SgtKiLLx's Basement Indoor Grow Journal

So some friends of mine figure I should switch to 12/12 + bloom light enabled. Thoughts?
Official exhaust setup.
(And a snapshot) 17260131726014
Should I turn the bloom switch on and set the schedule for 12/12?
Alright.. I'll go switch on the bloom now.
Some last minute trimming.. idk if I'll be able to update often, as I don't have the shades to protect my corneas from the IR and UV. Now. Do I turn the veg switch off and turn the bloom on? Or leave em both on.1726690Veg only 1726691Bloom only.


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Some last minute trimming.. idk if I'll be able to update often, as I don't have the shades to protect my corneas from the IR and UV. Now. Do I turn the veg switch off and turn the bloom on? Or leave em both on.
Leave em both on, more light the better!
Good problem lol. Is your timer set right? It looks to be set on and off at 8pm
Yessir. I enabled the bloom at 8. So from there, on til 8am.
And after her first official 12/12 cycle, she's worshipping that light. Leaves are at about a 50 degree angle.
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