SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

Hey all :passitleft:

Sorry haven't been around. Everything is ok just had a lot going on lately. Both Golden Tigers have been harvested and are strong as effff. The purple haze pheno has a mossy kinda flavor and crazy potent. I have to keep it for night time I turn into a drooling idiot when I smoke more than a couple hits of it :party: The other one turned out ok but its not ridiculous like the haze pheno is. My current batch of babies are not doing well. I am 99% sure I have my soil loaded up with to much amendment from all the rounds of recycling. Everyone of them had twisted leaves from the start and I had a few that just died and one mutant crazy little thing (ill get pics of it later when the lights are out). I am going to up pot them this weekend and plan on adding between 25 - 50% fresh pro-mix to my recycled soil when I up-pot them unless anyone has other ideas how to fix them.

Hope everyone has been well :passitleft:
Hey all :passitleft:

Sorry haven't been around. Everything is ok just had a lot going on lately. Both Golden Tigers have been harvested and are strong as effff. The purple haze pheno has a mossy kinda flavor and crazy potent. I have to keep it for night time I turn into a drooling idiot when I smoke more than a couple hits of it :party: The other one turned out ok but its not ridiculous like the haze pheno is. My current batch of babies are not doing well. I am 99% sure I have my soil loaded up with to much amendment from all the rounds of recycling. Everyone of them had twisted leaves from the start and I had a few that just died and one mutant crazy little thing (ill get pics of it later when the lights are out). I am going to up pot them this weekend and plan on adding between 25 - 50% fresh pro-mix to my recycled soil when I up-pot them unless anyone has other ideas how to fix them.

Hope everyone has been well :passitleft:

the 'soil dilution' is a good idea. :thumb: you may want test some soil once cut, with 1-2 beans before planting many in big pots. :)

Congratulations on your awesome sounding harvest. :):bravo:
Thats a good idea Ziggs. There is at least a decent chance that I will trash this whole batch and start over anyway so I have been thinking about getting some new beans started but I was going to transplant first cause the current plants are in the pots I use for planting beans now. The new growth on the plants looks good now but the fan leaves are still spotting up and dying off and I have never had that in veg before. I knew when the babies were twisting I had my soil to hot but I figured they would grow past it sooner than they have and none have that high brix look.

I have been adding amendement back in pretty much every time I recycled for the last two years now so Im thinking its time for a fresh start with new soil and what not. I have enough nug in stock to last me if I have to kill these and start over so its not a big deal if I have to cull them and wait a month for new soil. I still think they can straighten out though if I cut down the soil on the up pot so I want to at least try and save the current plants if I can and get a bunch of new soil started at the same time to be ready for fresh start next time :thumb:
Oh yeah the new batch is a couple Pakistan citral kush, a Kali China, a Critical and a zamaldelcia from the zamaldelica I grew a while back. She had a few seeds that managed to escape the grinder, not sure if she hermied or who nocked her up but the original had amazing flavor so im hoping this one turns out like her mum did.
Thats a good idea Ziggs. There is at least a decent chance that I will trash this whole batch and start over anyway so I have been thinking about getting some new beans started but I was going to transplant first cause the current plants are in the pots I use for planting beans now. The new growth on the plants looks good now but the fan leaves are still spotting up and dying off and I have never had that in veg before. I knew when the babies were twisting I had my soil to hot but I figured they would grow past it sooner than they have and none have that high brix look.

I have been adding amendement back in pretty much every time I recycled for the last two years now so Im thinking its time for a fresh start with new soil and what not. I have enough nug in stock to last me if I have to kill these and start over so its not a big deal if I have to cull them and wait a month for new soil. I still think they can straighten out though if I cut down the soil on the up pot so I want to at least try and save the current plants if I can and get a bunch of new soil started at the same time to be ready for fresh start next time :thumb:

good to see you, Smokey!! :)

try a couple of dilutions.. 1:2, 1:3 , 1:4
Thanks :circle-of-love:

I'll always be around from time to time. Sometimes my ADD kicks in on something new and shiny and I get hyperinto something else for a while but bud is the one thing thats held my attention my entire life and always will :passitleft:
Well, well, good to see ya friend! Ya , about the soil Smokey,....i'm on third run with my KK and just want to many times you figure you added DBHBB amendment to your existing batch. I wanna know if i should scrap this soil after three runs or keep going with it.I've always only ever gone to second run then tossed and started over , so this third run grow is new to me...just sayin! Can you recall Smokey?? ...thanks man! Glad your back brotha.:high-five:
Hey Duggan hope all has been well. It's been more than three run for sure more like five or six most likely. About two years worth of growing on it without any total restart.
Yeah pretty much it has also had some new pro mix added on most of them too. Just kinda whatever I thought it should get each time. I think it's finally got to the point where it's out of whack enough that it's negatively effecting them.
Yeah pretty much it has also had some new pro mix added on most of them too. Just kinda whatever I thought it should get each time. I think it's finally got to the point where it's out of whack enough that it's negatively effecting them.

Ya,'s a balance thing for sure. We just have no real way to tell without a test .I'm gonna see how this third run grow goes here with these....then i'l decide if i wanna keep it rolling. It has to get richer with time....look at all the goodies it gets,...maybe the CEC gets way too high...basically the soil gets too dense for it's own good. Anyhow lets keep an eye on this Smokey. Cheers bud.:high-five:
Yeah, I've tried to work with unbalanced soil and it just isn't worth it. :straightface:

You've gotten good use out of what you have! :laugh: Wow, 5-6 runs?

The whole key to this method is the standardized soil - once you lose that, nothing works right anymore. It'd be nice to get to the point where we could get custom blends from a test of our own soil.
Yeah, I've tried to work with unbalanced soil and it just isn't worth it. :straightface:

You've gotten good use out of what you have! :laugh: Wow, 5-6 runs?

The whole key to this method is the standardized soil - once you lose that, nothing works right anymore. It'd be nice to get to the point where we could get custom blends from a test of our own soil.

You can do that. No problem. If you want custom amendments, all you need is a test.

Let me know.

You're set up for small blends? That'd be great! Is the test with blend recommendation still under $100?
That's the thing. Small amounts are pretty labor intensive. Blending 10 lbs requires the same testing as blending 1000 lbs. Smalleramounts require more effort and prescision to actually mix as well, as math must be done to reduce things to grams at times.

Email me!

Yeah, that's the roadblock. I'd like to mix all my soil together and get it tested for a custom amendment, but sheesh, the pack you send is what - one pound? :hmmmm: I have something like 120 gallons, so even that much only needs a few pounds.

And more Pro-Mix just isn't that expensive. :laugh:

That's also the beauty of the system. All ya need is Pro-Mix. No testing and blending required. :slide:
Yeah, that's the roadblock. I'd like to mix all my soil together and get it tested for a custom amendment, but sheesh, the pack you send is what - one pound? :hmmmm: I have something like 120 gallons, so even that much only needs a few pounds.

And more Pro-Mix just isn't that expensive. :laugh:

That's also the beauty of the system. All ya need is Pro-Mix. No testing and blending required. :slide:

There's a place for the custom stuff when someone has a LARGE operation using native soil.
Yeah I don't have enough to make testing worth it unfortunately. I would say I got a good solid year to year and a half out of it before it started really getting out of whack. Not to shabby for my first go around with recycling the soil. Here is what they look like and I had just pruned the worst leaves off a couple days ago so they used to look worse but it was all older growth. You guys think I should try the dilution and up pot these or just cull them and start with fresh soil?



Thanks all! :passitleft:
I don' know Smokey ...

You've grown such great stuff, I kinda hate to see you work with substandard tools, y'know? It'll be hard to get them in shape and keep them that way, but ... on the other hand I grew my killer Destroyer in unbalanced soil, so the right strain can be fun ... :hmmmm: :laugh:

But yeah, they have that look to 'em. I'd want to Rescue the heck out of 'em but they shouldn't be needing it. I hate culling plants ... :straightface:

[Edit] But also ... what do the roots look like? How much soil do you have those in?
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