SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Thanks Gov good tip, I didn't even think of that :)

Yeah man. What I do is freeze it all for 24 hrs and wash it and store it as hash. That way it takes up very little space comparatively and it's ready for cooking or vaping on my d-nail.I have a mini-fridge upstairs I always keep a few drinks in. The small shelf in the back is a "hash shelf". It's always a work in-progress as it's been very well-stocked, and it's been empty...

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

She sure is Do you have any pics of her right before u chopped her?

I didn't take any sorry. I didn't even want to deal with washing it and it she wasn't so pretty at the end... All her big leaves were either gone or completely yellowed out. If I would of known about Govs freezer trick in time she would be in there instead of washed up and drying right now :rofl:

Yeah man. What I do is freeze it all for 24 hrs and wash it and store it as hash. That way it takes up very little space comparatively and it's ready for cooking or vaping on my d-nail.I have a mini-fridge upstairs I always keep a few drinks in. The small shelf in the back is a "hash shelf". It's always a work in-progress as it's been very well-stocked, and it's been empty...


Awesome,Edit I just reread you do bubble hash so no need to ask again :) If you are making out of bud what do you do to break up the buds enough to not just nock the trics off on the outside and loose the majority of them?

..And well stocked is way better! :high-five:

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I cut them into chunks right away then freeze them. Then I chunk them some more moving them from the freezer to the water. I grind it up really, though I have. First of all, fresh frozen is a bisnatch to grind up and I feel you do more damage to the trichome heads the more you handle it anyway, so it's a constant balance getting them as small as I can without squishing the shit out of them. If I have quite a bit to wash, I'll even re-freeze it after the last "chunking", go medicate and come back an hour later. Just make sure to do all your chunking over the container. A bowl of small marbles is what I'm looking for if running nugs...and I run it twice is all. Usually 2x 10 minute washes. I've run it longer and more times, but I pass my own point of diminishing returns after those 2 washes.

shit, look at that bigass paragraph. :cool:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Gov. Ive never made hash before. Definitely will tho! :) Just recently started collecting from grinder. Its great stuff!
So, you take the trim, popcorn buds and freeze fresh?? Wow!
Can one use a food processor and pulse it to get desired size?
I will get a bubblebag kit in coming months. Any recommendations for #of bags, size, brand?
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Thanks Gov and please stomp away guys :)

So in your awesome writeup I discovered the error of my ways... :high-five:

I have been drying the buds out first and then trying to break them up enough without turning it to dust in the process. Now I know why my hash was so damn dirty under the scope last time.

Thanks kind sir, Im a total noob in the ways of making da hash :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Gov. Ive never made hash before. Definitely will tho! :) Just recently started collecting from grinder. Its great stuff!
So, you take the trim, popcorn buds and freeze fresh?? Wow!
Can one use a food processor and pulse it to get desired size?
I will get a bubblebag kit in coming months. Any recommendations for #of bags, size, brand?

I would skip the food processor zig, thats gonna make a mess of your trics.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

What cha sorry for Zigg. I'm glad someones talking in here ive been slacking the last couple weeks. Finally starting to feel normal again just gotta get caught up on some much needed sleep :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I can't edit my post up there ^, but I meant to say I DON'T grind it up. I use scissors and try to make as small of chunks as I can within reason.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Gov you have a limited time only to edit posts..Several hrs I believe

Yup my first journal I reserved a buch of posts at The beginning to put pictures in as I went along only to find out a couple hours later that I couldn't edit them anymore. At least the mods were nice enough to clean them up for me :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Ok so I got a huge burst of energy today and took some pictures :) I think my brain is starting to work again. I had really vivid dreams the last two nights and haven't had any that I can remember since the doc put me on Narcs for pain control. I used to be able to control my dreams and really missed it so pretty stoked about that not to mention I am starting to feel like my short term memory is coming back already. For all the bs bud gets about short term memory loss its nothing compared to what a daily narc habit does to you. Anyway I am planing on transplanting my hurkle and and super lemon haze this weekend and will be starting the SLH in flower immediately and plan on giving the hurkle another week or two to grow up a little more.

Without further ado...



Reveging Hurkle from last harvest. Planning on a root pruning and down potting on this guy this weekend unless someone tells me thats a bad idea. I assume thats what you guys that revege do its not like it needs that monster root ball atm.

My current flowering blue dream. She is probably getting killed this weekend and mulched back into my soil for next round. I got more than enough of this current one to last me more than long enough that I don't need to be growing another one right now. Kind of a waste but im sure my soil will like it and it will help future plants be even better :)

Whats left of my chopped blue dream, plan on harvesting the rest this weekend and running it through the bubble bags.

I have some unwanted visitors. The sticky traps are helping but not getting rid of them yet. Is there anything else un-harmful I can do to help other than stop being lazy and do some cleaning up. I know there not hurting the plants but the wife doesn't appreciate me breeding them especially now that some of them have found there way to the rest of the house.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

OMG my short term memory is getting better I was able to remember the order of all those pictures to write the descriptions in. A month ago I would of been lucky if I made it to the third one without forgetting.

I want to thank everyone that has helped me on here. Getting a real medical strain going that actually works (much better than any pill or surgery I have tried in 8+ years) and getting off the pills isn't going to just save my career but also my liver / life :high-five: :Namaste::circle-of-love: :thanks:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

That's great news Smokey, and your garden's dynamics are on point. :thumb:


Thanks bud. It's a true testament to Docs kit. I haven't been feeding them or watering them or keeping the humidity right for the last two weeks since I was to sick to care. If I was hydro or something like that they would all be dead by now :)

Edit, that sounded like i haven't feed or watered them at all in two weeks which isn't the case but they have been neglected for sure.

Smokey, good for you! :thumb: As long as you remember where your garden is, then all is good! :)

Haha no worries there and thanks Zigg!

Man smokey......I hope to grow, as nice of ladies as u are recycling.....awesome job and glad to hear things are starting to come back to you.

Keep em green......

Thanks Nate, She got a stay of execution. We had our first try of the just harvested BD tonight and the wife really likes it (and I really like what she did to me right after smoking it :circle-of-love:) so i'm gonna grow the other one out. Although it might get a hefty pruning this weekend so I have sufficient light coverage for the other two plants getting ready to go in. Its kinda out of control already and the last one didn't stop stretching till around week 7 or 8 I think. It had a 5 month veg so if I don't do something its gonna get out of control, the last one only vegged for about 2 months. :rofl:
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