SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Hey smokey do you think I can hit the JH with a lite destress foilar yet? Repotted Sunday remember...

And if I can ask ya, I have never done a foilar spray.....I have read to spray under side of leaves and not to saturate them. Does this sound right? And any little tricks? Thanks again smokey.

Edit: no I haven't flipped her yet the plant in back is a auto finishing up on 18/6
GhettoGro, its great stuff!
Welcome to High Brix :)

I have been studying this method. I have seen great results form the High Brix. Does it apply to HPS lighting grows too? I understand that LED and HPS can require different nutes / amendments / additives. Haven't found an HPS grower using this yet here. Still looking though.
I have been studying this method. I have seen great results form the High Brix. Does it apply to HPS lighting grows too? I understand that LED and HPS can require different nutes / amendments / additives. Haven't found an HPS grower using this yet here. Still looking though.

Yes you can use hps....actually the Dude that brought his great method to all of us(doc bud) just switched to led from hps.
Hey smokey do you think I can hit the JH with a lite destress foilar yet? Repotted Sunday remember...

And if I can ask ya, I have never done a foilar spray.....I have read to spray under side of leaves and not to saturate them. Does this sound right? And any little tricks? Thanks again smokey.

Edit: no I haven't flipped her yet the plant in back is a auto finishing up on 18/6

I would normally say sure np but maybe since she wasn't in HB before its not the best idea I really don't know maybe GT or someone else has a better idea. Sorry you're in uncharted territory for me with the switch up :)

If it were me I would drop that light to 12/12 now. It shouldn't hurt the autos if anything the extra dark for the last week might frost them up some :)

Did you give her any topdress of recharge yet? I'm really thinking that would be a good idea but once again im just guessing.

Beautiful buds. I have to review this journal as I am new here. I willl do that before I ask redundant questions. Whatever you are using/doing is working great!

Thank man welcome.
Couple other links if you really want to dig into the HB way.
High Brix Q&A With Pictures
In The Lab

Don't hesitate to ask questions in my thread. There are tons of pages on this stuff and it can take a long time to find an answer to a question so I don't mind one bit :)

I was really fucked up last night when I was messing with my veg tent and I noticed this morning that the light above my penny and blue blood was really close to them and they are both all wilted at the tops and bent over like they were trying to get away from the light :rofl: Hopefully they will look a little better when they wake up if not I will hit them with some de-stress.

Also if you haven't figured it out yet I am a real noob grower compared to a lot of people on this site. My plants look as good as they do only because the kit takes care of almost everything for us negating the need for a lot of advanced knowledge :thumb:
Yeah they all look pretty......that hurkle reveg looks very healthy....awesome.:thumb:

I can't wait to see how this one turns out, she is already 6 maybe closer to 7 months old at this point has a monster trunk and was very root bound before transplant. I had to do quite a bit of pruning to thin her out and get rid of a lot of under growth, re-veg plants just grow nuts with the branching. I really like the growth pattern of her, she stays nice and short in veg and then when you bloom her the tops just grow straight up with really dense big long colas. This one should be killer :high-five:
When I harvested her I left a layer of bud and leaves at the very bottom and cut everything else off then threw her back in the veg tent. After a couple weeks once she started growing again and seemed happy I also did a root prune and down potting on her. After about 2 months she was back to growing normal leaves and all ready to put back in the flower tent. I don't know how many times you can keep doing this to the same plant but it seems much easier than dealing with clones to me and its a more mature plant with a much bigger trunk this time around so the buds should be monster if I can keep her fed enough, I really wish I would of grabbed a 20gal for her but I wasn't planing on running the reveg until I had a bunch of seeds fail and it changed my plans... :)
When I harvested her I left a layer of bud and leaves at the very bottom and cut everything else off then threw her back in the veg tent. After a couple weeks once she started growing again and seemed happy I also did a root prune and down potting on her. After about 2 months she was back to growing normal leaves and all ready to put back in the flower tent. I don't know how many times you can keep doing this to the same plant but it seems much easier than dealing with clones to me and its a more mature plant with a much bigger trunk this time around so the buds should be monster if I can keep her fed enough, I really wish I would of grabbed a 20gal for her but I wasn't planing on running the reveg until I had a bunch of seeds fail and it changed my plans... :)

Hmm alright I'm thinking of this when I harvest my white widow, since I don't have any seeds started yet.
How many nodes did you leave after you harvested?
This is what she looked like after the hacking.

The beginning of the re-veg in my journal is here but I only have pictures of her from time to time nothing major.
SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

About 10 days later, wasn't she a cute lil-thang :love:

I must say it was WAY easier than I expected. I think part of the trick is not letting them go till they are about dead before cutting them so they are still nice and healthy when it happens but this is just a guess and the first plant I have ever done this on.
Yup and the best part is you have nothing to loose, if you don't try and reveg its getting tossed anyway so might as well give it a go esp if you find a plant that really grew great but you never took a clone of. I will probably try it on this current SLH, if I like the smoke as much as I have liked the plant I would like to give her at least one more grow :)
Yup and the best part is you have nothing to loose, if you don't try and reveg its getting tossed anyway so might as well give it a go esp if you find a plant that really grew great but you never took a clone of. I will probably try it on this current SLH, if I like the smoke as much as I have liked the plant I would like to give her at least one more grow :)

So have you been giving drenches and foliars as normal with the re-veg?
No I haven't given any recharge you have to water that in?


So have you been giving drenches and foliars as normal with the re-veg?

Yeah except at first she needed watered very infrequently since most of her foliage was gone. Just treat it like any veg plant and let it dry out before re-watering and it will be fine. Once I root-pruned and down potted it was more normal. You could probably do it all at the same time but it seemed less stressful to me this way, at least that was my thinking :passitleft:

Yeah except at first she needed watered very infrequently since most of her foliage was gone. Just treat it like any veg plant and let it dry out before re-watering and it will be fine. Once I root-pruned and down potted it was more normal. You could probably do it all at the same time but it seemed less stressful to me this way, at least that was my thinking :passitleft:

What made you decide to down can it, wouldn't it be fine if the old root system was left undisturbed in a 7 gal smart pot?
It probably would of been fine but I think they will do better if pruned and aloud to regrow along with the rest of the plant. I have no evidence of this though and I could be totally wrong. Mostly I needed the floor space and the big flower pot in my small veg tent had to go :)
When I harvested her I left a layer of bud and leaves at the very bottom and cut everything else off then threw her back in the veg tent. After a couple weeks once she started growing again and seemed happy I also did a root prune and down potting on her. After about 2 months she was back to growing normal leaves and all ready to put back in the flower tent. I don't know how many times you can keep doing this to the same plant but it seems much easier than dealing with clones to me and its a more mature plant with a much bigger trunk this time around so the buds should be monster if I can keep her fed enough, I really wish I would of grabbed a 20gal for her but I wasn't planing on running the reveg until I had a bunch of seeds fail and it changed my plans... :)

did you amend her, help flip her with feeding her GE?
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