SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

There in one gallons but they didn't start looking bad once they got big they never looked right from the start and feeding them has made it worse every time. I will get some new soil cooking asap. The real problem is I don't know what to do with the old soil. I don't have a yard to dump it in I guess I will have to add it to the garbage :shhh: I will most likely dilute the soil and try finishing a couple of these just to see what they do though.
I'm with Graytail. Your stuff has always been on point...however, I like saving plants if I can. It really depends on your needs and level of enthusiasm to tackle the challenge. My weed coffers are full, so right now, I'd cull'em...a few months from now though, who knows.
Smokey, what girls do you have are in them? Some look like they need to be transplanted. As GT suggested, what do the roots look like?
I'd try this on 1-2 of the softees, if euthanasia is not for you. I don't cull very easily either ;)
when needing to be watered, soak(Flush) the softee in plain H2O, 1-2x...drain as you would from side to side..spray with dilute DeStress. I might add some WA10x to it too.
see what they look like afterwards in a day or 2.
You have several test subjects..;)
Im jealous..:rofl:
Hey Smokey...morning pal....ya with your girls there...these are just my thoughts ok.....The one pic shows burning leaf edges and tips...soil is too hot, has lots of goodies in it ...what I would do is to up-pot into big pots and give straight water with 1/4 Trans...that's it. They should come back with fresh soil available to don't have to cull them, they're not that bad bud! Just my 2 Smokey. Cheers pal!
There in one gallons but they didn't start looking bad once they got big they never looked right from the start and feeding them has made it worse every time. I will get some new soil cooking asap. The real problem is I don't know what to do with the old soil. I don't have a yard to dump it in I guess I will have to add it to the garbage :shhh: I will most likely dilute the soil and try finishing a couple of these just to see what they do though.

If you know someone with a vegetable garden, your old soil will grow nice melons and squashes.

As you might remember, I toss mine after 4 runs. I've tried going longer, but the products no longer do what I expect them to do after 4 runs. I try to grow "heavy feeders/salt lovers" in the last run if possible.
Thanks all, I took a combo of the recommendations :passitleft:

I only kept a Feminized Critical (closest thing to a salt lover I had going and it looked the best of all of them as suggested :) ). Up canned it into a 12gal and mixed 30-40% straight promix a bit of pearlite and filled it the rest of the way with the hot soil, mixed it all up and transplanted into it. Gave a nice hefty top dress of roots and watered it good with plain water, then the next morning I sprayed her with 50% diluted destress. It's been a few days now and she is looking much happier already. I checked in on her tonight and all of the leaves are standing almost straight up for the first time:party:

I also started a half a kit worth of new soil and need to get some more fresh pro mix ordered unless the local box stores started carrying it again. Im going to keep an eye on how this plant works out before I decide to ditch it all it seems really happy so far :thumb:

Thanks for the help all I'll take a couple pics of her at some point in the next couple days the lights are already on for the night.
Here is a few pics of what she looks like now. I topped somewhere around 6 branches last night that had nice looking new growth on it. As long as she is healthy from here on I am going to veg it a few more weeks while the new soil cooks. I am thinking of putting the current fabric pot inside of a ~30gal bin with some holes in the bottom sitting on a flood table tray and keep the bin empty now until the soil is done cooking. Once its ready I can add the new soil around the fabric pot filling in the bin, give it a bit more time and then flip. This way I can start training her into a full tent scrog before the final up-can. :party:

Okay enough rambling :passitleft:


Have a :passitleft: day all
Hey Duggan how's it going bud :passitleft:

I gave her GE once a few weeks ago but the soil was hot and they responded really badly. The new growth since up can looked much better but I cut most of it off last night before I managed to get pics.
Hey Duggan how's it going bud :passitleft:

I gave her GE once a few weeks ago but the soil was hot and they responded really badly. The new growth since up can looked much better but I cut most of it off last night before I managed to get pics.

I gotcha Smokey...she will no doubt start to perk up once she gets a real grip on your up-can.Everything else OK....? how's the neck and back pal? Been doin OK? Cheers eh!
Thanks Duggan

I think she will take off once she hits that fresh toned down soil as well. Things have been good I got a new hobby to get some out of the house time and stopped smoking ciggs, both of which has cut into my forum time. I was always on here on my smoke breaks since I quit smoking I don't even get breaks for those anymore :rofl:

Thanks Duggan

I think she will take off once she hits that fresh toned down soil as well. Things have been good I got a new hobby to get some out of the house time and stopped smoking ciggs, both of which has cut into my forum time. I was always on here on my smoke breaks since I quit smoking I don't even get breaks for those anymore :rofl:

:passitleft: did it!!!! I'm so glad for you just lengthened your time with us....awesome. How do ya feel to me pal.......this is really awesome news Smokey. i know just how hard it must have been. Hope you stay off em ....after some time passes will start to wonder why you didn't quit a long time ago.....cheers to ya Smokey....and BTW...try and make that "break" time up for us...i miss you around bud! have an awesome day my friend!.....Duggs :Namaste:
Thanks Duggs :high-five:

I have been on and off prescription narcotics for the last 5+ years so compared to that ciggs were easy :)

The plant is looking much better now, she has greened up over the last week and other than a couple burnt tips from before she is looking great. Last night she got watered and that was the first thing I have done to her since the up-pot and destress spray. This week I will give her a brix spray probably a bit later in the week.



Yeah Doc no doubt it made all the difference in the world :high-five:

She's a little droopy cause it was watering time but she taking off now :) I wish I would of kept a couple of the others after seeing how this one turned around :rofl:


Hope everyone is having a good week :passitleft:
I think it's time to flip her finally :rofl: I really like the shape of this one, gonna be a shame to flatten her out for a SCROG but im affraid if I don't she's gonna get out of control. She is going in a 27 gallon bin probably tonight and flipped I plan on leaving this one right in the softie when I transplant and letting her grow through it. I still have another week before my soil is all the way cooked but I figure it will take her that long to get enough roots in it to matter and it should be fine.


Hard to believe she looked like this a few weeks ago.

Have a good one all :passitleft:
I forgot to mention my soil must still be really rich even after cutting in the pro-mix. I have only gave her one half strength feeding of GE and Tea and one normal brix spray since the upcan... I will give her a feeding with the upcan and destress spray the day after since I will most likely prune her pretty heavily. Depending on how she looks after all of that I will either flip her this week or wait another week or so for her to fill in the net if needed but its really effing hot here this week and it would be nice to have the lights go off in the morning instead of mid day.
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