RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL's

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

From me research I have found that some people say you need to look more at the plant itself. I feel that all of the methods to let us know when are plants are ready are debatable and really up to you, on how you want your meds to be.

Here are a couple other ways I have read about to let you know when your plants are ready.

Does it appear the plant is starting to take nutrients from itself?
Is the plant taking up as much food and water as it was?

I hope this helps some, for you to make your decision.

Also I think your plants look very good. :thumb: :goodjob:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Yes, HMG, I do see those signs, and after I asked that question the other day, and got no instant response, I went back on here and looked up other journal and threads on the subject, and figured that out, beforeI came back on my own thread and found your response today...And thank you so much for replying!!! you're the only one who did, so far....I knew when to take the hermies, as soon as possible!!!LOL! I made a few cups of canna-oil with all that stuff, and made brownies, that were okay, but I'm coming off of pain meds to be on herb only, so I have a very high tolerance and stuff that bakes others doesn't even slow me down anymore...And I had stopped feeding it the regimen of nutes after 8 weeks on them, then flushed for 2 weeks, and THEN I realized I was off on my schedule of dates, by 2 weeks! So I didn't want to put her back on nutes for like 2-3 weeks,and then have to flush her out another 2 weeks or so, ya know? So I have confidence that the "Osmocote" I put in her perlite bucket every few inches in depth, will be giving her the nutes she would need to finish out this last month or so she's been off her regular AN nutes now, and I'm only giving her "Fulvic Acid" water, in a "root drench", since I can't mist her anymore. I alternate that with just ph'd to 6.0 water...So now I'm seeing her finally getting a little yellowing on her top fan leaves, the ones sticking out the sides of her top cola....I'm going to go post the pics now...
Thanks again for helping me out, my friend! I very much appreciate it!:thanks::yahoo:
From me research I have found that some people say you need to look more at the plant itself. I feel that all of the methods to let us know when are plants are ready are debatable and really up to you, on how you want your meds to be.

Here are a couple other ways I have read about to let you know when your plants are ready.

Does it appear the plant is starting to take nutrients from itself?
Is the plant taking up as much food and water as it was?

I hope this helps some, for you to make your decision.

Also I think your plants look very good. :thumb: :goodjob:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Okay people of the green! Here is my latest, and maybe the LAST pics you could see of Xena! She is just about ready to be taken, so I took a bunch of great pics from lots of angles so you could all see what I am trying to describe- her sugary coated covering of trichs all over every one of her nuggets!
Thanks for looking and leaving any nice comments!
Brightest Blessings to all of my 420 friends out there!!! Much love to all as well!

First, here's all the shots of Xena from all kinds of angles, to show you what I am seeing: Some lower nuggets...

Nuggets half way up the plant, basically...

On the opposite side from the "big main cola"...

Some juicy twin nugs...yummy!

The 2nd biggest cola on her...

2 more nuggets, all covered in gold, uhm, I mean, trichs....same thing to me....I'd rather have trichs than gold, personally...lol!

And another shot of her 2nd biggest cola showing buds all down her limb to the base of the plant! She has lots of other limbs that did the same thing..I might get more than my predicted 1/4-1/2oz dried....but we will see....

Okay, now here is the big cola, with buds all down her limb...

Her top cola again, just looking so frosty and pretty...I could just eat it up!! lol!

A close up of Xena's top cola, and I think if you can look close enough, you can see the trichs with your own eyes!!!

Here's some more of Xena's buds on the side opposite to her main cola, but still, lots of nice rock hard buds!

Xena's got a few more buds to show off still, all covered with the trichs that look like sugar crystals...

She even has another lower limb with buds all down the limb to the base of the plant itself!

Here's Xena's nuggets that are almost ready, it could be tomorrow or the next day I think!

The other side of Xena's top cola that is so big now!

Here's a shot of the top cola as seen from above looking down on top of her...

And this is the best shot to show you al that she actually has the yellowing of the leaves from using up the last of her nutes in herself...

And lastly, here is a few shots of Jackie and the baby clones...

Here's the situation in the bathroom now...Jackie's too big for the tote now, and we are considering transplanting her into a small tree pot, about 10-15 gallons I think...it has a wrought iron stand that holds it up off the ground too, and a built-in drip tray, it's just used, so I gotta clean it out really good, and the right way, so she doesn't get any pests or diseases...
So, anyways, she's still enjoying it in there, and the clones are on the ground now, and I will be keeping very close eye on them!

I had to trim Jackie's upper fans again, because they were getting in the way of the new growth of true leaves that are trying to grow up on the top few nodes since I took all the clones from her last week. She's doing great! Get's daily foliar feeding with the Fulvic Acid water, and a root drenching of it too, at least once or twice a week, and opposite of those days, with a "dry" day in between them each, I also feed her the Blue Planet's "Farmer's Pride" Organic Nutrients 7 part system, and so far, me and Jackie BOTH LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much, Blue Planet! You guys rock!!!

And here's the clone babies! They look so good to me, they are as fresh as the day I cut them, almost 8 days ago now, but no signs of roots yet, but I really don't expect them for another week or so...We used "Clonex" gel rooting compound on them when we did it, my wife that is so good to me and I, that is....

I think they are doing fantastic! And I am so stoked to have them! I lost 1 that was just a fan leaf that we just tried for the heck of it, cuz I really could only get 11 true clones off of her, and I had 12 cubes, so we took a fan and tried it, but no, that doesn't work, apparently, lol!


AND MUCH LOVE, RVG:peacetwo::circle-of-love:

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Pics of Xena look great, RV. Good luck with your clones - glad to hear they're doing good so far. Hope you are great!

As far as when they're "done", I look at amber of trichomes (for indica heavy strains I usually prefer mostly milky). I also look for the pistils to be mostly receded into the false seed pods, and greater than 50% red/brownish pistil color. At this point, they just get fat and look "done" to me, but I'm trying to explain what I look at to get that feeling. :)

Looking great! :thumb:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

And in the pics above I now see for myself, that yes, Xena is really just about ready...I may be taking her in the next day or 2...She has yellowing on her fans, & if you look on the main cola, the big one, & even the 2nd biggest, & the other fans on the plant, you will see that the color of the leaves are changing...less green, and startingto lose the green to a light yellowing...that's a big enough sign for me, and she hasn't had true "nutes" in over a month, cuz I thought I was ready to pull her almost a month ago, cuz I had my dates off. So I wasn't worried, as I had put a bit of "Osmocote" throughout the perlite, to act as a light food, for the beginning of the grow, and now at the end, it's enough, along with the Fulvic Acid water I have been drenching the roots with...It's made her very healthy and fat! So I hope you loved the pics, and saw all the new sugary coating and growth of the buds since I posted her 2 pics on the POTM contest......Anyways, I'm just so happy to see her so healthy, and I will be honestly sad to see her go....

Anyways, cheers to all of you out in 420land tonight!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Pics of Xena look great, RV. Good luck with your clones - glad to hear they're doing good so far. Hope you are great!

As far as when they're "done", I look at amber of trichomes (for indica heavy strains I usually prefer mostly milky). I also look for the pistils to be mostly receded into the false seed pods, and greater than 50% red/brownish pistil color. At this point, they just get fat and look "done" to me, but I'm trying to explain what I look at to get that feeling. :)

Looking great! :thumb:

I would agree with these points as well. Also there is a saying I keep seeing here. When you think it's ready, wait a week. :yummy:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hey there, X! Thanks for stoppin' by tonight! Yeah, I think I understand what you mean...And I think she's very close then by those standards...I'm going to let her go another day or so, but it's a day by day thing, at this point...I AM seeing mostly milky trichs on her, except for the tops where all I see are crystals of resin reflecting in the light, lol!
Thanks for the help again, my good friend! Much love and green harvests to you, always!:love::thanks:
Pics of Xena look great, RV. Good luck with your clones - glad to hear they're doing good so far. Hope you are great!

As far as when they're "done", I look at amber of trichomes (for indica heavy strains I usually prefer mostly milky). I also look for the pistils to be mostly receded into the false seed pods, and greater than 50% red/brownish pistil color. At this point, they just get fat and look "done" to me, but I'm trying to explain what I look at to get that feeling. :)

Looking great! :thumb:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

beautiful , simply beautiful . made one of Xena's pics my background!!!!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

OMG, I am so blown away...I can't believe that you really did that! There is no greater feeling than the one you just gave me, about my plant, and I'm so happy that you see the beauty in her that I did....YOU, ALONE, my friend, just made me feel like I already won that contest in my heart! It's not about "winning", it's about this right here....the friendships, and the appreciation of the beauty that this plant has....
Much love my friend! :circle-of-love:
beautiful , simply beautiful . made one of Xena's pics my background!!!!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

In my view, you have won also. look how much you have evolved. MOVE OVER PROS, make room for RVG!!!!!!!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Yea what God said lol, really you did an amazing job, way to go!!! :thumb: also there is this kids toy thats called EyeClops Bionic Eye and you can hook it up to your computer and whatever you wanna look at you point that little microscope up to it and the pic shows up on you computer screen and it also has a button to take the pic, it cost about $60 i believe but its a bad ass gadget, and when i have the rite money flow comin in im definitely gonna get me on for sure, if you got a minute just take a look at it on google, here is the link to amazon, they got one, let me know what you think.. Amazon - EyeClops Bionic Eye Multizoom, Green ... look at the pictures of it... trust me you will definitely like it for sure, its the best thing you could posibly use to take pics of trichs..

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Um, I am really blushing red now! I don't THINK so! lol, I'm not quite that good yet my friends, although I can see common sense plays a huge part of this process, so does lots of studying the subject itself, as well as instruction from peers...that works best for me, personally. I can't ever thank you all enough! I KNOW I am this successful this quickly because my friends like you, GT, on 420mag.com HELPED me! And I love and thank you all! :Namaste::love:
In my view, you have won also. look how much you have evolved. MOVE OVER PROS, make room for RVG!!!!!!!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Okay, I will go take a look at that...I have a MacBookPro, myself, and it has a built in webcam, so I might try to hold it up to that and snap some pics, to see what they come out like, and then compare those to the type of pics that other camera thing has...So yeah, bro, thanks for the referral...I appreciate stuff like that...I will return the favor if I can...I can already recommend that you all get into using this product called, " Fulvic Acid", and get into using it on all your plants. It's good for root drenching and also for foliar feeding! It's a wonder-product as far as I'm concerned! Look up what one of my friends posted on my thread about 3-5 pages back maybe, not too far, and he re-posted a whole page of info on Fulvic Acid and all the miraculous things it does for our plants! THAT'S what I can give back to you guys right now! LOOK at my plants and clones! SO healthy! And I think it's that way because of the Fulvic Acid, period....They would be okay without it, but they are FANTASTIC with it! So what can you say??? It's on amazon.com for cheap! Go check it out! And thank to ALL my 420 friends that are or have helped me....I thank you all from the bottom of my heart...:love::thanks::peacetwo::Namaste:
Yea what God said lol, really you did an amazing job, way to go!!! :thumb: also there is this kids toy thats called EyeClops Bionic Eye and you can hook it up to your computer and whatever you wanna look at you point that little microscope up to it and the pic shows up on you computer screen and it also has a button to take the pic, it cost about $60 i believe but its a bad ass gadget, and when i have the rite money flow comin in im definitely gonna get me on for sure, if you got a minute just take a look at it on google, here is the link to amazon, they got one, let me know what you think.. Amazon - EyeClops Bionic Eye Multizoom, Green ... look at the pictures of it... trust me you will definitely like it for sure, its the best thing you could posibly use to take pics of trichs..
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hey there my man! How's it going for ya bro? I took some samples about 2 weeks ago, and about 2 week before that, and the smoke I got 2 weeks ago seemed a bit better, got me more medicated, but was still harsh, you know, from being dried too quickly...I dried it in front of my air conditioner and box fan, suspended in front of it, for like 3 days I think, then it felt dry enough to use in my hot box style vape, and set it on like 280 degrees to start...then up the temp to 310 degrees, and get what I can outta it, then that's about it, that's all I will get. But I know I could tell it was getting better the second time. It tasted very piney, a bit peppery, and with a little diesel or chemical harshness to it, but kinda sweet too, as an aftertaste...I know it'll be AWESOME smoke after drying and curing! I'm seeing now I may actually get 1/2 or more, easy outta her, and I have to count the few "sprigs" I took early to sample before, and I have to say they were just 6 little ones from the bottom of the plant, that the bud material alone only weighed about 6 grams total, dried, if that! But that's just my rough estimate...Not counting ANY of the trimmings I saved....They are going to go into another batch of canna-oil, a MUCH stronger batch I hope, this time, because I don't think I felt much with the first batch of brownies made with only the trimmings and small buds off that crop of hermied bag seed plants...But it was a great learning experience! lol!
But as for Xena's smoke since then, no I haven't taken any in the last 2 weeks so I HAD something left to harvest, lol! Seriously, I have felt bad for taking so much already, but I know I gotta taste a little to see when she's getting better, like more ripe, that is. So I guess I will take another sprig right now,and start drying it in front of the a/c & fan...It'll take a few days, so I won't have another report on how that goes till then, so I will post a report on it when I finally do get to try it again...
Till then, you stay healthy, happy and green! :goof::passitleft::green_heart:
Looking great, RVG! Have you taken any samples yet? :)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hey everyone, well, this is what's happening today....
First of all, I looked in the closet this am to find that Xena had a BUNCH more yellowing in her fan leaves, so I decided that at 17 weeks old, she's FINALLY ready! lol! Well, we all know she was stunted from a lost cotelydon after she sprouted, and almost died on me, but I babied her, and she came through it, and looks completely normal, except for her odd shape- that's from 2 big ACCIDENTS! Where I learned a very HARD lesson to learn! WATCH OUT FOR YOUR PLANT'S LIMBS WHEN TURNING IT AROUND, OR MOVING IT IN AND OUT OF THE TENT OR MOVING IT ANYWHERE, BECAUSE BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT YOU CAN BUST OFF A LIMB WITHOUT KNOWING IT! AND I DID THAT MYSELF, I ACTUALLY BROKE OFF 2!!! MY OTHER TOP COLA AND OTHER 2ND BIGGEST COLA!!! I HAD DONE AN FIM JOB ON HER, AND I WOULD HAVE HAD 2 LARGE BUDS AND 2 SECONDARY BUDS, LIKE THE ONE'S I HAVE SHOWED YOU ON HER, BUT IMAGINE! I LOST HALF THE TOP BUDS I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE! WAAAAAAHHHHHH! I might just have had almost an OZ off of her, if I just hadn't busted those off when I wasn't watching what I was doing....Now I only have half the top buds I could have had.....it hurts my HEART, it hurts so bad when I think of the loss of those 2 buds....
Anyways, so I made the decision, and today at 245pm, I turned off all the lights but left the ventilation on, to let her have her "24 hours of darkness", prior to actually cutting her down tomorrow afternoon. I hear this is from the plant's physiology, whereas the plant's resin production peaks during the "dark periods", so we would naturally want it at it's "peak" when you take it down, right? That makes sense to me....And I was also very happy to read up and learn that the method of hanging the whole plant from the roots isn't necessary, because there is no negligible amounts of "resin or thc" in the "roots", to "travel down to the buds..." or whatever people have thought, before we had science step in and enlighten us!
SO, there it is, she goes tomorrow....And I am going to use the flowering closet to dry her in, because I have nothing to put in there anyways right now. My clones aren't ready yet....another week or 2 maybe, but as soon as they have roots, they are going right into their pots and into the flowering room...Straight to 12/12, just like stevehman! I don't have that recirculating system put together yet, not until the first of the year I'm guessing, unless I get a few hundred dollars come in out of no where, lol!

AND! News item #2:
I looked for a simple recipe to make something "medible" today, and came across the recipe for what they call "firecrackers"....I followed this one recipe I just found on some site I don't even remember the name right now, but the recipe made sense and I thought it would work for me, but I have such a extremely high tolerance, that even after putting about 1.4 grams on each set of graham crackers, mixed in with nutella, I ate one and waited about 1&1/2 hours on an empty stomach, and felt NOTHING! I had just followed this one guy's directions, that DID eventually work for him, after he ate like 3 of them....but he used about 1 gram on each cracker, and on some he said, he only had a .5 or .8 of a gram for a few of them...So for me, I did what he described doing...just poured it on top of the nutella that was spread on 1/2 a graham cracker, then took a little skewer stick or toothpick I guess, and mixed the ground schwag, ( for me, he used finely ground shake!) into the nutella ( or peanut butter, whichever you want/ have/ prefer....And then you just put the other half of the graham cracker on the top, take a square of foil, and wrap that sandwich of green love up tight, and put all of them on a big cookie sheet, and into a pre-heated, 320 degree oven, for exactly 22 minutes, and this allows the raw weed in the cracker sandwich to come up to that temperature to do the "decarbing", so my body actually absorbs it and FEELS it, because if you don't decarb it somehow, then you will still get great health benefits and all, but you won't FEEL anything, not high, no stone, nothing....And I am just now finished eating the 2nd one, because I noticed that after an hour and a half, on an empty stomach, that I still felt no different...So I quickly, and sadly, went to the freezer and got the other one out that I had left wrapped still in it's foil package that it was baked in....So we will see. I was really praying this would have worked for me but so far, it seems like I'm not going to be that lucky.....I know this schwag of brown, i mean dirt brown, mexican brick schwag is crappy, but it's all my friend can give me....that's all he can find for himself, and I am too old to get in trouble trying to hook up with other growers or very generous friends that are willing to toss me their schwag, fans, leaves of any kind, hermied stuff, just anything that they can, because I am too poor to buy my medication. But thankfully, I DID finally meet 2 other Az growers on here! And that's a great thing! Thanks again, :420:, you guys ROCK!!! This site alone, has helped me so very very much...
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hey everyone, well, this is what's happening today....
First of all, I looked in the closet this am to find that Xena had a BUNCH more yellowing in her fan leaves, so I decided that at 17 weeks old, she's FINALLY ready! lol! Well, we all know she was stunted from a lost cotelydon after she sprouted, and almost died on me, but I babied her, and she came through it, and looks completely normal, except for her odd shape- that's from 2 big ACCIDENTS! Where I learned a very HARD lesson to learn! WATCH OUT FOR YOUR PLANT'S LIMBS WHEN TURNING IT AROUND, OR MOVING IT IN AND OUT OF THE TENT OR MOVING IT ANYWHERE, BECAUSE BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT YOU CAN BUST OFF A LIMB WITHOUT KNOWING IT! AND I DID THAT MYSELF, I ACTUALLY BROKE OFF 2!!! MY OTHER TOP COLA AND OTHER 2ND BIGGEST COLA!!! I HAD DONE AN FIM JOB ON HER, AND I WOULD HAVE HAD 2 LARGE BUDS AND 2 SECONDARY BUDS, LIKE THE ONE'S I HAVE SHOWED YOU ON HER, BUT IMAGINE! I LOST HALF THE TOP BUDS I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE! WAAAAAAHHHHHH! I might just have had almost an OZ off of her, if I just hadn't busted those off when I wasn't watching what I was doing....Now I only have half the top buds I could have had.....it hurts my HEART, it hurts so bad when I think of the loss of those 2 buds....
Anyways, so I made the decision, and today at 245pm, I turned off all the lights but left the ventilation on, to let her have her "24 hours of darkness", prior to actually cutting her down tomorrow afternoon. I hear this is from the plant's physiology, whereas the plant's resin production peaks during the "dark periods", so we would naturally want it at it's "peak" when you take it down, right? That makes sense to me....And I was also very happy to read up and learn that the method of hanging the whole plant from the roots isn't necessary, because there is no negligible amounts of "resin or thc" in the "roots", to "travel down to the buds..." or whatever people have thought, before we had science step in and enlighten us!
SO, there it is, she goes tomorrow....And I am going to use the flowering closet to dry her in, because I have nothing to put in there anyways right now. My clones aren't ready yet....another week or 2 maybe, but as soon as they have roots, they are going right into their pots and into the flowering room...Straight to 12/12, just like stevehman! I don't have that recirculating system put together yet, not until the first of the year I'm guessing, unless I get a few hundred dollars come in out of no where, lol!

AND! News item #2:
I looked for a simple recipe to make something "medible" today, and came across the recipe for what they call "firecrackers"....I followed this one recipe I just found on some site I don't even remember the name right now, but the recipe made sense and I thought it would work for me, but I have such a extremely high tolerance, that even after putting about 1.4 grams on each set of graham crackers, mixed in with nutella, I ate one and waited about 1&1/2 hours on an empty stomach, and felt NOTHING! I had just followed this one guy's directions, that DID eventually work for him, after he ate like 3 of them....but he used about 1 gram on each cracker, and on some he said, he only had a .5 or .8 of a gram for a few of them...So for me, I did what he described doing...just poured it on top of the nutella that was spread on 1/2 a graham cracker, then took a little skewer stick or toothpick I guess, and mixed the ground schwag, ( for me, he used finely ground shake!) into the nutella ( or peanut butter, whichever you want/ have/ prefer....And then you just put the other half of the graham cracker on the top, take a square of foil, and wrap that sandwich of green love up tight, and put all of them on a big cookie sheet, and into a pre-heated, 320 degree oven, for exactly 22 minutes, and this allows the raw weed in the cracker sandwich to come up to that temperature to do the "decarbing", so my body actually absorbs it and FEELS it, because if you don't decarb it somehow, then you will still get great health benefits and all, but you won't FEEL anything, not high, no stone, nothing....And I am just now finished eating the 2nd one, because I noticed that after an hour and a half, on an empty stomach, that I still felt no different...So I quickly, and sadly, went to the freezer and got the other one out that I had left wrapped still in it's foil package that it was baked in....So we will see. I was really praying this would have worked for me but so far, it seems like I'm not going to be that lucky. I still don't feel a thing...Nothing, nada, and I'm thinking it's because of my super-super high tolerance....I am coming off of morphine that I've been taking for almost 6 years now, and am SO close to being off of it completely, but it's SUCH a slow process...I can only drop down a dose a month, maybe a little more, but that's about they way it is....Very slow, unfortunately. I know this schwag of brown, i mean dirt brown, mexican brick schwag is crappy, but it's all my friend can give me....that's all he can find for himself, and I am too old to get in trouble trying to hook up with other growers or very generous friends that are willing to toss me their schwag, fans, leaves of any kind, hermied stuff, just anything that they can, because I am too poor to buy my medication. But thankfully, I DID finally meet 2 other Az growers on here! And that's a great thing! Thanks again, :420:, you guys ROCK!!! This site alone, has helped me so very very much...

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Here is my 1st firecracker sandwichI ever made and ate...it's late now, so I will give you all the end report tomorrow okay? I know you all understand...
Much love to all of you out there tonight in 420land!:circle-of-love:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Cool - can't wait to hear how the Firecracker turned out for you! :)
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