Last night's snap that I fell asleep before hitting the post reply button lol

Day 20 of 12/12

Tomorrow Today will be the third week of 12/12 and the girls are chugging along. They are, knock on wood, pest free and no longer showing any deficiency. There are yellow leaves on the Purple Lemonade but the new growth is that nice lush green. I'm going to leave the yellow leaves on the plant and allow the plant to cannibalize the nutes out of them. I am going to need to do one last major under canopy clean up this week and then I should be free if larf.

The third/fourth week is when my SIPs showed deficiencies as many other organic SIP'ers have encountered. The Tropicana Cookie doesn't even have a blemish on it's leaves and 🤞 it will stay deficiency free.

I'll take some good pics of the girls to celebrate the first 3 weeks, only 6 more(ish) to go 🥂.
So I'll be honest I have been using a small bamboo skewer, poking it into the soil and leaving it sit for a minute. It vaguely shows how far down the soil has dried and just by touching it I can kinda get the idea of how wet the soil is. The skewer came out dry as a bone last night. Based on the skewer I'm assuming that by the time the lights come back on tonight they will be ready for some water.

This could be the complete wrong way to go about it but I am very far away from being a watering expert lol.
That's a great idea!!!
That's a great idea!!!
Lol I'll be honest I had been using it to break up the top of the soil and it came out a little moist. I thought well this could help me not screw this watering up 😂 . It's not full proof but it's good enough for now lol.
Previously in this grow....

Day 1 of 12/12

Day 7

Day 14

Today Day 21 of 12/12

These girls are moving quickly along. The trichomes are coming in and the stretch is slowing. The nodes are close on both girls even with the more sativa Purple Lemonade. I'm going to make separate posts full of pics of the girls because it's easier for me than keeping the photos straight lol stay tuned ... ⬇️
Purple Lemonade by 420Fastbuds

This girl picked up a deficiency right before flower but she's making the best of it. The deficient bud sites are greened back up but lagging behind the others. Shes beginning to drink more consistently and the soil is drying quicker. Trichomes are coming in and the stretch is about wrapped up. I'm getting excited for the next 40 days and can't wait for those sweet lemon buds 🍋.






Tropicana Cookies by 420FastBuds

This plant has been a dream to grow. So much so that I saved one of the clones for a mother plant. This girl put trichomes out earlier than any plant I've grown. The node spacing is minimal and I hopefully will have a canopy full of giant tight buds. Shes already throwing some purple out and she should continue that trend. She's got some faint skunk when you bump into her and hopefully that will turn to some solid citrus smells.







Last night's snap that I fell asleep before hitting the post reply button lol

Day 20 of 12/12

Tomorrow Today will be the third week of 12/12 and the girls are chugging along. They are, knock on wood, pest free and no longer showing any deficiency. There are yellow leaves on the Purple Lemonade but the new growth is that nice lush green. I'm going to leave the yellow leaves on the plant and allow the plant to cannibalize the nutes out of them. I am going to need to do one last major under canopy clean up this week and then I should be free if larf.

The third/fourth week is when my SIPs showed deficiencies as many other organic SIP'ers have encountered. The Tropicana Cookie doesn't even have a blemish on it's leaves and 🤞 it will stay deficiency free.
Sorry, forgetful stoner here, what did you do to counteract it? Do you top water with a calcium?

Lol I'll be honest I had been using it to break up the top of the soil and it came out a little moist. I thought well this could help me not screw this watering up 😂 . It's not full proof but it's good enough for now lol.
I think it is a good measure of moisture in the soil. I leave my skewers in and when I think the leaves look wilty I check. I'm getting better at reading the leaves I think, because when I think they are giving me that look, the skewers come out dry as a bone. I've learnt that if there is the slightest moisture on them I hold back. As you say, not as sophisticated as a sensor but very practical nonetheless.

Your plants look splendid and the colour really has grown into the Purple Lemonade.
Sorry, forgetful stoner here, what did you do to counteract it? Do you top water with a calcium?
No worries, it was a nitrogen deficiency because I was over watering them, which you being a veteran eagle eye grower caught for me before it got too bad.

I do add some CalMag to them in the top water because as I've been reading on @Gee64 thread that once the calcium is right it makes the soil go. He explains it much better than I just did but that seems to be the super short condensed version 😆.
Hey G✌️. Sorry man, I just found your thread now. At least I made it for the best part😎. Good call on the over watering.
Hey so glad to have you here, between @Carmen Ray advice and your Gee Spot thread, these girls are starting to come along great.
Is it working better with the smaller weekly topdressings?
Yep and I've also waited until the top is bone dry to scratch them in. We will see next weds because I'm planning on adding EWC on top of everything else so that will be the true test.
Hell yeah!! Looking good!!

I see you filled all the edges during veg and left a little room in the middle to fill in during flower! Great work!
Looking good dude! First scrog is off and Running !
Thank you! It wasn't without it's hiccups.
Great scrog work!
Thanks Stone, really nice hearing from a seasoned grower like yourself.
Hell yeah!! Looking good!!

I see you filled all the edges during veg and left a little room in the middle to fill in during flower! Great work!
Hey man thanks for making your way over and the good vibes. Id love to say that leaving the middle open was by plan but the plants branches were not long enough to make it to the center.
Day 25 at lights on

Purple Lemonade


Tropicana Cookies

Now for my slight concern...

A couple large fan leaves are fading faster and earlier on the Tropicana Cookies than any plant Ive seen before. I'm not even halfway through a 56 day flower schedule so I'm cautiously concerned. Also the "teeth" on the Tropicana Cookies leaves are slightly purple. The Tropicana Cookie is a "purple" plant and the fast flower says it should be done flowering in 6-7 weeks but what breeder hits that right on the head lol.

Is this a cause for concern?

Fading fan leaf

Purple teeth

It's hard to get a picture of the purple but it is very noticeable in person.
That looks like the beginnings of a CalMag deficiency to me. The yellowing leaf looks like a calcium issue, and purple serrations are usually a magnesium issue. It's early but will spread fast. Calmag should stop it.
If you don't have CalMag but you have prilled dolomite then mixing it with chlorine free water to about 75ppm and using it every watering for 3 or 4 waterings and then dialing back to every 2nd watering until harvest should fix it up.

Act quick before you start losing leaves.
That looks like the beginnings of a CalMag deficiency to me. The yellowing leaf looks like a calcium issue, and purple serrations are usually a magnesium issue. It's early but will spread fast. Calmag should stop it.
If you don't have CalMag but you have prilled dolomite then mixing it with chlorine free water to about 75ppm and using it every watering for 3 or 4 waterings and then dialing back to every 2nd watering until harvest should fix it up.

Act quick before you start losing leaves.
So I have BushDoctor CalMag and have been watering at the recommended 5ml/gallon in RODI water, should I double it? I've been leaving the soil on the drier side but I can up the frequency of waterings.
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