RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL's

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hey rv just jumping threw real quick.
Great job on the Defoliation! thats what mine look like after so id say you did great@!
grats on the new nutes.... yah organics really stink.... dont get it on your clothing.... it will stain and doesnt come our very well lol..... at least it doesn't smell after u wash though lol. i doubt that there is human milorganite (poo) in there it can be used... but needs ALOT of pasteurization to get rid of any ecoli and bad things in it.....
i use Human milorganite in my soil mix but it is from a 60+ year old Ash/outhouse pit and even than i put it threw a pasteurization process (stinky process to do in your home oven so id recomend an outdoor oven if you ever do this)

xena is looking very frosty! keep up the good work!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hi RV - First and foremost, congratulations on the anniversary with your wife. It's a wonderful thing to find your soulmate in life. Second, congratulations on receiving the nutrients you needed. Kudos Blue Planet Nutrients for helping out someone who really needed it. :thumb:

Good luck in POTM - and as GT pointed out, entries are accepted until the 15th, but voting doesn't start until then.

Take care my friend,

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Uhm, well I feel even older now, thanks my friend! lol! Oh my gosh, what the heck is wrong with me? The pain? The morphine I'm still on? It can't be the herb....Hmmmm. I'm a total ding-dong sometimes, seriously, I'm so naiive sometimes, just can't see stuff sometimes till it hits me in the face! DUH! I thought that all those likes were the votes and was so frustrated that I couldn't find that chart that showed the standings....I didn't know why people were voting mulitple times, I was so confused, but still trying to figure it out on my own. ROTFLMAO! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I thought I couldn't see them because I was entered or something....This was my first try at an entry in the POTM, still haven't entered the NOTM, yet, but I hope to soon, just for the heck of it to see what people say about it, that's more of my motivation, I love to hear people's thoughts, ideas, etc....The nutes are a bonus, now that the Blue Planet dude hooked me up just in time....I don't care about winning now, it's just the fun of it for me. I only wanted to win for the nutes, that's all, and I didn't like having to enter a contest just to get the nutes I need....especially knowing the odds-ther's SO many great growers out there and some MONSTER beauties...but NONE like YOURS!!! LOL! Did you radiate yours or something? lol! Seriously, your grow is awesome! Thanks for loving me even tho I'm a little old and slow, you know that senility and old-timers disease? lololol! Much love to ya my friend! Thanks for looking out for this old lady, you're like the real friend that tells ya when you got spinach stuck between your teeth and doesn't just leave ya that way,lol! :circle-of-love::Namaste::adore:...You're like that for me! A REAL friend! Thanks Much love back!
Umm, my friend, voting doesn't start until around the 15th, lol!!!:circle-of-love:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hey friends, I just got some new stuff in the mail yesterday or the day before, from amazon.com....found some cheap and cool stuff on there! Firstly, I got the 12 pack of Grodan's 1.5 inch Rockwool cubes, and a 1.5ml package of "Clonex" gel, all for the low price of $10.95, and a small package of Fulvic Acid powder, for root drenching and foliar feeding too, if I want, also for less than $10. So I am asking all of you that know anything about Fulvic Acid, is it good to use? How exactly do you feel that it helps with our grows? Your experiences with using it. Anything, any opinion or personal experiences I am asking that you share with me so that I can decide how best to utilize this product. I bought it because I thought it would feed the little mychorrizal critters, the ectos and endos, all that. But I have absorbed so much info in so little time, info from one product is running into and being confused with other products and their uses....HELP!
Thanks, and much love to all..........:circle-of-love:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Hey friends, I just got some new stuff in the mail yesterday or the day before, from amazon.com....found some cheap and cool stuff on there! Firstly, I got the 12 pack of Grodan's 1.5 inch Rockwool cubes, and a 1.5ml package of "Clonex" gel, all for the low price of $10.95, and a small package of Fulvic Acid powder, for root drenching and foliar feeding too, if I want, also for less than $10. So I am asking all of you that know anything about Fulvic Acid, is it good to use? How exactly do you feel that it helps with our grows? Your experiences with using it. Anything, any opinion or personal experiences I am asking that you share with me so that I can decide how best to utilize this product. I bought it because I thought it would feed the little mychorrizal critters, the ectos and endos, all that. But I have absorbed so much info in so little time, info from one product is running into and being confused with other products and their uses....HELP!
Thanks, and much love to all..........:circle-of-love:

Ask and ye shall receive!

Here's some good info on fulvic acid reprinted from another site:

Fulvic Acid is arguably the most vital-to-life compound nasture has provided to encourage healthy plant growth. It is one of the most basic minerals, however, most growers are fairly unaware of this wonder molecule and do not take advantage of the possibilities it presents for maximizing plant health and yield. Fulvic Acids have incredible potential when used for soil enrichment, in hydroponic applications, and as a foliar spray. There are a wide variety of scientific studies that have proven many times over that plants treated with fulvic acid grow faster, stronger and produce more at harvest time.

What is Fulvic Acid?

Fulvic acid is a by-product of Humic acid. Humic acid is extracted from material containing well-decomposed organic matter — soil, coal, composts, etc. As humic material is decomposed by living microbes, these microbes create the most biologically complex organic compounds on earth — Fulvic Acid. Fulvic Acids are more plant active than humic acids due to their higher oxygen content and abundance of carboxyl groups. Humic acids have their own important place in growing and we explore those in our Humic Acid Info Sheet.

Fulvic Acids have chemical properties that allow plants to absorb more nutrients, and increases water storage capacity within a plant. Essential nutrients and vitamins, which plants may not be able to assimilate easily, will piggyback on the fulvic acid, to be transported to all cells that need them. Fulvic is so powerful that one fulvic molecule is capable of carrying 60 or more minerals and trace elements into the cells. It also prolongs the time that essential nutrients remain in the plant cells, maximizing nutritional potential. Fulvic acid increases plant metabolism, naturally increasing growth.

Plants treated with a regular diet of fulvic acid have a greater resistance to fluctuations in pH. The fulvic acid acts as a shock absorber because the nitrogen it contains is slowly released. This is extremely important because excess acidity will make minerals insoluble to plants while an alkaline pH will burn the plant. Fulvic Acids act as "free-radical" scavengers, supplying vital electrolytes, enhance and transport nutrients, catalyze enzyme reactions, increase assimilation, stimulate metabolism, chelate and change inorganic minerals into organically complex minerals, solubilize, energize, and transport major and trace elements to the site of need, and demonstrate amazing capacity for electrochemical balance.

Using Humic Acid and Fulvic Acids together

Humic Acid allows the grow media and a plant’s root cells to absorb more water. This creates a natural “osmotic” pull within the cell for more minerals. Fulvic compliments this system by making nutrients flow into the cell faster and through chelation, keeping them available once within the cel. Used together, Fulvic and Humic greatly increase nutrient absorption and retention, and thus speed up the metabolism making for faster, stronger growth with a greater yield.

Fulvic Acids are more plant reactive, with an oxygen content twice that of Humic Acids. Fulvic Acid atoms of oxygen are “polar” and will carry an electronegative charge, making the molecule of Fulvic Acid even more soluble in water. Fulvic Acids are the most soluble and electronegative of all the types of Humates extracted and therefore are the most penetrating and mobile of all humates.

What Can Fulvic Acid Do?
“A wide range of beneficial attributes are associated with fulvic acid, including: Assistance in seed germination and growth; improved development of roots and shoots; resistance of plants to fungal attack; complexing of minerals; enhanced uptake of nutrients; improved nutritional physiology; stimulation of plant metabolism; positive effect on plant RNA and DNA; improved respiratory catalysis; increased enzyme activity; increased protein metabolism; enhanced permeability of cell membranes; enhanced cell division and elongation; improved chlorophyll synthesis; increased drought tolerance; increased crop growth and yield; improved soil microbe denitrification; improved pH and buffering capacity affinity for chemical ‘balance’; participation in synthesis of new minerals; chemical weathering of inorganic substances; silicate decomposition by hydrogen ions of fulvic acids; assistance in the creation of new soil; ability to scavenge heavy metals; and detoxification of various pollutants.”

-W. R. Jackson, Humic, Fulvic and Microbial Balance: Organic Soil Conditioning: An Agricultural Text and Reference Book (1993)

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Uhm, well I feel even older now, thanks my friend! lol! Oh my gosh, what the heck is wrong with me? The pain? The morphine I'm still on? It can't be the herb....Hmmmm. I'm a total ding-dong sometimes, seriously, I'm so naiive sometimes, just can't see stuff sometimes till it hits me in the face! DUH! I thought that all those likes were the votes and was so frustrated that I couldn't find that chart that showed the standings....I didn't know why people were voting mulitple times, I was so confused, but still trying to figure it out on my own. ROTFLMAO! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I thought I couldn't see them because I was entered or something....This was my first try at an entry in the POTM, still haven't entered the NOTM, yet, but I hope to soon, just for the heck of it to see what people say about it, that's more of my motivation, I love to hear people's thoughts, ideas, etc....The nutes are a bonus, now that the Blue Planet dude hooked me up just in time....I don't care about winning now, it's just the fun of it for me. I only wanted to win for the nutes, that's all, and I didn't like having to enter a contest just to get the nutes I need....especially knowing the odds-ther's SO many great growers out there and some MONSTER beauties...but NONE like YOURS!!! LOL! Did you radiate yours or something? lol! Seriously, your grow is awesome! Thanks for loving me even tho I'm a little old and slow, you know that senility and old-timers disease? lololol! Much love to ya my friend! Thanks for looking out for this old lady, you're like the real friend that tells ya when you got spinach stuck between your teeth and doesn't just leave ya that way,lol! :circle-of-love::Namaste::adore:...You're like that for me! A REAL friend! Thanks Much love back!

Hey friends, I just got some new stuff in the mail yesterday or the day before, from amazon.com....found some cheap and cool stuff on there! Firstly, I got the 12 pack of Grodan's 1.5 inch Rockwool cubes, and a 1.5ml package of "Clonex" gel, all for the low price of $10.95, and a small package of Fulvic Acid powder, for root drenching and foliar feeding too, if I want, also for less than $10. So I am asking all of you that know anything about Fulvic Acid, is it good to use? How exactly do you feel that it helps with our grows? Your experiences with using it. Anything, any opinion or personal experiences I am asking that you share with me so that I can decide how best to utilize this product. I bought it because I thought it would feed the little mychorrizal critters, the ectos and endos, all that. But I have absorbed so much info in so little time, info from one product is running into and being confused with other products and their uses....HELP!
Thanks, and much love to all..........:circle-of-love:

LOL!!! I use that stuff they used to make the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, hahaha!! The green ooze, bet that would make some HUGE plants...Man I'm so ripped right now I'm kinda stuck, cause my son's tuggin on my arm wanting to watch "Where the Red Fern Grows", which was a favorite of my childhood as well....Ole country boy, hehe...You can say that's why I am so blunt sometimes too, not out of disrespect, just because I love ya no matter what, southern hospitality...And I knew you were a real friend also the first time we spoke, kindred we are somehow, knew it right away!!!!:Namaste:

And now on the fulvic...humics and fulvics..acids....essential they are(yoda tone, hehe) for roots and overall health of your plants. Fulvic is actually a humic acid, the most crucial one IMO. It aids in the carrying of foods and nutrients into the roots. Anytime you help your roots, we know what you get, bigger faster growth, and more natural tasting buds, some of my hydro buddies swear by it for taste. Secret: These essentials are always in my little "super tea" I give my plants twice during veg and then once during bloom, to activate the soil a little more, since I use about 1/3 the size pot that I should be using, this is very important IMOE! The nutes you are using probably have these if they are organic and maybe even if they arent, not sure. Well, enough rambling, love ya my friend!!:circle-of-love::Namaste:God bless, stay green, and PEEEEAAAACCCCEEEE!!!!:peace::allgood:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

WOW!!!Mr. Krip, You have come through again, for ALL of us!!! That's some AWESOME info, like everything I ever needed to know about it, good! I can NEVER thank you enough for these wonderful things you do for me!!! I NEVER would have found that kind of valueable info on my own! You are soo soos soooooo good to me! You got your angel wings today, your second pair! MUCH MUCH LOVE BRO!!! :circle-of-love::thanks::bravo:
Ask and ye shall receive!

Here's some good info on fulvic acid reprinted from another site:

Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

SEE??? I kNEW you had a secret radio-active or other-wordly secret ingerdients...I guess I just stumbled onto it myself now, didn't I? Thanks for being such a great friend! I wish we all weren't so spread out, you know? I wish I could hang out with you guys and talk shop, exchange clones and seeds, etc...I have NO ONE for like 1000 miles around I bet! Well, some that partake in it I know are all over, but those that invest in GROWING IT, well, I know only you guys on here...Well, I still am very very thankful for what I get out of 420.com- like all I ever needed to know about growing, diseases and how to treat them, how to harvest, clone, and everything...I JUST CAN'T GERMINATE SEEDS!!! AAARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!! WHY oh WHY am I so cursed with my MMJ seeds??? Oh well, don't answer that now, I didn't mean to go off in that direction...I'm okay, really very happy, first day outta bed in like the last 5 or 6 days, where I am really UP, walking around, watering the outside veggie garden and picking weeds this am, and fresh tomatoes that I share with all my neighbors...we are all a bunch of grow freaks in this RV park...about 1/4th of us is doing veggie gardens every year, and we all exchange veggies with each other- it's SO COOL!!! I wish I could live in a little commune somewhere with my wife, in our RV, growing our herbs and veggies, living on solar power and the wind generator we have at my wife's sister's house up north..along with a bunch of other young "hippie types" I guess you'd call a person like me...All for the green, all for natural approaches to everything, when ever possible. Yeah, I was raised by my grandmother , who was from the south, born in Burlington County, North Carolina in 1923, and was raised in Danville, Va. until she went into the Navy after WWII started, and was stationed in Wash. DC, making topo maps for Navy generals and such for their war rooms...Pretty cool I say! She's STILL and will always BE, MY HERO!!! And my BEST FRIEND EVER! She's with me always....a piece of her hair is with me in my medicine bag at all time with me, I never go ANYWHERE without it, and I sleep with it under my pillow every night. Sorry, didn't mean to go off topic! I just miss her so much I guess...I lost her just 4 years ago now...it seems like yesterday though...Thanks for YOUR love my friend! You are for real, and I love ya back, bro! :peace::love::rollit:
LOL!!! I use that stuff they used to make the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, hahaha!! The green ooze, bet that would make some HUGE plants...Man I'm so ripped right now I'm kinda stuck, cause my son's tuggin on my arm wanting to watch "Where the Red Fern Grows", which was a favorite of my childhood as well....Ole country boy, hehe...You can say that's why I am so blunt sometimes too, not out of disrespect, just because I love ya no matter what, southern hospitality...And I knew you were a real friend also the first time we spoke, kindred we are somehow, knew it right away!!!!:Namaste:

And now on the fulvic...humics and fulvics..acids....essential they are(yoda tone, hehe) for roots and overall health of your plants. Fulvic is actually a humic acid, the most crucial one IMO. It aids in the carrying of foods and nutrients into the roots. Anytime you help your roots, we know what you get, bigger faster growth, and more natural tasting buds, some of my hydro buddies swear by it for taste. Secret: These essentials are always in my little "super tea" I give my plants twice during veg and then once during bloom, to activate the soil a little more, since I use about 1/3 the size pot that I should be using, this is very important IMOE! The nutes you are using probably have these if they are organic and maybe even if they arent, not sure. Well, enough rambling, love ya my friend!!:circle-of-love::Namaste:God bless, stay green, and PEEEEAAAACCCCEEEE!!!!:peace::allgood:
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Well, hello my friends, it's me again, with a HUGE update, I will probably break up into two different postings, just to keep it organized I guess. I have about 30 or 40 pics I just took 3 hours to send to my email, open and download the pic, then I have to open the pic in the "finder" ( I got a MacBook Pro, new to it, only had it like 18-20 months, and I love it way better than PC's! I will never go back to PC! Macs are made for people like me that need everything already there, no hassles, it's all ready and easy to use for beginners like me!) Anyways, I will start with the pics from a few days ago, showing you the thick growth I had all OVER Jackie- the Emerald Jack, and that I was hoping to take a dozen clones from all that stuff! So first I had to get ready:

So here is Xena on the L and Jackie on the R, getting a root drenching w/ Fulvic Acid, and I have started giving Jackie a once or twice a day foliar spraying on her leaves to apply it that way, while she is still young...

Here is a shot of Xena on the L, and Jackie on the R, both just got the Fulvc Acid root drenching and were draining in the tub...Jackie is also getting foliar spraying with it...

Here is my dozen Grodan Rock Wool 1.5" cubes, plus 1.5ml of "Clonex" rooting gel I got as a like little "trial kit", for us to just try it out before we make huge investments I guess, anyhow, I got it on amazon.com for $10.95 !!! I was PERFECT for my needs!SCORE!

Heres the Fulvic Acid powder I also got on amazon.com, and I would guess I paid about $7 or $8 bucks for it I think, and it makes a LOT, because it's in a powdered and very concentrated form...

Here are 2 large, plastic snack containers "Pot Luck" size they were called, I don't remember what brand...Either Zip-Locks or Glad ware...I am not sure, but they were all about $1.88 each, and they were 2-packs, with the snap-on lids...

Here are the 2 plastic containers that are my no my cheap clone-dome! lol!

Here is my scope in it's leather pouch- I got it on amazon.com for less than like $8 or $10 bucks! But it's a lighted one, with a focus adjustment, and a range of 60x to 100x...just a little too small, but a good starter one for cheap!

Here's a pic of my little and very cheap, although very impressive, scope!

My scope is very small, not good for taking pics with, but a cheap but decent scope for the price- pERFECT for us beginners!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Well, hello my friends, it's me again, with a HUGE update, I will probably break up into two different postings, just to keep it organized I guess. I have about 30 or 40 pics I just took 3 hours to send to my email, open and download the pic, then I have to open the pic in the "finder" ( I got a MacBook Pro, new to it, only had it like 18-20 months, and I love it way better than PC's! I will never go back to PC! Macs are made for people like me that need everything already there, no hassles, it's all ready and easy to use for beginners like me!) Anyways, I will start with the pics from a few days ago, showing you the thick growth I had all OVER Jackie- the Emerald Jack, and that I was hoping to take a dozen clones from all that stuff! So first I had to get ready:

So here is Xena on the L and Jackie on the R, getting a root drenching w/ Fulvic Acid, and I have started giving Jackie a once or twice a day foliar spraying on her leaves to apply it that way, while she is still young...

Here is a shot of Xena on the L, and Jackie on the R, both just got the Fulvc Acid root drenching and were draining in the tub...Jackie is also getting foliar spraying with it...

Here is my dozen Grodan Rock Wool 1.5" cubes, plus 1.5ml of "Clonex" rooting gel I got as a like little "trial kit", for us to just try it out before we make huge investments I guess, anyhow, I got it on amazon.com for $10.95 !!! I was PERFECT for my needs!SCORE!

Heres the Fulvic Acid powder I also got on amazon.com, and I would guess I paid about $7 or $8 bucks for it I think, and it makes a LOT, because it's in a powdered and very concentrated form...

Here are 2 large, plastic snack containers "Pot Luck" size they were called, I don't remember what brand...Either Zip-Locks or Glad ware...I am not sure, but they were all about $1.88 each, and they were 2-packs, with the snap-on lids...

Here are the 2 plastic containers that are my no my cheap clone-dome! lol!

Here is my scope in it's leather pouch- I got it on amazon.com for less than like $8 or $10 bucks! But it's a lighted one, with a focus adjustment, and a range of 60x to 100x...just a little too small, but a good starter one for cheap!

Here's a pic of my little and very cheap, although very impressive, scope!

My scope is very small, not good for taking pics with, but a cheap but decent scope for the price- pERFECT for us beginners!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Well, for some reason, 4 of my pics from up above won't show! I've never had this problem before..I can't figure it out! I double-checked the link-thing or what ver the code stuff for the pics are, and made sure they were all spelled the same where need be and all that, but I found them all looking exactly the same set-up, but 4 pics just don't show up, I will have to try again in the AM, it is 11:30pm here, and my wife has to be up in like 5 hours...
Much love to all, OH! And I have a LOT more pics to post, I took about 30 or 40 over the last few days... And we got the cloning done today! I am soooo excited! I can't WAIT till I post the rest for you all to see, and tell me what I did right or wrong, so I can learn...

Till tomorrow then, much much love to you all my friends....I keep you all close to me heart, always...
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Well, hello my friends, it's me again, with a HUGE update, I will probably break up into two different postings, just to keep it organized I guess. I have about 30 or 40 pics I just took 3 hours to send to my email, open and download the pic, then I have to open the pic in the "finder" ( I got a MacBook Pro, new to it, only had it like 18-20 months, and I love it way better than PC's! I will never go back to PC! Macs are made for people like me that need everything already there, no hassles, it's all ready and easy to use for beginners like me!) Anyways, I will start with the pics from a few days ago, showing you the thick growth I had all OVER Jackie- the Emerald Jack, and that I was hoping to take a dozen clones from all that stuff! So first I had to get ready:

So here is Xena on the L and Jackie on the R, getting a root drenching w/ Fulvic Acid, and I have started giving Jackie a once or twice a day foliar spraying on her leaves to apply it that way, while she is still young...

Here is a shot of Xena on the L, and Jackie on the R, both just got the Fulvc Acid root drenching and were draining in the tub...Jackie is also getting foliar spraying with it...

Here is my dozen Grodan Rock Wool 1.5" cubes, plus 1.5ml of "Clonex" rooting gel I got as a like little "trial kit", for us to just try it out before we make huge investments I guess, anyhow, I got it on amazon.com for $10.95 !!! I was PERFECT for my needs!SCORE!

Heres the Fulvic Acid powder I also got on amazon.com, and I would guess I paid about $7 or $8 bucks for it I think, and it makes a LOT, because it's in a powdered and very concentrated form...

Here are 2 large, plastic snack containers "Pot Luck" size they were called, I don't remember what brand...Either Zip-Locks or Glad ware...I am not sure, but they were all about $1.88 each, and they were 2-packs, with the snap-on lids...

Here are the 2 plastic containers that are my no my cheap clone-dome! lol!

Here is my scope in it's leather pouch- I got it on amazon.com for less than like $8 or $10 bucks! But it's a lighted one, with a focus adjustment, and a range of 60x to 100x...just a little too small, but a good starter one for cheap!

Here's a pic of my little and very cheap, although very impressive, scope!

My scope is very small, not good for taking pics with, but a cheap but decent scope for the price- pERFECT for us beginners!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

How funny! NOTICE THIS! In the first new posting up above about all the new growth on Jackie and all that..There are 4 pics that aren't showing up- just tiny boxes with ?'s in them, and when I click on it, it says it's "loading", but nothing ever shows up.
THEN, in the last posting, a duplicate of the first one I just spoke of, there are now only 3 pictures missing, well, not missing I guess, but NOT showing up, just that tiny box w/ a ? in it...
It's full moon, everyone's crazy, that's why I got myself all in trouble and people just flip on the full moons...Seriously...Anyways, I hope to resolve the problem tomorrow if I possibly can...
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

How funny! NOTICE THIS! In the first new posting up above about all the new growth on Jackie and all that..There are 4 pics that aren't showing up- just tiny boxes with ?'s in them, and when I click on it, it says it's "loading", but nothing ever shows up.
THEN, in the last posting, a duplicate of the first one I just spoke of, there are now only 3 pictures missing, well, not missing I guess, but NOT showing up, just that tiny box w/ a ? in it...
It's full moon, everyone's crazy, that's why I got myself all in trouble and people just flip on the full moons...Seriously...Anyways, I hope to resolve the problem tomorrow if I possibly can...

RVG...Everything looks great and congrat's on all the new goodies! :yahoo:

FYI...the reason those four pics aren't showing up is that the filenames are too long. If you rename those photos to something shorter, then re-upload them, they'll be fine.

As an example, one of the filenames starts with:


And, then it gets cut off since the name is too long for 420's forums to recognize.

Your filenames are longer than your posts! :)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

RVG...Everything looks great and congrat's on all the new goodies! :yahoo:

FYI...the reason those four pics aren't showing up is that the filenames are too long. If you rename those photos to something shorter, then re-upload them, they'll be fine.

As an example, one of the filenames starts with:


And, then it gets cut off since the name is too long for 420's forums to recognize.

Your filenames are longer than your posts! :)

Good sleuthing Mr. Krip! That's MOTM behavior, there. Who'd of thunk the long file name thing, huh? ;)

Mystery solved! Congrats on the new goodies, RV!
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

Good sleuthing Mr. Krip! That's MOTM behavior, there. Who'd of thunk the long file name thing, huh? ;)

Mystery solved! Congrats on the new goodies, RV!

Thanks, XLR8! I don't know if it's MOTM behavior or just geek behavior, but I'll take it! :)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

It IS MOTM work as far as I'm concerned cuz I'd have NEVER figured that out on my own, since my Mac accepts the long file names...I have to stop doing that then, make them lots shorter, just a name if possible, not an entire description! lol! Thanks again buddy, and now maybe you can tell me how do I get back in there to change them out? I went into my picture files on the computer and shortened the names, but I can't figure out how to get them changed, or do I just put them up in a new posting?
Thanks, XLR8! I don't know if it's MOTM behavior or just geek behavior, but I'll take it! :)
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

I have to try this all over again, so bear with me, I really messed the posting up with those long picture files, and now I have to fix all of those then come back and re-do the entire posting....It will be up later,,,
Thx, and sorry for all the mistakes everyone...
Re: RVgrower's Indoor Closet Grow: a Few N. Lights x Skunk & Some Bag Seeds Under CFL

It IS MOTM work as far as I'm concerned cuz I'd have NEVER figured that out on my own, since my Mac accepts the long file names...I have to stop doing that then, make them lots shorter, just a name if possible, not an entire description! lol! Thanks again buddy, and now maybe you can tell me how do I get back in there to change them out? I went into my picture files on the computer and shortened the names, but I can't figure out how to get them changed, or do I just put them up in a new posting?

Sorry, RVG! I'm not aware of any way to delete a picture that's already been posted in the gallery, but you can post the new ones, and if you're still able to EDIT your post, you can replace the missing pics with the new ones. :goodluck:
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