SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

High All ! How's it growin ? Been Growin quite well myself. Anyway, I thought I'd share a little background info on my grows. It's been about 5 years since I started growing. My 1st grow was a real joke. Used a large cardboard box lined with aluminum foil & a kitchen Track Light with CFL's. I did get through that grow. However my yield & the quality was not all that. So I bought a small 2x4 tent & a 600 watt MH/HPS.... lol. Talk about high temps. So I bought a bigger tent.
Still too hot. Before long I switched to LED's. Been through lots of different brands. My warning to you is avoid the cheap ones that are not a name brand. I went that route at first. One of them quit working one day & the switch wouldn't move. I opened it up & the wiring was burnt & melted & the back of the On/Off switch was a glob of melted plastic. So I opened up the other 2 lights as they were the same brand. They were also melting. So beware of cheap-o lights. Well about 3 years ago @Mars Hydro , offered me a Free Light to do a journal for them. It was the best grow I ever had; until my last grow. Grew 3 plants & the smallest was over 9 oz. & the largest was 11 oz. At the time it was the most expensive light I had. So I got to thinking if this light does this good a more expensive light should do even better.
Yeah, Right ! Tried at least a dozen lights after that. None of them ever gave me a plant over 6.5 oz. Recently started switching all my lights back to Mars Hydro. Right now I have 1 SP3000, 4 TSL 2000's & 2 TS1000's. I'm also running 4 Vipar PAR1500's which I'll be replacing in the near future. Mars are better in my opinion.

Well, for 5 years now I've been attempting to grow a 1-lb. plant. During my last grow I did some testing by feeding different ways & using different grow methods. I think I might have found my answer, Hence why I'm doing this journal.
A short while back I posted a thread asking if anyone pulled 8 oz. per plant consistently. That's when @Krissi Carbone introduced me to these "SIP" Buckets. Figured, what the hell. Give it a shot. Nothing to lose & everything to gain. I finally got my 1-lb. plant. I've pulled 17 oz. so far & there's still a small amount drying. I'm not trying to brag. I'm trying to turn you guys on to this type of growing. It's really a simple way to grow as long as you have time to fill a reservoir daily.
So this journal will be a 6 SIP Bucket grow. I'm doing 4 "CHERRY ON TOP" & 2 "AURORA INDICA" from Clones. I started this grow a couple of weeks ago. Didn't want to bore you all with the beginning stuff so I'll just do an update to what I've done.
So I guess it's time to Tag some folks that might just be interested in this journal.
So for those of you who haven't seen what these SIP Buckets can do here are a couple pics from my last grow using them. I'm hoping to get something even close to this in all 6 buckets this grow. "I'm callin everyone to ride along, for another grow. We can laugh our lives away, & smoke weed once more".

So here are what these buckets consist of. A simple Reservoir, Fill Tube & a Float come in the box (3 pack) $49.
That kit with a 5 gallon bucket with a hole drilled 3.5" from the bottom. ( I didn't forget to drill the holes this time @Azimuth .... lol.)
Factory Pics from the Website.

Here's a few pics of what I'll be using in this grow. 5 of the plants will be in FFOF & 1 of the Cherry On Top will be in SoHum Super Soil. I'll be feeding Mega Crop, Silica & Nitrogen to 5 of them. The SoHum will be on a F,W,F,W schedule & will be fed Re-Charge @ 5 gr. per gal every other feeding.

A couple of weeks ago I took a butt load of Clones from these 2 Chery On Top Plants. I also took Clones from an Aurora Indica which is not pictured. Not sure which one it was.... lol.

I use a Bubble Cloner to root my Clones. 100% success using these things. @Emilya Green has a Tutorial on how to make one if you're interested.

Once my Clones rooted they were all put in Double Solo Cups. Clear Cup with holes in the bottom for drainage inside a Solid color cup. I do this so I can see the Root Growth & to see how wet the soil is.
A couple of pics of the Rooted Clones.

Well I had way too many Clones so I had to narrow it down to just 6. I picked out the 6 I thought looked best & gave the remainder of them to my buddy. Felt bad for him. He's fairly new at the grow game & got WPM & Mold & it wiped out his crop. So he got all my clones to start over again.
So these are the 6 I kept. I vegged them for maybe 2 weeks in the Solo's before I up-potted. They got fed straight Mega Crop @ 2 gr. per gal. while in the Solo Cups.

After the 2 weeks in Solo's I up-potted them to 1 gal. pots of FFOF. At this point I started feeding them straight MC @ 3 gr. per gal., then 3.5 gr. & then 4 gr. within 2 weeks of the up-pot. I upped the MC pretty quickly, but quit increasing it at 4 gr. per gal. From this point on I let the plant tell me what it needs. I try to feed strong enough so just the tips of my leaves get a very slight burn.
So here they are in their 1 gal. pots. in my small tent with just 1 - 150 watt light on them.

Within about two weeks they were getting kind of tight in the small tent so I moved them to my shed. Much more room to grow out there.

Last weekend I up-potted the 4 "Cherry On Top" to their "SIP Buckets". 3 are in FFOF & 1 in SoHum Soil. They have all been Topped & LST'd. At this point I started using @InTheShed nute Calculations on the FFOF plants & Re-Charge on the SoHum girl. I'm feeding the MC @ the 4.5 gr. Equivalent currently. I got a lot of yellowing my last grow during flower. More than usual. So I'm hoping the Calculations with the added Nitrogen will help during this grow.
So here are the 4 up-potted "Cherry On Top".

The Window AC in my Shed doesn't seem to be working right...all the time. I'm planning to replace it with my Portable AC. Hopefully, I'll have time tomorrow. If not, next weekend for sure. The portable will take up a little floor space as it will sit right where the window AC is now. For that reason I figured I needed to change my lighting around to better suit the plants needs. Right now I'm running 1 - 150 watt light per plant. So 6 plants with a light over each one. My Shed tends to get High Humidity. That's fine in Veg, but not for Flower. I didn't have an Exhaust Fan out there so I installed a 6" Active Air Fan with A 6" Carbon Filter yesterday. I have it plugged into a Humidity Controller so it only turns on if the RH exceeds 65% right now. I have a dehumidifier, but it puts out a lot of hot air; so trying not to use it if possible.

I also up-potted the 2 "Aurora Indica" girls yesterday. I figured now that they're all in their SIP Buckets it was time for this journal. Spare you all the slow, boring, beginning.

The girls all up-potted to the buckets. Purple Buckets for Aurora & Black ones for Cherry On Top.

My Fan & Filter Set-Up.

And here is how my lights are set up now.

And this brings us up to date to where we are right now.
So for those of you who haven't seen what these SIP Buckets can do here are a couple pics from my last grow using them. I'm hoping to get something even close to this in all 6 buckets this grow. "I'm callin everyone to ride along, for another grow. We can laugh our lives away, & smoke weed once more".

So here are what these buckets consist of. A simple Reservoir, Fill Tube & a Float come in the box (3 pack) $49.
That kit with a 5 gallon bucket with a hole drilled 3.5" from the bottom. ( I didn't forget to drill the holes this time @Azimuth .... lol.)
Factory Pics from the Website.

Here's a few pics of what I'll be using in this grow. 5 of the plants will be in FFOF & 1 of the Cherry On Top will be in SoHum Super Soil. I'll be feeding Mega Crop, Silica & Nitrogen to 5 of them. The SoHum will be on a F,W,F,W schedule & will be fed Re-Charge @ 5 gr. per gal every other feeding.

A couple of weeks ago I took a butt load of Clones from these 2 Chery On Top Plants. I also took Clones from an Aurora Indica which is not pictured. Not sure which one it was.... lol.

I use a Bubble Cloner to root my Clones. 100% success using these things. @Emilya Green has a Tutorial on how to make one if you're interested.

Once my Clones rooted they were all put in Double Solo Cups. Clear Cup with holes in the bottom for drainage inside a Solid color cup. I do this so I can see the Root Growth & to see how wet the soil is.
A couple of pics of the Rooted Clones.

I’m loving this. Kick the tires and light the fires BB!!!

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