Shiggity Goes Mad Scientist: Paving The Yellowbrix Road With DIY Adventures!

Lmao bobrown! Yeah I am interested in making 2 board 3 foot rails. Two rails per 4x4 for 520W. 1265ppf. That output matches a SE 1000w hps. Then eventually I will add some Cree mono strips. Each strip has six 3 watt colored crees.
4 strips royal blue xpg-3 (460)
4 strips xpe photo red (660nm)
2 strips xpe far red (730)

I will run these off of meanwell LDD drivers. These drivers accept a 3.3W Pwm dimming signal. This means I could use an aquarium controller to set on and off times, intensity, and growth and decay rates. You could hit them with more blue in the morning, more red at "noon" and phase far red in the evening for a simulated day. Kinda neat thinking of the possibilities.
Now you got me thinking.

So here is a way to keep your nugs fresh that doesn't cost an arm an a leg! I love gamma seal lids. They are less than 8 bucks online or at your local homie de Pot!

Basically they consist of a twist lid and a ring that attaches to a 3,5, or 7 gallon bucket. I have a 7 gallon food grade bucket here. Lined with a turkey bag. Into it I just put a big megafauna plant untrimmed (about 5 oz trimmed). I can set this aside and let it cure in the bucket and trim when I have time. I can fit another plant in this bucket as well.

These lids are air and water proof. People bury these in the ground with food supplies, money, you name it.

I like them for holding off trimming, for curing, and also to hold the finished product in a stable environment. Get one and think of all the money you just saved on storage!!
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