Slammy Pajammy's Indoor Organic Supersoil Ladies, 2019! 2nd Ever!

How’s the garden @Slammy Pajama ?

Hey @Silverfox125! Thanks for checking in! The flower girls are definitely starting to look like they're flipping! I love that lightening that happens right in the center of each growth tip to let you know something is happening!

I've been a little off my game, as the fires crept within about 15 km of our house and weather conditions were looking really bad for fire the last few weeks; but we're still all here! So far so good! Just haven't gotten in to my plant space as much as i would like!

Temp skyrocketed up to 40 in the cab a few days ago, so definitely had to give them a little more water to let them try and transpire out of that one. Humidity has been in a good range, around 40-55%, so we'll try and start to keep that on the lower end of that spectrum throughout flower, hoping to keep down around 35%-40% by the end

They've had about 3-4 litres of water each, twice over the last 5 days or so, so they seem to be drinking pretty well now that we are a week into the flip!

Got the veg girls up-potted into big containers on Saturday, so they should be appreciating that right about now. Definitely had some roots swirling the inside of the pot, so they were ready! Can't wait to let them veg out while these others get to flowering, so we can see how big they'll be in two months! I'm thinking container size will end up being more of a limiting factor than time or light by then
How’s the garden @Slammy Pajama ?

Hey @Silverfox125! Thanks for checking in! The flower girls are definitely starting to look like they're flipping! I love that lightening that happens right in the center of each growth tip to let you know something is happening!

I've been a little off my game, as the fires crept within about 15 km of our house and weather conditions were looking really bad for fire the last few weeks; but we're still all here! So far so good! Just haven't gotten in to my plant space as much as i would like!

Temp skyrocketed up to 40 in the cab a few days ago, so definitely had to give them a little more water to let them try and transpire out of that one. Humidity has been in a good range, around 40-55%, so we'll try and start to keep that on the lower end of that spectrum throughout flower, hoping to keep down around 35%-40% by the end

They've had about 3-4 litres of water each, twice over the last 5 days or so, so they seem to be drinking pretty well now that we are a week into the flip!

Got the veg girls up-potted into big containers on Saturday, so they should be appreciating that right about now. Definitely had some roots swirling the inside of the pot, so they were ready! Can't wait to let them veg out while these others get to flowering, so we can see how big they'll be in two months! I'm thinking container size will end up being more of a limiting factor than time or light by then
Woohoo! We FINALLY got a decent bit of rain, so hopefully that will give us a little protection and maybe quell the firefront a little bit. Nothing torrential though, so I'm not sure if it'll really put them out yet... but rain in any form is always good! We are always hurting for water in this country D:

Just brewed up a tea on Thursday to give to all my plant friends yesterday (I've been including the chili and rosemary plants in the tea regime, as it seems my soil mix has needed a potassium microbe boost fairly consistently for the cannabis so far, and the chili I think is a heavy potassium feeder!)

We also have a big fern outside from a friend who nearly killed her, so we are trying to coax her back to life! When we got it, I took one look at the size of the plant for the pot, and went "why haven't you put it in a big pot yet?? These tree ferns can get huge!!" I guess the garden centre had told her it wasn't going to be ready until roots were growing out of the bottom of the little black plastic thing it was in.... lo and behold, we pulled her out and there was nothing but big dark roots all swirled around the entirety of the pot space!! So I'm hoping they root rot hasn't see in too badly... they're sposed to be pretty damn hardy, so i hacked some of the dead dark roots away to open it up a little and got her into a big pot. She's shooting out fresh new fronds now, but still isn't growing that big before eating her older fronds, so I'm hoping she's not too far gone... time will tell!

Anyway... back to what I actually came here for... whoops :laughtwo:

So the tea mix:
-kelp meal
-malted barley
-soybean meal (very little)
-guano (very little)
- coconut meal (good amount)

I was going to be sharing it amongst the veg plants, the chili (who is justtt starting to put out little white flowers!), and the flowering cannabis, which are still about a week into flower; so i figured a small amount of nitrogen (soybean meal) wouldn't hurt at this stage, but wanted a littleeee bit of phosphorus (guano) in the mix to get them ready to head into flower strong.

*Probably any later into flower, and I would've brewed up two separate teas for the veg and flower plants, using the same recipe minus the guano or soybean meal, respectively

So I got about 2.5 litres into each of the flowering ladies, and gave the veg ladies about a litre each, as they weren't really ready for a full soak watering yet (now that I've got them up-potted into bigger pots, they've gotta fill that space with roots!)

Finally got around to training the veg ladies the other day now that i can tie them to the pot. Good thing, too! Because they definitely looked a lot smaller and less dense once I pulled them down and out to the sides to expose some of those lower axillary buds; that should help spread the dominance though and get some of those buds to sprout up into shoots to fill some of the gaps!

The white widows are really nice and bushy and usually sprout a few shoots that share dominance even without topping, but the girl scout definitely needs that apical dominance broken a little, otherwise she grows one FAT chunker and a bunch of tiny skinny little stems. So I'll be watching her a little closer than the others and really trying to coax a huge, even canopy out of it, because she is the only girl scout in the mix!

Everybody is looking pretty happy and healthy though! We are almost two weeks from the 12/12 flip in the cab, and they are definitely looking like cute little flowers in the centre of each cola! :') I can't wait!!

Veg ladies:

Flower girls!

Bonus chili and rosemary! That little white chili flower just opened up this morning!!
They are all looking great!! I’m jealous of the rosemary :green_heart:

Haha thank you, my friend!! Yea we use so much rosemary in our cooking, we just got sick of running out! So especially after getting the dehydrator, it was like duh! This makes the most sense! Can't wait till we move into somewhere we will be staying long enough to really get a good herb garden established!! Nothing like fresh LOS herbs!! I brushed up against the rosemary the other day when moving her, and it didn't even take hardly any contact, but the SMELL was divine! Couldn't help picking a few little leaves just to show the missus how pungent she is getting!
Today's Update:

Temp: 18-25 (only monitoring inside the cab right now)
RH: 50-72% (yikes, that's a little high for the flower girls! I'll have to start paring that back down as we progress through flower)

Pics are uploading like lightning now! Hell yea! :yahoo:

Everybody exploded a little after that potassium tea, so I've had to get in and tie everybody down/supercrop a little to maintain that even canopy! I'm trying to fill all the holes in the three that are vegging, so I've got nice filled out plants when we head into flower :thumb:

I also put some Mylar up in the closet, as I still had some lying around and I figured there will be plants in there for quite a few more weeks now. Might as well! Might save me a little energy if I don't need the lights cranked as much because they're getting it from all sides

We'll have to see how big these get! I may end up having to flip one or some in the closet as well, if they keep outgrowing the space... haha what a great problem to have!

Veg closet:

Flower cab:
Today's Update:
Temp: 25-33 degrees Celsius
RH: 50-62%

Now that the rain came through, it's becoming difficult to keep the RH down! Especially without an A/C unit, it means that i can't really run the dehumidifier without heating up the room even worse. Quite a pickle :/. But I think we'll live!

Got a tea brewing for the flower girls, as I'd like to keep the microbes topped up all through flower to give them the best chance at giving me the best harvest these cute little plants will give me
Today's recipe is:
- kelp meal
- malted barley
- less coconut meal
- more guano

All ground up and mixed 1:1 with EWC

and then into the molasses water for a 24hr brew!

The flower ladies are definitely starting to flower up! I almost forgot how exciting it is watching them start to change and grow into flowers! Can't wait to see what these look like in comparison to the first run of white widow!

And the veg ladies are exploding! Having some trouble keeping the canopy nice and even on that one in the back. I'm trying to twist her around in a spiral to cover that little gap! The girl scout cookie is so nicely even and filled out though! No pockets there! :thumb: man I can't wait to be sitting back and smoking while I watch these big ladies start to flower out
Today's Update:
Temp: 24-34 degrees Celsius
RH: 50-60%

Still too hot and humid in the cab. I'll have to really get that taken care of before we get too far into flower. I'd hate to run into mold! :'( but for now everybody is looking fine!

I got about 2.5 litres of tea into each of the flowering ladies, and I might start trying to water/Tea them just about every day or every other day, as they seem to be able to drink the water down pretty well, and they definitely explode each time!

I spread about a litre of tea between the three veg ladies, just to give them a little boost. Not too much though, as it was a phosphorus tea

The next few days after a tea are my favourite, cuz everybody always seems to really explode!! Hopefully that doesn't just mean I'm low on microbes the rest of the time... haha. But can't wait to see how they take off! I've got most of the gaps in the canopy filled on the veg ladies, so they should be nice and big by the time I'm ready to flip them!!

Family photo!

Flower girls!

Veg ladies!
Yesterday's update:
Temp: 25-33 degrees Celsius
RH: 50-60%

Looking a little better every day! Probably will get another tea going soon and get them ready for a dosing with some of the egg shell ferment, just to cover my bases. Getting close to three weeks since the flip, so we're probably getting close to 1/3 of the way there!

I'm excited to get these ones finished up so I can replace them with the other two white widows in the veg closet, and I'll let the girl scout cookie go a little longer to maximise the amount I get, as I'll already have a ton of white widow by then (providing I don't smoke it all, of course...)

Flower girls:

Veg closet:

(Starting to fill the gaps in this last one nicely!!)
Today's Update:
Temp: 25-34 degrees Celsius
RH: 50-65%

Still raining, so I'm having trouble keeping humidity down with no good way to combat the heat! Once I get back under the bigger light it'll run cooler, cuz it don't heat up quite like this Viparspectra does. And hopefully, ambient temps should be on the way down in the next couple weeks as well

I missed getting a pic of the flower girls today, but I'll probably get a tea brewing tomorrow and give them a little water, and hopefully get some nice pics. The veg closet is looking bigger every day though!! I think I'm starting to see a bit of magnesium deficiency creeping in, so we'll give them the egg shell ferment and a little extra molasses with the next tea, and hopefully that'll give them what they want!

I suppose it could even be a little zinc deficiency, as I'm seeing it more towards the new growth, as opposed to creeping up the older growth. Nothing super serious, and really mostly only effecting one of the three

I suppose it could even be a little zinc deficiency, as I'm seeing it more towards the new growth, as opposed to creeping up the older growth. Nothing super serious, and really mostly only effecting one of the three
hmmm.... that is a bit weird though. I suppose now it is time to examine that supersoil mix and ask them if there was some azomite or something that would have supplied the zinc in the soil even in the trace amounts needed. I suppose you could top dress some in or get some zinc oxide or zinc sulfate to add in there. Zinc is immoble in the plant though, so it is going to take a while to reverse this.
hmmm.... that is a bit weird though. I suppose now it is time to examine that supersoil mix and ask them if there was some azomite or something that would have supplied the zinc in the soil even in the trace amounts needed. I suppose you could top dress some in or get some zinc oxide or zinc sulfate to add in there. Zinc is immoble in the plant though, so it is going to take a while to reverse this.

Thanks Em! Yea the compost mix I used should have some azomite and volcanic rock dust, as well as the palagonite, basalt, and volcanic rock dust I've added to the mix the last two times I've reamended. I suppose I could throw some into the next tea I brew tonight, do you think that'd do much for things that take a long time to break down like the rock dusts?
Today's Update:
Temp: 24-32 degrees Celsius
RH: 50%

Tea time! Gave the flower girls about 1.5 litres of water each today just to keep them wet, and then they'll get a little of the tea tomorrow

Today's recipe was:
- kelp meal
- malted barley
- coconut meal
- tiny bit of alfalfa meal
- tiny bit of guano
- some palaganite
- some azomite
- some volcanic rock dust

All ground up and mixed 1:1 with EWC

And into the molasses water for a 24hr brew!

Dunno if the rock dusts will do much in there, as those kinds of amendments typically are very slow to break down. But any boost in microbes relevant to that should help with all the partially broken down stuff that's in the soil, right? Guess we'll see!

Flower girls are looking good!

Veg closet is definitely getting bigger!!
I also decided to top-dress the veg plants with some azomite, palagonite, and volcanic rock dust. I've got plenty of each to play with, so why not?


Ground them all up together and spread it evenly along the top of each container. That way when they get the tea tomorrow, it'll percolate down through it to get to them roots!

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