Shiggity Goes Mad Scientist: Paving The Yellowbrix Road With DIY Adventures!

Dynastygenetics. I love the look of their strain-z. I believe your were the one who turned my head to them. Wish I needed beans.

Yeah i figured you had seen the earth boxes, really interested to see your perspective on it.

So the water res. on yours flows in and out the ends of the tubes horizontally in the tub. Good deal.
As I think of more questions I will be back with my silly self
Dynastygenetics. I love the look of their strain-z. I believe your were the one who turned my head to them. Wish I needed beans.

Yeah i figured you had seen the earth boxes, really interested to see your perspective on it.

So the water res. on yours flows in and out the ends of the tubes horizontally in the tub. Good deal.
As I think of more questions I will be back with my silly self

It also flows out the sides of the tubes, they have slits in them. Some people leave out the fabric and stuff soil all the way down. The roots colonize that wet soil with "water roots". Some people cut the top off a tub and then drill holes in the bottom that is left. They put that drilled short tub in a big tub and hold it up with something underneath. They will usually put a net pot in there somewhere that will hang into the resevoir. Some sips just have small bins with holes turned upside down inside a big bin. They then have soil packed around the bins like a big wick.

So basically you either intentionally let the roots down into the reservoir, or you put fabric in to try and keep water roots to a minimum. I'm trying this design first. It's pretty conservative on water roots. I will do this run to get used to the system then I will compare it to my 10 gallon cloth pots. But this first try should give some idea and it will certainly help me troubleshoot a method.
Sub'd for buddage....

I run a bottom watering system now... AutoPots... has a cloth barrier with water under ... plants send a handful of large fat main roots that lay right on top of the material and soak up the water. Was a game changer for me. Automated watering FTW.

Soil always seems VERY wet at the btm of the container but I don't run into any problems like root rot or anaerobic conditions in the soil. They just work!

Cool to see DIY setups ... this is gonna get interesting....
Just a little megafauna in the bong today.
Woah Shig! Nice thread, nice posts and wicked pics!!

Do you remember much about the Tutans from Pyramid? Super keen to germ mine, only have 1 though and I want to turn her into a mother.

Subbed in for all the madness ...
Lmao bobrown! Yeah I am interested in making 2 board 3 foot rails. Two rails per 4x4 for 520W. 1265ppf. That output matches a SE 1000w hps. Then eventually I will add some Cree mono strips. Each strip has six 3 watt colored crees.
4 strips royal blue xpg-3 (460)
4 strips xpe photo red (660nm)
2 strips xpe far red (730)

I will run these off of meanwell LDD drivers. These drivers accept a 3.3W Pwm dimming signal. This means I could use an aquarium controller to set on and off times, intensity, and growth and decay rates. You could hit them with more blue in the morning, more red at "noon" and phase far red in the evening for a simulated day. Kinda neat thinking of the possibilities.
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