RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL's

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

wow you got a nice little bit off of her, suprised the shit outta me!!!! i took a pic of mines with just the cola on it, lol but mines was more like almost 6 feet tall, i wish i would of did a grow journal on that one but i didn't find the site untill near the end of the grow, but i got pics of it, best plant i ever grew, outside too, i made her my g/f since she was my size lol, alright im sorry im bablin, high as shit, but yea way to go on the finale, definitely looks tastey!!! :thumb: :tokin: cant wait to put mines in 12/12!!! im just happy to have a damn female period lol!!!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hey RVG....nice looking harvest :passitleft: I can smell those budz from here and they....need just a bit longer before you toke on them :) There is nothing like the smell of properly cured cannabis. Well, I take that back. The best smell is when they are finishing and your grow room smells like a bubblegum flavored skunk. breath deeply my friend ;)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Yeah, very nice indeed. My mouth is watering just looking at them. So you gonna name your next lady Gabrielle? Just thought of some great Goddess names for mine once I find out if they're females....
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

WOW everyone! What wonderful compliments! I feel so good hearing you all say such awesome things about my baby, Xena, and me, as a grower! You all made me feel so good to hear all this, and that is so much more wonderful than any awards...YOU guys are the reason this site is everything to me, and so many more people as well....

SOoooooooooo! I know you all are DYING for a smoke report, and here is a preliminary report, as of 1 week after harvest....

First of all, we only had to dry the buds in the closet for 3 days, as by then, they were becoming quite dry on the outside...
They still smelled very much like that "hay smell" or "chlorophyll" smell still as we jarred them, but I was diligent this time about "burping" the jars everyday, about 6 times a day for the first few days or so, then a few less times after the first 3 days or so...now, they are in what seems to be in a "stable" state, where they are not drying out anymore, and the smell is changing, as is the taste.....

As for that...
I tried some on the 3rd day drying, as I had set aside a few tiny buds from the mids, from jar #2. When I did, I used my vaporizer, and the buds were mostly "dry", but VERY sticky! Yea baby! :love: Anyways, when I did hit it, it tasted a bit harsh on the back of my throat, but the taste on my tongue, was very nice! A bit pine-y/sweet/citrus-y-skunk kind of taste....So I let it set another 3 or 4 days, and had some yesterday, from a bud that was in jar #1- the top buds. It was from the bottom end of a top bud stem, on a little bud near the bottom of the stem, in other words, as some stems have like 3,4,5,or more sets of buds on the stems I have left them on. So, that one got me WRECKED! I mean it! I had to use my scissors to cut it up as it was still just as sticky was the first day I harvested it, but yea, I got wasted, and a good body stone, which is what I really needed, as I need this for pain control, to replace morphine I've been on for 6 years....Well, I felt very little pain, and it lasted for about 2 or 3 hours, I don't exactly know for sure, as I was so high as well, I was having a hard time remembering to note these things for the report, lol! I guess that means it's good! lol!
And the best thing is, that it still has a long ways to go before it is really "ready" ....I tried some again today, and it didn't seem to get me any "higher" than before, but it's not so harsh anymore, and the flavor is sweeter, much much sweeter....I love that! So I burp the jar (yeah, I decided to put all the buds in the big jar together, as there was enough room for all of them to be in there together, so I did it), maybe once a day or so, which is really easy, as I'm hard-pressed NOT to open the jar a little bit just to smell the buds and check for changes...Nothing's changing much now, at this point, except for the buds just maturing, and changing for the better as time goes by.....So I'm going to try not to touch any for at least a week in between each bud tasting, and even then, just take about a half gram or less, to taste and test...Just a bud the diameter of a dime or a nickel, and abut a half inch thick or so..

Anyways, I will keep you all posted on the smoke until this journal is closed out eventually....I have many pictures to post still, but don't have the time to get it all done at once, so I have been working on this a bit at a time, and have them uploaded to the gallery now, but I have to still get my notes and thoughts all together and then I can post the pics when i am ready to do my journal about them and what I was doing and what was happening at the time they were taken, etc.....

So I will try to have that done for you all tomorrow, if at all possible, if I don't, then I promise it'll be the day after, only because the wife's home from work today and tomorrow, and I usually don't get on the computer when she's home, so I'm already breaking a HUGE rule, lol! But I know you all are waiting patiently on an update, and you all deserve one, so I didn't want to make you all wait too much longer...That's why I gave you this partial update at least....I will have the rest of the story probably tomorrow or the next day....but it's GOOD everyone! REALLY REALLY NICE! If YOU all get a chance to get a Fem.Northern Lights#5 x Skunk#1, then GET IT!! ANd CLONE IT!!! I wish I had cloned her!!! I am going to get some more fem.seeds as soon as I can find them, cuz this smoke is heavy, it helps with pain, and then makes you sleep like a baby for hours and hours.....I LOVE it! I absolutely LOVE IT!
Peace and love to all of you out there! :circle-of-love: .

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Nice :) NL#5 is one of my all time favorite strains. I had a friend that mailed some nl#5 beans to himself when he went to Amsterdam years ago. He crossed it with a huge mexican sativa named "Big Bertha" and that was the best smoke that I have ever had. To this day, I still can't find a strain with a high as good as that cross. Too bad those beans are all gone :(
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

So my 420 friends, I hope you have all been well since I was last on board....I wish I could say I have been, but I haven't been that lucky....
Not feeling too good at all lately- damn arthritis! Anyways- here's the pics I promised!

First, my second jar of buds airing out...

Xena's top buds ...

Xenas other buds out drying for a while tonight...

More of Xena's buds out drying...

The largest jar of buds I have...

The jar with the smallest buds in it...

Here's the clones, in day19....doing fine, getting planted tonight I hope!

So here is a shot of Jackie, my "Emerald Jack", as of about 2 or 3 days ago...

Here she is out of the closet for a change! It shows how much she has grown in the last 3 weeks!

She is SO big on BPN!!!

Here she is again, on the 26th of Aug. she was 11 to 11 & 1/2 inches tall!

She is growing at the rate of 1/2 inch per day!

A shot from above showing how green the new growth is on Jackie....I guess it helps that I have her on the "crazy growth stage" of nutes right now! lol!

Each fan leave is as wide as 2 of my fingers!

Jackie's fans are 8 inches long!

And her fans are 9 inches wide!

jackie's leaf blades are 2 inches wide each!

Jackie's got the biggest fans I've ever seen in my entire life!

Well, everyone, I hope that gets ya al thru till the next posting! I'm hoping to transplant the clones tonight, if possible...but it could get put off till morning, if my wife's too tired, after work, which is a distinct possibility...so I will do what I can, and you all will get the next posting and pics as soon as I can get them to you!

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

lookin good RV, i was lookin at some of my fan leaves today too, mines are startin to get big as shit, not as big as yours but their gettin there..
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Holy crap! those leaves are freakin HUGE! either that or you have really small hands :)
Jackie looks like some sort of mutant plant lol. mmmmm, indica...I love it! ;)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

glad to hear from you my friend, i was just worrying about you while me an my wife was at the grocery store, weird huh? guess you was wondering how we were all doing...sorry bout the arthritis , I've watched mom suffer for yrs frm it...BPN is right, Jacky is HUGE!!!!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hey RV--I was wondering where you were at? I just figured you were doing life, well not doing life but living life..lol...That plant does look quite big and healthy...BPN and your love, that's a growing combination....haha, I sound like a commercial, sorry just blazed one not too long ago. Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well, sending healing vibes your way. Love the pics too. Be well my friend...
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Great work, RVG! :bravo:

I thought my PE's had huge fan leaves, but those really are incredible! She must have some Afghani strain in her background somewhere, or maybe there's a nuclear plant nearby!

Hope you're feeling better & enjoying the fruits of your labor!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Think BPN is closely related to the ooze that created the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.....HUGE RESULTS!!!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

And most all, you have a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE for her, which is most important IMO....:circle-of-love:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Holy crap! those leaves are freakin HUGE! either that or you have really small hands :)
Jackie looks like some sort of mutant plant lol. mmmmm, indica...I love it! ;)
Yeah, BPN, I do have T-Rex hands, and I was hoping no one would catch on here, ya know, but I guess you got me.... LOL!!! ROTFLMFAO!!! Toooo funny!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hey RV--I was wondering where you were at? I just figured you were doing life, well not doing life but living life..lol...That plant does look quite big and healthy...BPN and your love, that's a growing combination....haha, I sound like a commercial, sorry just blazed one not too long ago. Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well, sending healing vibes your way. Love the pics too. Be well my friend...
Blaze away QTL! Thx for the healing vibes sister, Peace and love to you as well!

Great work, RVG! :bravo:

I thought my PE's had huge fan leaves, but those really are incredible! She must have some Afghani strain in her background somewhere, or maybe there's a nuclear plant nearby!

Hope you're feeling better & enjoying the fruits of your labor!
Well, Mr. Krip, let me thank YOU for all the help you have given me this year....It's so much more than I can ever thank you for....You are the MAN! And my friend, always..And you crack me UP! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!

Think BPN is closely related to the ooze that created the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.....HUGE RESULTS!!!
OMG!!! You guys have to STOP! My stomach hurts so much from laughing so hard at all of you here talking about my mutant plant, lol! I love it! Best birthday present I could have had, beside having you all here to have a big herb-only party with me, now THAT would be the BEST birthday party EVER!!! Much love to ya brother....

lookin good RV, i was lookin at some of my fan leaves today too, mines are startin to get big as shit, not as big as yours but their gettin there..
WEll, sukafr33, they are big as shit for sure, lol, and I guess that the Jack Herrer is why she is so big, as the other lineage is "Emerald OG", from Emerald Triangle Seeds originally, so when I saw it available I had to grab this one up, and I'm so glad I did! Peace to ya bro!

You all crack me up so hard!!! I'm laughing so hard I've got tears coming down now too....Oh! What a great present this is! Hanging with my friends, well, sort of, as well as we all can hang together, you know? But yeah, you all are the best to me, even the newer people, they all have something to offer, and I have been so Blessed to have found this site first, before going on any others, because you all just FEEL like family to me....I don't know how to explain it, but you all just DO! I LOVE all you guys out there! I really do, you all lift me up when I'm down, help me grow my MMJ, and are just all around great people......

Okay, no more sappy stuff.....STAY GREEN FOREVER!!!!! :cheer::thanks::green_heart::party::lot-o-toke::happy-birthday::theband::tommy::rocker::circle-of-love:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

"You all crack me up so hard!!! I'm laughing so hard I've got tears coming down now too....Oh! What a great present this is! Hanging with my friends, well, sort of, as well as we all can hang together, you know? But yeah, you all are the best to me, even the newer people, they all have something to offer"

Awww how sweet, even the newbies get an honorable mention. That meant a lot to me though at this time I don't know what I could possibly have to offer other than my sense of humor. But I am glad to have found your journal and consider you a friend.
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