Question from ignorance: if plants are generally so much healthier in SIPs, is there reason to believe that there might be less susceptibility to mold and PM? Or would that probably remain the same, regardless?

I do get some bud rot on occasion. I can spot it fairly quick and try to isolate it.
I know a few strains I grow I have to keep a close eye on, especially if it gets to humid.
Ok, thanks! I am always running for time, but will try to keep up!
I would love to have @Hashhound 's shootout thread.
I don't have a sip swick comparison thread.
Hi SIP clubbers! I wanted to show off some results of an 18oz Solo SIP cup I have going on with some Blueberries. These are 5 days out of the soil right now using the SIP design @Azimuth outlined on page 2. She was watered from the top only once, and only with 10ml of water, to treat with mosquito bit-soaked water. All other watering has been done by dipping the solo cup into a pitcher to fill the res through the overflow hole every 2 days so far.


I'm stoked to see roots in the air layer after only 7 total days in the cup (5 days from emerging from soil).

This brings me to a question: how long are others waiting to top up their solo sip reservoirs? So far after 5 days I've filled the res twice, which has been 2 days apart. So tomorrow the res is going to be empty but of course the media is still moist. Even at this frequency I'm still observing roots making it to the air layer within a week, which from what I've seen is pretty good, right?
This is growing crazy well.. 13 days,
I'm really wondering where the root is.. if she's already out of the 284 layered zone.
I'm also wondering where all the water went from the res.. I presoaked the pebbles.. and I topwatered when filling the res yet a lot of it disappeared overnight..of course they were soaked and then put in the bottom and weren't watered for 12 days.. so it could be that those with some insane capillary action moistened themselves again and drew out a good chunk of the res.. if that's the case, great then it works like a charm.. I'm also glad I got the plagron soil as that's also filled with a lot of wicking goodness.

As a refresher the pot is setup as this.
Except for around the root base there's a tube with a couple of inches of Bill 284 perlite soil layering going on.
Also does this count as true SIP? as well the past pages there been a bunch of other abbreviations denoting subtle changes in wicking styles..
As a refresher the pot is setup as this.
Except for around the root base there's a tube with a couple of inches of Bill 284 perlite soil layering going on.
Also does this count as true SIP? as well the past pages there been a bunch of other abbreviations denoting subtle changes in wicking styles..
The pot itself is classic SIP. I've wondered how well Bill's soil layering mix would work, i.e. would it wick well or is a homogeneous mixture better. So far it looks like it wicks fine! :thumb:
Funny you should ask that. I keep expecting Root or Bud Rot from so much water all the time. But so far, so good.

Hey @Buds Buddy just a heads up, bud rot doesn’t happen from excessive water IN your plants and medium. It’s caused by environmental issues. @Azimuth explained it much more elegantly than I somewhere else but the basic thing to know is, it’s relative to your airflow. As long as you have excellent airflow through your flowers bud rot simply won’t happen. After stretch my plants get almost a gallon of water every 2-3 days all the way until the final week or so. My MIL on the other hand stopped watering weeks before harvest but had zero air flow, she got PM and bud rot.

Air flow is the key.. as long as you can keep air flowing over under and through your buds, bud rot shouldn’t be an issue.
The pot itself is classic SIP. I've wondered how well Bill's soil layering mix would work, i.e. would it wick well or is a homogeneous mixture better. So far it looks like it wicks fine! :thumb:
Okay, great.. where can I get an official SIP badge? :p
And again if this works pretty hick up free (I mean it won't there probably will be results where things get whack and the plant is not happy) but in general.. I mean seriously.. if this works great (and for the moment looks like it, and from results here looks like it..) what on Earth have we been doing all these years messing about with regular or fabric pots and watering schedules or hydro setups and a chemical lab and measuring facility.. just give the plant everything in a bucket and let it sort it out.
This thing will be able to grow for weeks without interference.. the tent is also automated, so can't wait until she's big enough so I can start topping and bending that at least gives me something to do.

Okay I can see correcting nutrients can become a problem if it arises, certainly if you work with large volume.. as clearing the res will be nearly impossible once it's scrogged in.. hmm might need to drill a sidehole or install a pump for that purpose?
But I'm kinda hoping that the method (roots transporting what they need, versus force feeding all roots every 3 days) and the nutes I'm using now (biocanna) which so far have made it very difficult to overfeed as I can pretty much do as the label says and the plant does not complain.
Okay, great.. where can I get an official SIP badge? :p
Ha! We're working on ball caps. :p

what on Earth have we been doing all these years messing about with regular or fabric pots and watering schedules or hydro setups and a chemical lab and measuring facility.. just give the plant everything in a bucket and let it sort it out.
Yeah, this container design has been around for decades and for the life of me I don't understand why they're not more popular.

This thing will be able to grow for weeks without interference.. the tent is also automated, so can't wait until she's big enough so I can start topping and bending that at least gives me something to do.
Hope you don't get bored. :laughtwo:

But I'm kinda hoping that the method (roots transporting what they need, versus force feeding all roots every 3 days) and the nutes I'm using now (biocanna) which so far have made it very difficult to overfeed as I can pretty much do as the label says and the plant does not complain.
They seem to work with many/most combinations so I'd imagine yours would as well.

Another question what about a circulating pump in the res? to keep the nutes mixed up?
No need.
I imagine you find your modified version works better than the original? Much more air and water flow must have quite the improved effect.

I'll wait to see how well the 5g goes this round. If I don't see roots like in the 3g, I'll make some alterations to the 5g.
I'm SO glad I stumbled onto this thread! I just moved my girls into their SIP pots. For the first time, I built a killer root system in solo cups & then 1 gallon pots. Just put them into the 5 gallon SIPs & now I'm a little nervous about what I might have to deal with...
They're Power Plant, eight weeks above the soil & were given a moderate defoliation today. Started in FFOF & then TLO soil per The Rev & under two @Mars Hydro FC3000s, 28" above the canopy at 100%. I'm thinking in two to four weeks I'll flip them. @Emilya Green I built that killer root system using your principles for watering. It was you that caused me to be stubborn about graduating from the solo cups to the next size pot, whatever that may be. I still feel stubborn. Can root establishment still be manipulated with targeted watering strategies? According to the indicators it's about time for me to fill the resivoir, but I have this almost irresistible urge to just water just the edges...

IMG-2695 (1).JPG
I'm SO glad I stumbled onto this thread! I just moved my girls into their SIP pots. For the first time, I built a killer root system in solo cups & then 1 gallon pots. Just put them into the 5 gallon SIPs & now I'm a little nervous about what I might have to deal with...
They're Power Plant, eight weeks above the soil & were given a moderate defoliation today. Started in FFOF & then TLO soil per The Rev & under two @Mars Hydro FC3000s, 28" above the canoy at 100%. I'm thinking in two to four weeks I'll flip them. @Emilya Green I built that killer root system using your principles for watering. It was you that caused me to be stubborn about graduating from the solo cups to the next size pot, whatever that may be. I still feel stubborn. Can root establishment still be manipulated with targeted watering strategies? According to the indicators it's about time for me to fill the resivoir, but I have this almost irresistible urge to just water just the edges...

IMG-2695 (1).JPG
Notice the plant on the right has an explosive growth in the center of the plant - I broke one of the main colas and she responds like this...
Another thing I've noticed I went from 1 to 5 fingered leave with clear separation.
First time I've had that happen, usually it's 1-3-5-7 or if she's not completely happy she can just keep throwing out 3's for a while.
What usually happens if things are going great is a 1 and then a 3 that looks like it wants to be a 5 but no separation of fingers, or maybe a 4 where one is starting to separate but the other side isn't. Now I have 5 clear individual fingers as a second leaf.. that's pretty rad.

I don't know if you really can use it as an indicator to a plants healthy and happiness, but there is some correlation, as I see an increase in fingers if a plant is really growing optimal and a decrease if she's struggling.
I'm SO glad I stumbled onto this thread! I just moved my girls into their SIP pots. For the first time, I built a killer root system in solo cups & then 1 gallon pots. Just put them into the 5 gallon SIPs & now I'm a little nervous about what I might have to deal with...
Welcome, @Thirvnrob ! Those plants look great! You are right to be a little nervous. :laughtwo:

Plants in SIPs end up growing a new type of root to deal with the wetter environment in our containers and that usually takes 2-3 weeks during which your plants' growth will slow and they may look a bit droopy. I call that the transition period and once they come out the other side the explosive growth begins.

So don't get discouraged with yor progress over the next couple of weeks.
Welcome, @Thirvnrob ! Those plants look great! You are right to be a little nervous. :laughtwo:

Plants in SIPs end up growing a new type of root to deal with the wetter environment in our containers and that usually takes 2-3 weeks during which your plants' growth will slow and they may look a bit droopy. I call that the transition period and once they come out the other side the explosive growth begins.

So don't get discouraged with yor progress over the next couple of weeks.
Azi, what should I expect of my roots in my swick SIP? I went from swicking the sprouts to swicking the final 20 L pots. When I did the up pot I observed spindly roots that I thought hadn't developed properly. Even though the plants were very small when I upcanned I wonder if those roots were developing for SIP. I wonder what they will be doing now. The bottom of my grow bags is cool and moist but not wet. The bags are swicking and the plants are praying. The bottoms are wetter and it gets gradually drier. I stuck a long skewer into the soil and left it for a while. When I pulled it out it had damp soil stuck to it all the way to the top.
11 gallon SIP home made is the plan for my ladies when they pop! (Dimensions: 29.25 x 13.75 x 10.75)

Im limited on tent space (240x240) so thinking i can fit 2 plants in one SIP........... Good idea or not?
Come ask at the SIP club. I am a beginner and I chose swick over other methods of SIP because I too have spatial constraints. Also I am growing on my dining room table so I am concerned about large water reservoirs, moving them around and spillage potential. I am chuffed with my set up so far and it really is easy.
Come ask at the SIP club. I am a beginner and I chose swick over other methods of SIP because I too have spatial constraints. Also I am growing on my dining room table so I am concerned about large water reservoirs, moving them around and spillage potential. I am chuffed with my set up so far and it really is easy.
This isn't the SIP club? checking your swick thread now @Carmen Ray
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