob just prune the roots and put it in a diff 7 gal with new soil and Roots!

Now that I thought about it, repotting to a dif 7 gal for veg and then up canning to a 15 when I flip sounds like a good idea.
Thats what I did, gave her 2 or 3 weeks to get regrowing and adjusted then root pruned and repotted except I used a 3 gal then into a 7 for flower. The bigger sizes would of deff worked better though :thumb:
Hey smokey do you think I can hit the JH with a lite destress foilar yet? Repotted Sunday remember...
And if I can ask ya, I have never done a foilar spray.....I have read to spray under side of leaves and not to saturate them. Does this sound right? And any little tricks? Thanks again smokey.

Edit: no I haven't flipped her yet the plant in back is a auto finishing up on 18/6

Ordinarily I'd say wait another few days, but she's looking damned fine! So, yep, hit 'er with some DeStress. That'll signal the plant to send out some exudates to get the biota interested. It's tailored for root growth, too. :cheesygrinsmiley: You want as fine a mist as you can get, and you want to coat all the leaves just until they drip a bit, not a full soaking. I have a quart Solo pump sprayer with a wand, and I do the undersides first, up and down and around each plant, and then spray down from overhead. I use about 20 ounces for 20 square feet of canopy, which is 6-8 plants for me.

I had a fabulous reveg on a SLH and I cut back the rootball, too, primarily to replace the old used soil. I figured it was better to get it restarted in fresh new fully balanced soil, and I was right - got 3+ oz the second round! :slide:
Hey GT....would about 3.5ml of destress in 4 ounces of water sound about right for around four square feet?

That's saying you use about 20 ml of destress in your 20 ounces solution. Hope I did the math this converting is making my head spin.:passitleft:

1 oz per quart=30 mill per quart.

1 quart is 4 cups.....1 cup is 8oz.

So, for 8 oz of water we're now down to 7mils give or take a few 3.5 is pretty good! They'll be fine.

I recommend mixing up twice that and keeping it in the fridge for up to 5 days. It's good for clones, etc.
Haven't been around much have had a wicked sinus infection the last few days. Any-who one of the bubba kush and a purple malawi sprouted. I also planted three panamas and I think something else that I cant remember right now :passitleft: a couple nights ago to replace the failed seeds. Most of them looked like they wanted to open but then just turned to mush so i'm guessing i had the soil too wet.

Got a bunch of pictures for yah, gonna be chopping the SLH and Hurkle this weekend.

New Hurkle (reveged)



Hurkle cuts a week old now

Penny on left Blue Blood on right

Purple Malawi on left Bubba kush x hash plant on right, just stuck her head up this morning :)

Freaking awesome smokey look at that resin on you SLH leaves.....sorry to hear you were sick....hey gave that JH transplant a destress last night....I think she loved Leaves r all standing up....but her pot is pretty moist yet. I put about 1 3/4 gallons in from bottom and top when I transplanted in to 7 gallon(to much?). Any way looks like the time to come to Vegas is in about a month when all three are cured lol.

Great looking crop bud.:thumb:

Side note just smoked some's been dry at 66degress and 58- 60 RH for about 6 days....still moist. It sticky as hell..anyway I got to rambling so yeah me and the wife are pretty happy with first harvest and not even gotten into the dense buds...alright I'm done.:passitleft:
Freaking awesome smokey look at that resin on you SLH leaves.....sorry to hear you were sick....hey gave that JH transplant a destress last night....I think she loved Leaves r all standing up....but her pot is pretty moist yet. I put about 1 3/4 gallons in from bottom and top when I transplanted in to 7 gallon(to much?). Any way looks like the time to come to Vegas is in about a month when all three are cured lol.

Great looking crop bud.:thumb:

Side note just smoked some's been dry at 66degress and 58- 60 RH for about 6 days....still moist. It sticky as hell..anyway I got to rambling so yeah me and the wife are pretty happy with first harvest and not even gotten into the dense buds...alright I'm done.:passitleft:

Not sure on the water amount. My air pots use a lot less than that but the 10 gal smart pots takes quite a bit. The watering ins't really any diff for HB just saturate them and then let them dry out before doing again in veg. In flower it gets a little more difficult to get right since you don't want them to dry all the way out but you don't want to water to much either. You'll get it :thumb: I wouldn't give that thing much longer before you flip it or you're going to out grow the pot on it by the end :) If the leaves are standing up she is happy enough to flip :high-five:

I'm going to hit them, the Panamas with Cat again, I think and then heavy growth/transplant to finish.
the other plants just started blooming..

Nice Zigg how old are yours again? PS your spreadsheet is giving me motivation to get back to work on my app :high-five: :rofl:
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