I have loads of dehumidifiers in the lung room and the AC, the AC is vented out of the bedroom door as I also don't have many options on getting it outside. It's not ideal but it does keep that room cool at the expense of electricity and superheating the rest of my house :Rofl:
Why not vent it out the bedroom window?

Here's one way...
Why not vent it out the bedroom window?

Here's one way...
Well one reason is it's hard to find a window kit for a window that opens like a door... but it seems you've already solved that issue for me lol :thanks:

The other reason is purely stealth, that window goes directly onto a front terraced street so if ever a carbon filter failed, or the smell was really too pungent, it would definitely be directed at the very worst place possible!

As summer approaches I may be forced to risk it because I'm not convinced the vent into hallway (with a window based draft which does slowly exhaust the hot air out the top of the house) will actually maintain 21c during the height of summer.
I know, right?

My initial thought was its just a pot with a built in reservoir, how much difference can that really make? I've done the full saucer of water thing in the past and all I got was root rot and dieing plants.

But the real secret is the air chamber that gives the lower internal roots access to O2. That and a constant supply of water and nutes means there is no 'pause' period of growth like in a wet/dry setup so plants in these things grow like crazy. I've done side-by-side's with houseplants and even though the pair started off looking the same, they look like completely different plants after a few weeks. The SIP plants are not only much bigger, but also much healthier, too with better color, stronger stems, etc.

Great looking group you've got there. Do you train them at all?
Yes I train them even in veg to keep things even with weight. In flower if too close to light.
But I’m not real consistent.
I could defoliate better too, but don’t.
Time to get cloning!
Get something ready for outside. :hookah: Ward

Well one reason is it's hard to find a window kit for a window that opens like a door... but it seems you've already solved that issue for me lol :thanks:

The other reason is purely stealth, that window goes directly onto a front terraced street so if ever a carbon filter failed, or the smell was really too pungent, it would definitely be directed at the very worst place possible!

As summer approaches I may be forced to risk it because I'm not convinced the vent into hallway (with a window based draft which does slowly exhaust the hot air out the top of the house) will actually maintain 21c during the height of summer.
Having your plants sleep all day and awake at night will help with Temps. Feeding a good regimen of silica can also help them deal with a hot environment. As long as you keep the humidity in check, they are fine anywhere below 90°f.
Hey guys
I put 1.5lt in the reservoir for the first time about 3 days ago and there's still alot of that in the reservoir today. Should it not of soaked into the soil by now? I attached a photo of the way I packed in the bottom. I put the opening up against the wall, and packed soil in well. I haven't top watered in over 7 days now.


Hey gazmufc,

It doesn’t work that way. The media can’t pull / hold but so much water and water always takes path of least resistance or seeks its own level so it stays pooled in the reservior as it should…

as long as you added the perlite or equivalent to your soil mix and there is water in the res- then the soil should be well hydrated just below the surface.

At first it’s sipping, later on when she gets bigger and all hooked up it will be guzzling. You are right on track from what I see…!!!
Hey gazmufc,

It doesn’t work that way. The media can’t pull / hold but so much water and water always takes path of least resistance or seeks its own level so it stays pooled in the reservior as it should…

as long as you added the perlite or equivalent to your soil mix and there is water in the res- then the soil should be well hydrated just below the surface.

At first it’s sipping, later on when she gets bigger and all hooked up it will be guzzling. You are right on track from what I see…!!!
That's great to hear. Was just curious. Thanks for feedback 013.. So do I wait now until the rez is empty before adding more water?
Hi fellow SIPpers! I harvested my first today!

This one is grown in an earthbox veg SIP using The Rev LOS soil, all things were added through the tube. Today is the first time looking under the plastic mulch cover that was hiding lots of roots right on top!

Everything Azi says is true! Bigger, stronger, stinkier, etc.

Highya SO,

Holy Moly!! Serious buddage from the SIP! Must've made you smile a few times while trimming. They look mouth watering! Gorgeous looking buds! Happy Smokin'
I put 1.5lt in the reservoir for the first time about 3 days ago and there's still alot of that in the reservoir today. Should it not of soaked into the soil by now? I attached a photo of the way I packed in the bottom. I put the opening up against the wall, and packed soil in well. I haven't top watered in over 7 days now
Hey gaz,

The soil will absorb some of the water but then the plant governs how much it wicks. It's hard to tell from your pics but, if you have lots of peat moss in your mix that has dried out, it can be a bit hydrophobic and take a while to rehydrate.

So do I wait now until the rez is empty before adding more water?
I would. I usually only give them as much water as they'll use in a day or two. I figure if they're not drinking all that's there, no sense giving 'em more. I don't have a float in mine so I just check the water level with a dowel.

Hello everyone, I wanted to tell you how much I ended up getting from my Bubble Kush in SIP, a beautiful 300 grams compared to a slatted pot with the same genetics and training, that's a difference of 160 grams.:eek: And that's all, I will definitely continue in SIP. Thanks @Azimuth. :headbanger:
Flat out awesome @Kanno26 ! Glad to hear the SIP lived up to its billing (works as advertised).

Can't wait to see your next grow. Probably need to grow fewer plants to accommodate the increased size but that's not necessarily a bad thing!

Hi fellow SIPpers! I harvested my first today!

This one is grown in an earthbox veg SIP using The Rev LOS soil, all things were added through the tube. Today is the first time looking under the plastic mulch cover that was hiding lots of roots right on top!

Everything Azi says is true! Bigger, stronger, stinkier, etc.
Beautiful, Stone! That was a great specimen to use for your inaugural run.

Next time someone asks me if they can actually flower in these things, I'm going to link them to that first pic in your post. Thanks for showing us your plant. :thumb:
Not sure but I think they are starting their motors. They were fertigated last week with 1 gal of MC each. None have been ever top watered. This has been a rest I needed. DWC still has me feeling whooped. (old man whimpering)

I am running 4 trays and a regular @farside05 faux Pro-Mix on the side. All plants will move under Mega Light when they get big enough to warrant turning that beasty light on. Here they sit this morning.

The tomatoes are 420 related sorta
gonna make a SIP tray for em.
Full Sails to ya:love:
Highya Maritimer,

Very nice looking little ladies! Yeah, they got their motor runnin'! I see you like the plastic mulch. It worked well for SO. I just built an SIP container for outdoor vegs this summer. Well, Happy Smokin'
Highya Maritimer,

Very nice looking little ladies! Yeah, they got their motor runnin'! I see you like the plastic mulch. It worked well for SO. I just built an SIP container for outdoor vegs this summer. Well, Happy Smokin'
The plant SO just ran under wraps was beautiful. I put it on because my Labrador puppy was attracted to the smelly medium provided by EarthBox. Now after @StoneOtter showed no problems, I decided to leave the covers on and see how they run. Ifin they get too watery looking I will remove them.

The tomatos are going to SIP on the porch. Did you show how your DIY container is built?
Highya Maritimer, guys,

No, I don't have a camera (iphone). 2' wide, 6' long, 18" high. Made out of 5/4 by 6" decking. I'll use a pond liner, and 3 lengths of 4" drainage pipe for a reservoir. Will be big enough to plant lettuce and pickling cukes (Things I normally can't grow for whatever reason). Probably have an herb in there also. Happy Smokin'
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