SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

I see. I'm hoping it tastes like blueberry bud. It's my all-time favorite flavor for buds :). It has a lot of smell to it but I can't put a label on. It's definitely not a blueberry smell though.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

So I have some amazing news that is going to have huge implications for my grow :party:

I got the wife to try the hurkle a few days ago when she was hurting really bad after seeing how much it helps me. She also has a spinal fusion and lots of nerve pain. It helped her but the next few nights she didn't want anymore even though she was hurting so I figured she wasn't going to use it regularly. Tonight she was bitching about her nerves hurting for three days straight and nothing was helping so I told her its here if you want it, I'm not gonna keep bugging you to use it but it will help you She decided to stop being stubborn and took three hits from a fresh bowl. Within minutes, literally less than five minutes she was pain free and then the unexpected happened...

She says if i'm going to start using this regularly I guess I better get a med card so its legit and I don't use up all of yours :thedoubletake: She is also going to get off her meds, they aren't helping her anymore either and they just make us sick all the time She wants to replace them with the high CBD buds. :high-five:

So I should get a lot more leeway in my grow room now and once she has her card my limit will double from 7 plants with no more than 3 in flowering to 14 with no more than 6 flowering. This should make it possible to do some breeding or run a batch of seeds or whatever. I am already able to produce more than enough for the both of us with my current plant limits but don't have enough slots to do anything else :partyboy:

I fucking love this plant. Seriously if anyone has nerve, joint, spine pain get a high % 50/50 cbd thc plant and don't look back. The weather is messed up right now and I am withdrawing from my narcs. Other than the withdrawal issues I am pain free and I would normally be DESTROYED while going through either of those things let alone both at the same time. CBD is a miracle drug, I just wish I would of found it years ago :Namaste:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

That's really good news Smokey. I'm in a similar situation. My wife has lupus complicated by some other mental issues including PTSD, depression and DID (look it up). Additionally, I had my arm severed when I was a teenager and struggle with chronic pain in it, and it's exacerbated by the weather so this time of year makes things a bit tougher.

Ive found a couple strains that help me deal with the pain, but she hasn't found a strain yet that does what she needs without complicating some of the other things she's got going on. Poor thing. We both used cannabis recreationally for a number of years, but trying to zero in on specific maladies has proven somewhat of a challenge. While the discovery process can be fun, the current state of affairs regarding this wonderful plant makes it even more of a challenge...but we push on. I don't have any high-CBD strains yet, but I also have some epilepsy in my family that I've vowed to address as well. I will be doing high-CBD strains in the near future.

I'm happy you will be able to explore with a bit more impunity dude.

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

That's great news Smokey! The Pennywise does the same for me, I won't be without a high CBD strain again. It's fun to try other strains but I always make sure I have the CBD strains around for pain management. I got to try some Pennywise scissor hash last night....mmmmmm good! It was a very good night! So maybe the wife will let you cut a hole in the wall now yeah?
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

That's really good news Smokey. I'm in a similar situation. My wife has lupus complicated by some other mental issues including PTSD, depression and DID (look it up). Additionally, I had my arm severed when I was a teenager and struggle with chronic pain in it, and it's exacerbated by the weather so this time of year makes things a bit tougher.

Ive found a couple strains that help me deal with the pain, but she hasn't found a strain yet that does what she needs without complicating some of the other things she's got going on. Poor thing. We both used cannabis recreationally for a number of years, but trying to zero in on specific maladies has proven somewhat of a challenge. While the discovery process can be fun, the current state of affairs regarding this wonderful plant makes it even more of a challenge...but we push on. I don't have any high-CBD strains yet, but I also have some epilepsy in my family that I've vowed to address as well. I will be doing high-CBD strains in the near future.

I'm happy you will be able to explore with a bit more impunity dude.


Sorry to hear bud. My family has a lot of lupus in it too, at least two of my sisters and I think it might be the root cause of my issues as well. My one sister is a nurse and thinks I probably have it but told me not to try and get diagnosed for it since there is nothing they can do to treat it yet. You should give a good high CBD strain a try, I think it would help her and probably your arm pain too. My wife also has PTSD and a lot of anxiety along with her nerve pain and the hurkle is working great for her. She can't smoke most bud it makes her all flippy.

Smokey, thats awesome news!

Thanks bud :)

That's great news Smokey! The Pennywise does the same for me, I won't be without a high CBD strain again. It's fun to try other strains but I always make sure I have the CBD strains around for pain management. I got to try some Pennywise scissor hash last night....mmmmmm good! It was a very good night! So maybe the wife will let you cut a hole in the wall now yeah?

:rofl: It certainly wont hurt the cause. I am thinking if I can find something I can put in the window and hook a fan up to that would be my best bet. I really don't want to be cutting holes in the walls anymore than she wants me too. I have been leaving the window cracked in the room this week and it does give some air turnover, the temps are staying a couple degrees lower now that its open. Maybe once I have the mini split I can just leave the door shut and the window cracked like it is now. Its not a ton of air but probably enough once its combined with co2.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Yeah that's awesome news smokey....good for you. I come from a long line of naturalists.....herbs and such. Although I don't use for any diagnosed does seems to let me wined down in he evenings. Lol.

I loved reading this last page...self medication is the goal for us all.....I'm glad to hear it is working out for so many.

P.s. Your liver is gonna love you after you ween yourself off the prescription
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Fabulous news, Smokey! :cheer::party::blunt:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Thanks man I was just sitting here starting to hurt and wasn't sure why. Then I realized the last couple bowls were amazonia... My entire lineup is going to be high cbd in another couple months :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Hi Smokey,
Your journal has been a joy to have taken to growing brix like a duck to water. The verbal breakdown of the high brix program is brilliantly outlined in your own words. Easy once you get going, but a tad rocky for the very first timer to remember everything. I had to sit down and plan the whole grow with my calendar when to do what so as to not forget. Your plants look like you have been doing it for years. I am growing the same with Platinum LED as well, first grow. I love how considerate you are to wifey and that she has come around to support your endeavor on her own now for the both of you....a real partnership.

As a female I was not comfortable putting HID in the house with all the ducting, etc. and cutting holes in the walls to deal with ventilation issues too. I think the technology lined up for me perfectly to now get started with LED and brix, fitting into my organic philosophy. And as a byproduct, we get lower energy bills and higher quality meds......who knew? I'm having the time of my life.

Anyway, thank you for the lovely read and wishing you the best going forward.
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Hi Ziggy,

I have 3- P600's and this is week 4 of flower. I have been studying Doc for about a year. It's been stunning how many people have joined the Brix army, and then I have followed all of your grows after that so I must really thank you all....very engaging fun this has become under a very supportive umbrella. Life is good, eh fellas?:allgood:
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Thanks man I was just sitting here starting to hurt and wasn't sure why. Then I realized the last couple bowls were amazonia... My entire lineup is going to be high cbd in another couple months :)

I'm interested in following along in the CBD-discovery journey. Please keep us posted on the breeders, strains and results.

re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Hi Ziggy,

I have 3- P600's and this is week 4 of flower. I have been studying Doc for about a year. It's been stunning how many people have joined the Brix army, and then I have followed all of your grows after that so I must really thank you all....very engaging fun this has become under a very supportive umbrella. Life is good, eh fellas?:allgood:

Wow 3 600s is some serious power your going to be able to pull some nice yield from that much lighting :thumb: Welcome to my journal glad to have you here and thanks for the kind words.

I'm interested in following along in the CBD-discovery journey. Please keep us posted on the breeders, strains and results.


Will do. Sorry I haven't been around I feel like shat this week, been trying to end the three years of narcotic use and its not fun. I am going to harvest the blue dream as soon as I feel up to it, she looks ready but I don't think another week will hurt her either so im not to worried about it.

I have tested the plushberry close to ten times and it makes my neck hurt every time so the mother got recycled. Its a shame it was such a yummy strain but I cant smoke something that is going to create pain thats kind of defeating the purpose...

Hope everyone has been doing well :)
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

So I finally managed to muster enough energy to chop and wash the blue dream, well the colas anyway. The rest is either getting mulched or thrown away or used to make bubble hash. Actually I already threw away a good amount of the smaller buds but there is still a lot I didn't even take off the plant yet. Other than making some hash out of it I have no use for all of it this thing yielded a lot more than I need or am aloud to even have and I try not to accumulate to much just incase anything ever happened. Anyway a couple crappy pictures, I will get some better ones when they are dry. I do my washing in 1gal jugs with the tops cut wide open so I dont need to mix up 20gal of water to wash one plant so I had to cut most of the colas at least in half to get them to fit in the jugs :)

wow thats some hardcore run on sentences I have going on in here :rofl:

It went for 1day short of a full 10 weeks since flip.


I threw a sticky trap up for scale, Its around 1' long, I think...
re: SmokeyMcFly's Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry Highbrix LED Grow

Very nice man! Congrats! Those look absolutely lovely.

I save ALL good trim/fluff/popcorn for bubble hash. It's easier to store that way, and I don't waste it. I like being able to just throw it into a plastic container and stuff it in the freezer for whenever I get around to washing it.

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