SgtKiLLx's Basement Indoor Grow Journal

Anyone have an idea as to what's causing this?


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causing what, half the leaf to be missing?
Nono, the right side of that one finger seemed soft and flimsy.
Thinking it was cause the dirt was too dry
not sure that I see anything wrong there, the leaves appear to be experiencing some good transpiration
Imma see if I can get another shot.
It's really soft.. not stiff like it should be..
If I had to guess, I'd say that part of it isn't getting fed.. or blocked.. swollen.. the distance between the 'lines' is wider..


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think water pressure in the system... this could be a good thing, maybe?
This one and its opposite didn't recover from the FIM very well.. should probably pinch both off yeah?


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May have to wait a few days and see what happens. I don't see anything wrong.
Nothin wrong no, just wondering if that's an early sign of sex.20181206_195715~2.jpg
No reason I suppose, more or less unsightly and a waste of energy no?
only unsightly to you, not to the plant who's storehouse resides partly in that leaf. Waste of energy? That leaf although damaged provides lots of energy to the plant and is the first place the plant will turn to if it needs more of that nutrient that was robbed from there, instead of relying on the next leaf up from that one, which is what will happen if you remove it. Third, how are you going to know when you have fixed the problem if you don't have slightly damaged leaves that you can watch green back up? Answer: if you remove that leaf you will not know.
only unsightly to you, not to the plant who's storehouse resides partly in that leaf. Waste of energy? That leaf although damaged provides lots of energy to the plant and is the first place the plant will turn to if it needs more of that nutrient that was robbed from there, instead of relying on the next leaf up from that one, which is what will happen if you remove it. Third, how are you going to know when you have fixed the problem if you don't have slightly damaged leaves that you can watch green back up? Answer: if you remove that leaf you will not know.
Alright, my apologies.
20181205_211638.jpgDec 5th
20181207_084443.jpgDec 7th.

Seems like she's stopped growing..or at the very least, slowed down . Usually within a couple days there'd be a noticeable difference.. not so much.
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